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Old 10-18-2023, 01:47 PM
nilbog nilbog is offline
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Cleaned up the latest replies. Don't troll bug threads.
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Old 10-18-2023, 04:55 PM
Awsten_Tx Awsten_Tx is offline

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Originally Posted by nilbog [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Cleaned up the latest replies. Don't troll bug threads.
In an effort to get this thread back on track, I am reposting what I have found regarding trueshot and bow bonuses...

I dont know if this has been reviewed, but I have found the following patch notes which give insight into how trueshot worked, and thus how archery performed using 2 different patch notes.
January 9, 2001 3:00 am
- Corrected a bug that was causing damage while using the "Trueshot"
Discipline to be the same regardless of the quality of your bow.

This patch, changed the mechanics of trueshot whereas before it made the damage 45, regardless of the bow delay. Sony made this change, then analyzed the damage of rangers, and subsequently made the following change a week later.
January 17, 2001 3:00 am
The ranger's "Trueshot" discipline has had its damage increased after
analyzing data from its fix last week. Prior to the last patch, all
bows, while under the discipline, were hitting as if they were 45dmg
bows regardless of the delay. Last week's patch fixed it so that damage
was based on the damage of the bow. This weeks patch increases damage
bonuses in relation to delay (longer delays yield better damage

This patch specifically tells us that Trueshot yielded better damage bonuses for rangers based on the delay of the bow. In my opinion, this means two things. Bow had their own independent damage bonus (separate from whatever weapon was in primary slot), and 2, Trueshot would amplify the damage bonus. Sony straight up said, longer delays yielded better damage bonuses.
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Old 10-19-2023, 09:50 PM
Thrilla Thrilla is offline

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Originally Posted by Awsten_Tx [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
In an effort to get this thread back on track, I am reposting what I have found regarding trueshot and bow bonuses...

I dont know if this has been reviewed, but I have found the following patch notes which give insight into how trueshot worked, and thus how archery performed using 2 different patch notes.
January 9, 2001 3:00 am
- Corrected a bug that was causing damage while using the "Trueshot"
Discipline to be the same regardless of the quality of your bow.

This patch, changed the mechanics of trueshot whereas before it made the damage 45, regardless of the bow delay. Sony made this change, then analyzed the damage of rangers, and subsequently made the following change a week later.
January 17, 2001 3:00 am
The ranger's "Trueshot" discipline has had its damage increased after
analyzing data from its fix last week. Prior to the last patch, all
bows, while under the discipline, were hitting as if they were 45dmg
bows regardless of the delay. Last week's patch fixed it so that damage
was based on the damage of the bow. This weeks patch increases damage
bonuses in relation to delay (longer delays yield better damage

This patch specifically tells us that Trueshot yielded better damage bonuses for rangers based on the delay of the bow. In my opinion, this means two things. Bow had their own independent damage bonus (separate from whatever weapon was in primary slot), and 2, Trueshot would amplify the damage bonus. Sony straight up said, longer delays yielded better damage bonuses.
For a ranger, not up on my EQemu code, but how would that automatically apply to fatties? Never got bowed once from a fatty on live through velious. Lots of stuff that isn't classic on this box, nerfed clickies, casted pumices, fatties bowing is game breaking, regardless. just my 2c.
Last edited by Thrilla; 10-19-2023 at 10:15 PM..
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Old 10-20-2023, 09:18 AM
Botten Botten is offline
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Per Awsten_Tx's information kinda clues into what may have happened.
Perhaps main hand delay became the blanket damage bonus by mistake.

- Main hand bonus damage based on delay of weapon was added a while back.
- A similar bonus damage based on delay was applied to bows.
- Along with the TrueShot buff and the delay damage bonus on bows then players see the damage described by rangers here:

May 18 2001 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
Acutally highest critical using trueshot on the glade is said to be 1100ish on a velk the sorcery. The bow was a efetti bow. Since delay is one of the factors in damage on trueshot. IE higher delay larger hits.



Jun 05 2001 at 10:20 PM Rating: Default

You are correct, high delay does aid with higher hits.
The hardest I have seen Darby hit with this is now 902.
He needs to work on his archery! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Last edited by Botten; 10-20-2023 at 09:27 AM..
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Old 10-20-2023, 06:22 PM
Thrilla Thrilla is offline

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Originally Posted by Botten [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Per Awsten_Tx's information kinda clues into what may have happened.
Perhaps main hand delay became the blanket damage bonus by mistake.

- Main hand bonus damage based on delay of weapon was added a while back.
- A similar bonus damage based on delay was applied to bows.
- Along with the TrueShot buff and the delay damage bonus on bows then players see the damage described by rangers here:

May 18 2001 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
Acutally highest critical using trueshot on the glade is said to be 1100ish on a velk the sorcery. The bow was a efetti bow. Since delay is one of the factors in damage on trueshot. IE higher delay larger hits.



