Originally Posted by onmove_broke
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MQ seems to be a huge bane on this server. You cannot for example even get Jboots because the same people are camping it over and over and keeping the list for themselves (do not even get me started on this AC list camp in OOT) People logging off for days then claiming they were on the list and harassing you in /tells for the next 30 min.
Can you just eliminate MQ for all items? It really becomes people just selling the MQ instead of actually putting the work in for the quest. . Not sure how there would even be an argument against this. I do not think the original devs meant for people to MQ as a way to hoard a camp/item
The underlying issue is that most everyone knows where X will spawn and at approx what time. MQs being so prevalent is a symptom of that, but it isn't the problem imo. If something is overcamped, there are other camps, some even more lucrative.
And there are other situations where MQing doesn't even involve making plat, but instead highlights elf sim interdependence. For example, it feels really good to be able to help someone finish their epic because you happened to keep a rare nodrop in your bank for months, if not years. And then to have someone return the favor for another quest.
Quite a few features of the original game were not there by intentional design but existed due to inexperience and happenstance. IMO these are some of the best aspects of the game that make it feel more like a world. The devs were trying to play god and failed. Those failures didn't need to be corrected after the fact though. It was wrong to go back and "fix" them.