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Old 08-06-2024, 11:25 PM
Zuranthium Zuranthium is offline
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Originally Posted by sajbert [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If you go a low wis class like gnome with all cha you'll struggle for mana in Classic
This high Charisma path is overrated IMO. First of all, much of the time you can just do the Root + camp play to get through an area. Secondly, Lull is never guaranteed when trying to break/move through a difficult area, so you can't fully rely on it. If you're not bound somewhere close or don't have an available rez, then you really need to be able to "beat" the content with just Root. Lull is therefore just a time-saving measure for doing content you're already capable of.

Third, the difference in Lull crit resist rate with +20 Charisma is like 4% at most; just 1% when you later max out the softcap with great gear. So what's more worthwhile, that or being able to cast more spells in a single timeframe because of having 20 more Wisdom. I would rather have the highest amount of mana, to be able to increase my chance of living through a hard pull. That's when bad deaths will occur, whereas most of the time with Lull it should only be getting used if a camp is "doable" in the first place. Fourth, in the most high power scenario of playing with an Enchanter, they should be the one using Lull, so that you can rez them as needed - they can't rez you.
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Old 08-07-2024, 01:31 AM
Elizondo Elizondo is offline
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Originally Posted by Zuranthium [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This high Charisma path is overrated IMO. First of all, much of the time you can just do the Root + camp play to get through an area. Secondly, Lull is never guaranteed when trying to break/move through a difficult area, so you can't fully rely on it. If you're not bound somewhere close or don't have an available rez, then you really need to be able to "beat" the content with just Root. Lull is therefore just a time-saving measure for doing content you're already capable of.

Third, the difference in Lull crit resist rate with +20 Charisma is like 4% at most; just 1% when you later max out the softcap with great gear. So what's more worthwhile, that or being able to cast more spells in a single timeframe because of having 20 more Wisdom. I would rather have the highest amount of mana, to be able to increase my chance of living through a hard pull. That's when bad deaths will occur, whereas most of the time with Lull it should only be getting used if a camp is "doable" in the first place. Fourth, in the most high power scenario of playing with an Enchanter, they should be the one using Lull, so that you can rez them as needed - they can't rez you.
CHA is King >

High Elf BIS Cleric

Cleric always does the lulling because they have DA
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Old 08-07-2024, 03:19 AM
Zuranthium Zuranthium is offline
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DA doesn't really matter. What matters is if you can beat the room without Lulling or not. If you're dependent on Lull to do content, then it has to be the Enchanter, so the Cleric can rez them on the crit failure and then you keep going. Otherwise you now have to waste time running back with the dead Cleric, which might even mean needing to stop for the night if there's no port available.
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Old 08-07-2024, 04:11 AM
Jimjam Jimjam is online now
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Consider pocket clerics.

Gorgen (Blue) - Agnostic Troll Warrior of the XXXII Dung
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Old 08-07-2024, 10:07 AM
Solist Solist is offline
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Cleric always does the lull.


Cleric survives a critical fail far better with more Hp and more AC, and ability to DA while calmly discussing a plan. Enchanter is free to cast as he pleases to CC.

Enchanter lull fail means panic enchanter channeling and panic healing. Or stun command and pull aggro off enchanter anyway. Back to step 1 but with less time and less hitpoints.

For critical setups you have a corpse and cleric rezbox on self during lulls. Recorpse every 3 hrs. It’s far faster to recover from a rezbox acceptance to clear aggro with a FM enchanter than it is to Rez an enchanter. Camps like duo chardok king and queen, duo emp, duo drusellar back in the Kunark days farming necks etc.
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Old 08-07-2024, 10:17 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline
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Originally Posted by Zuranthium [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This high Charisma path is overrated IMO. First of all, much of the time you can just do the Root + camp play to get through an area. Secondly, Lull is never guaranteed when trying to break/move through a difficult area, so you can't fully rely on it. If you're not bound somewhere close or don't have an available rez, then you really need to be able to "beat" the content with just Root. Lull is therefore just a time-saving measure for doing content you're already capable of.

Third, the difference in Lull crit resist rate with +20 Charisma is like 4% at most; just 1% when you later max out the softcap with great gear. So what's more worthwhile, that or being able to cast more spells in a single timeframe because of having 20 more Wisdom. I would rather have the highest amount of mana, to be able to increase my chance of living through a hard pull. That's when bad deaths will occur, whereas most of the time with Lull it should only be getting used if a camp is "doable" in the first place. Fourth, in the most high power scenario of playing with an Enchanter, they should be the one using Lull, so that you can rez them as needed - they can't rez you.
how to say "im bad at eq" without saying "im bad at eq"

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
With enough Clerics any class can survive AoW.
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Old 08-07-2024, 10:33 AM
Jimjam Jimjam is online now
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Obviously on crit resist lull you cast fear bomb, gate out, pull the plug and go to the bar. Come back an hour or two later and sell rezzes.

Gorgen (Blue) - Agnostic Troll Warrior of the XXXII Dung
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Old 08-07-2024, 12:28 PM
Zuranthium Zuranthium is offline
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Originally Posted by Toxigen [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
how to say "im bad at eq" without saying "im bad at eq"
How to say you're wrong and ignorant, thinking that farming a server for many years with a million alts and modern tech is real EQ, and not even understanding that Lull is non-classic in the first place on p99.

Originally Posted by Solist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Cleric survives a critical fail far better with more Hp and more AC, and ability to DA while calmly discussing a plan. Enchanter is free to cast as he pleases to CC.
You need to already have a plan beforehand. You don't formulate a plan in the 18 seconds of DA being up. The Enchanter is already free to cast all the same. The Cleric can immediately take the aggro as soon as the Lull fails if you're trying to fight.

You don't "survive" at all if you couldn't handle a camp without Lull working. You can either do it or you can't. You need to be prepared for crit fail happening. The plan should be: if crit fail happens in any encounter where you can't safely win, then you just let the Enchanter die and rez them.

Originally Posted by Solist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
For critical setups you have a corpse and cleric rezbox on self during lulls. Recorpse every 3 hrs.
You can't just "have a corpse" sitting there any given time. Having a corpse means you needed to die already, aka you wasted a bunch of time getting back to the camp. It's highly possible that a naked Cleric won't even be able to get back to the camp on their own. That means the Enchanter needs to go help the Cleric get back to the corpse...which means you've now forfeited the camp.
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Old 08-07-2024, 12:49 PM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline
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lmao this guy is a clown

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
With enough Clerics any class can survive AoW.
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Old 08-07-2024, 12:53 PM
Vexenu Vexenu is offline
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Easy/low risk lull: either Enchanter or Cleric lulls, more based on convenience than risk avoidance

Moderately/seriously risky lull: Cleric lulls, prepares to DA as Enchanter cleans up adds

Extremely risky lull: Enchanter lulls and Cleric stays back ready to rez

You could get crazy with shit like Cleric corpsing and casting a self rez box but let's be honest, it's rarely worth going to that trouble and it's not realistic to assume it as a common strategy.
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