Jun 05 2001 at 10:20 PM Rating: Default

You are correct, high delay does aid with higher hits.
The hardest I have seen Darby hit with this is now 902.
He needs to work on his archery! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Range attack spam seems unaffected by delay? It’s like a machine gun of 130+ dmg hits with fleeting quiver and range that is well beyond of a casters ability to land spells. 30 seconds for a fully geared velious wizard to go from 3400 plus hp including barrier to death.
Last edited by Thrilla; 10-20-2023 at 06:38 PM..
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Old 10-22-2023, 12:45 PM
Awsten_Tx Awsten_Tx is offline

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The primary hand damage bonus is a p99 specific bug. No other server, including OG live, modern TLP's, Takp function that way. Bows should have their own independent bonus damage which would correct large race weighted axe abuse.

On top of that, it would help correct the inherent nerf that is exclusive to P99 rangers in regards to archery.

Ranger bonuses should be doubled on anchored targets, and should also be bonused when trueshotting.
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Old 11-01-2023, 01:10 PM
bellhop bellhop is offline
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Originally Posted by Tigerstyle Wutangfist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Damage bonus is calculable based on delay and is applies as a flat increase in damage

At player level 60
Weighted Axe = 110 (bis large war/sk)
Gromlok's Basher = 66 (bis non-large war/sk)
Earthshaker = 56 (bis pal/rng)
OT Hammer = 42 (rog)
This is the crux of the issue.

Where throwing weapons right now still have a chance to hit for 1 point of damage, the damage bonus on your main hand weapon is making it so that your lowest possible hit with an arrow IS THE DAMAGE BONUS + whatever calculation is happening beyond that to give you what you're actually hitting for.

Originally Posted by Twainz [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Why am I able to do this much damage this fast on a Troll Warrior with a Weighted Axe. I'm legit a machine gun fighting kids with knives.

[Mon Dec 21 23:16:20 2020] You hit Gstring for 111 points of damage.
[Mon Dec 21 23:16:43 2020] You hit Gstring for 111 points of damage.
As you can see in Twainz' original post, his lowest hit is the damage bonus of his weighted axe + 1 point of damage.

Within the larger context of a log file from Twainz, he's shooting arrows with a Weighted Axe, and because he's got OTHER HITS on, you're seeing bow damage from Faceoff (Troll SK with Weighted Axe) shooting arrows as well:

