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Old 12-16-2024, 02:19 PM
Wiltan Wiltan is offline

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Originally Posted by cd288 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I've never understood this mentality on a classic EQ server. One of the whole reasons classic EQ is what we like is the lack of instances and the whole mentality of "I want to be able to do what I want when I want" not necessarily being catered to. Part of that includes competition during raiding, sometimes heightened competition.

If competition is a reason you wouldn't want a server to be more populated, then why play on a non-instanced server at all? Why not play on a server that has instanced raiding?

Just seems like going to like an Italian restaurant and wanting them to have Mexican food. Like why not go to the place that has what you want?
You assume we all play on P99 because of certain hassles instead of in spite of them. I don't care if there's a bit more competition, but right now Blue has a competitive but not overly toxic raid scene. There's enough competition to allow the neckbeards to flex, but there's still pixels to go around.

Honestly I'm starting to think most of the folks that are dying for a merge to happen are just the folks that rushed over to green when it launched so they could farm a bunch of pre-nerf items they hoped to sell once things merged back. The rest of it is just a somewhat plausible reason to say instead of "waaah, I wanna sell some of these mana stones". (Not saying that's you, specifically.)

Complaining that it's not hard enough to get FTE on raid mobs will never make sense to me.
Kobayashii Maruu - Feir'Dal Rogue, Co-Leader/Consigliere of <Castle>
Wiltan Ryouki - Teir'Dal Necromancer
Hikide Kikka - Iksar Monk
Dialectica Logicae - Gnome Wizard
Tuminy Altz - Halfling Druid
Tipsey McStaggers - Ogre Shaman
Medikku Saishi - Koada'Dal Cleric
Lavander Gooms - Teir'Dal Cleric
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Old 12-16-2024, 02:30 PM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline
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Originally Posted by cd288 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I've never understood this mentality on a classic EQ server. One of the whole reasons classic EQ is what we like is the lack of instances and the whole mentality of "I want to be able to do what I want when I want" not necessarily being catered to. Part of that includes competition during raiding, sometimes heightened competition.

If competition is a reason you wouldn't want a server to be more populated, then why play on a non-instanced server at all? Why not play on a server that has instanced raiding?

Just seems like going to like an Italian restaurant and wanting them to have Mexican food. Like why not go to the place that has what you want?
IMO it isn't competition that's the issue per se but that it has been e-sport level competition with little in the way of meaningful punishment for rule-breaking and/or blatant cheating. Even where a punishment has been substantial, eventually it's been quietly walked back. The larger the population, the more scarcity of and demand for loot, the more likely there will be that player who will secure each win by any means necessary, outperforming competitors every time, leaving them to choose between losing and breaking rules/cheating as well. None of that is appealing, personally.

So, in that one way, there's a positive to the lower population. People are way more chill, which is how things seemed to have been in classic on most PVE servers.

The downsides of a lower population are obvious though. As someone who prefers grouping over soloing and raiding, most zones have now been reduced to soloing or bringing your own guild group; without any of the previous fancy ZEM changes, those zones remain largely empty. That said, they are decent options for soloing, though less so now for bards due to the anti-swarm rule in dungeons.

It's not worth pitchforking/torching over, but the time to establish that rule was years ago when the population was high and groups were abundant, forcing those problem players to either solo outdoors or join groups indoors, assuming anyone would have them after ruining their server faction. On blue, much of Norrath is basically an RPG. As unclassic as that feels, it can be fun experimenting around, finding new ways/areas to solo. This is the game, for now at least.
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Old 12-17-2024, 12:10 PM
WarpathEQ WarpathEQ is offline

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Originally Posted by cd288 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I've never understood this mentality on a classic EQ server. One of the whole reasons classic EQ is what we like is the lack of instances and the whole mentality of "I want to be able to do what I want when I want" not necessarily being catered to. Part of that includes competition during raiding, sometimes heightened competition.

If competition is a reason you wouldn't want a server to be more populated, then why play on a non-instanced server at all? Why not play on a server that has instanced raiding?

Just seems like going to like an Italian restaurant and wanting them to have Mexican food. Like why not go to the place that has what you want?
One of my favorite restaurants in town serves both mexican and italian food. Not fusion you either order mexican or italian and both are incredible. Its run by a family that originally came from Mexico and their first experience was working in high end italian restaurants in New York learning classic italian cuisine. Just saying its a lot better than you make it out to be.
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Old 12-17-2024, 01:07 PM
Jalico Jalico is offline

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Not having read through all of the posts but simply to put my opinion on here (not that it actually matters to anyone), I think a merger would allow for "archiving" of characters that have gone through all the old content and are now caught up to the Blue server again..... Restarting Green would bring back that "newbie" experience again and reinvigorate everyone that came back to the servers again when Green originally started.

I know this was one of the original thoughts but I thought it was good for many reasons.... keeping the market and idea of blue alive with no wasted characters and letting green be the early experience we all loved.

Anyways.... just wanted to get it out, love the community and p99.
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