Originally Posted by Twainz [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:17 2021] LOADING, PLEASE WAIT...
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:28 2021] You have entered The Overthere.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:38 2021] Vhanilla invites you to join a group.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:38 2021] To join the group, click on the 'FOLLOW' option, or 'DISBAND' to cancel.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:43 2021] Bogey tries to hit YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:43 2021] You notify Vhanilla that you agree to join the group.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:44 2021] You have joined the group.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:44 2021] Your target is too close to use a ranged weapon!!
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:45 2021] Melodie lets loose a piercing blast.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:45 2021] Baugi begins to cast a spell.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:46 2021] Bogey hits Vhanilla for 111 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:46 2021] You hit Baugi for 187 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:47 2021] Your feet move faster.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:48 2021] Bogey tries to hit Vhanilla, but misses!
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:48 2021] Vhanilla reels in pain and loses concentration.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:48 2021] You hit Baugi for 111 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:49 2021] Bogey tries to hit Vhanilla, but misses!
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:50 2021] You try to hit Baugi, but miss!
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:51 2021] Bogey tries to hit Vhanilla, but misses!
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:51 2021] Baugi regains concentration and continues casting.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:51 2021] Your skin erupts in purulent pock marks. You have taken 60 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:52 2021] Vhanilla's image shimmers.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:52 2021] You hit Baugi for 130 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:54 2021] You hit Baugi for 200 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:55 2021] You hit Baugi for 149 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:56 2021] Faceoff hits Baugi for 111 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:57 2021] Thunderdorne Scores a critical hit!(37)
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:57 2021] You hit Baugi for 147 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:58 2021] You hit Baugi for 156 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:42:59 2021] Baugi begins to cast a spell.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:00 2021] You hit Baugi for 143 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:01 2021] Faceoff tries to hit Baugi, but misses!
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:02 2021] You hit Baugi for 111 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:02 2021] Baugi regains concentration and continues casting.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:03 2021] You hit Faceoff for 129 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:06 2021] You slow down.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:07 2021] Baugi begins to cast a spell.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:08 2021] Faceoff hits Baugi for 111 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:08 2021] You hit Baugi for 123 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:08 2021] Your target is too close to use a ranged weapon!!
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:10 2021] Auto attack on.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:10 2021] You slash Baugi for 143 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:10 2021] YOU are tormented!
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:10 2021] You slash Baugi for 278 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:10 2021] YOU are tormented!
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:10 2021] Baugi's casting is interrupted!
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:11 2021] Baugi begins to cast a spell.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:11 2021] Faceoff was tormented.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:11 2021] Faceoff slashes Baugi for 126 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:11 2021] Faceoff was tormented.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:11 2021] Faceoff slashes Baugi for 190 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:11 2021] Baugi has been slain by Faceoff!
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:11 2021] Baugi's casting is interrupted!
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:11 2021] [PvP] Baugi <Perdition> has been defeated by Faceoff <Apex> in The Overthere!
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:16 2021] Your target is too close to use a ranged weapon!!
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:17 2021] Vhanilla is bound by strands of solid music.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:17 2021] Melodie lets loose a piercing blast.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:19 2021] You hit Melodie for 138 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:30 2021] You hit Melodie for 115 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:32 2021] You hit Melodie for 130 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:33 2021] You try to hit Melodie, but miss!
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:35 2021] You hit Melodie for 142 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:37 2021] You hit Melodie for 135 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:38 2021] Melodie lets loose a piercing blast.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:38 2021] You hit Melodie for 115 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:40 2021] You hit Melodie for 139 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:41 2021] Melodie's song ends abruptly.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:42 2021] You hit Melodie for 192 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:51 2021] Your feet move faster.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:53 2021] You hit Jimbobbie for 133 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:55 2021] You hit Melodie for 128 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:57 2021] You hit Melodie for 187 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:43:59 2021] You try to hit Melodie, but miss!
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:02 2021] You hit Melodie for 114 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:03 2021] You assume a precise fighting style.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:04 2021] You hit Melodie for 111 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:05 2021] You hit Melodie for 174 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:06 2021] Faceoff tries to hit YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:06 2021] You slow down.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:06 2021] You hit Melodie for 111 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:09 2021] Faceoff tries to hit YOU, but misses!
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:09 2021] You hit Melodie for 131 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:09 2021] You have slain Melodie!
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:09 2021] [PvP] Melodie <> has been defeated by Thunderdorne <Apex> in The Overthere!
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:13 2021] You try to hit Bogey, but miss!
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:14 2021] You receive 4 silver and 2 copper from the corpse.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:26 2021] The grim aura fades.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:26 2021] A dull aura covers your hand.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:26 2021] The maelstrom fades away.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:26 2021] You are enveloped in a swirling maelstrom.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:26 2021] The brambles fall away.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:26 2021] You are surrounded by a thorny barrier.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:30 2021] You hit Bogey for 151 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:31 2021] You hit Bogey for 145 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:33 2021] You hit Bogey for 149 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:35 2021] You hit Bogey for 160 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:36 2021] You hit Bogey for 147 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:37 2021] You hit Bogey for 144 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:39 2021] You hit Bogey for 117 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:41 2021] You hit Bogey for 111 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:41 2021] The pox has run its course.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:43 2021] You hit Bogey for 148 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:44 2021] You hit Bogey for 202 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:46 2021] You hit Bogey for 153 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:47 2021] You hit Bogey for 161 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:48 2021] Faceoff hits Bogey for 111 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:49 2021] You hit Bogey for 160 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:50 2021] You hit Bogey for 151 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:52 2021] You hit Bogey for 111 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:53 2021] You hit Bogey for 184 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:55 2021] You hit Bogey for 121 points of damage.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:55 2021] Faceoff tries to hit Bogey, but misses!
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:56 2021] Faceoff tries to hit Bogey, but misses!
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:56 2021] You try to hit Bogey, but miss!
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:57 2021] Bogey writhes in the grip of agony.
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:57 2021] Bogey has been slain by Bogey!
[Sat Feb 13 14:44:57 2021] Bogey's casting is interrupted!
You can see that both characters' absolute lowest possible damage with arrows is ALWAYS 111 points of damage.

Where most every weapon or special skill in the game has it's own minimum damage coded in (flying kick, backstabs, kicks, throwing weapons, etc etc), arrows are using the damage bonuses of the slowest weapons available to give you the minimum damage you'll do, and then it starts calculating AC and everything else after that.

In general, someone with 1600 AC would take very little damage from ANY melee damage across the board, but with arrows how they are, it's creating an environment now where everyone is building up armies of TROLL, OGRE, or BARBARIAN bow users, because the weighted axe provides gargantuan minimum hit benefits.

The way people use gear and build characters on Red99 now is mostly by building up the maximum amount of hit points, with no regard for resists or any other alternative criteria. Casters of any kind are only situationally useful, because they have far less hit points than large races and they can't do anything to bow users at 300-350 range.

Another log from this thread (Ogre SK with Weighted Axe):

Originally Posted by Tune [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:16 2021] You try to hit Papercuts, but miss!
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:17 2021] You hit Papercuts for 117 points of damage.
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:19 2021] You hit Papercuts for 114 points of damage.
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:20 2021] You try to hit Papercuts, but miss!
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:21 2021] You try to hit Papercuts, but miss!
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:22 2021] You try to hit Papercuts, but miss!
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:23 2021] You try to hit Papercuts, but miss!
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:24 2021] You hit Papercuts for 111 points of damage.
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:25 2021] You try to hit Papercuts, but miss!
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:26 2021] You try to hit Papercuts, but miss!
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:27 2021] You try to hit Papercuts, but miss!
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:29 2021] You try to hit Papercuts, but miss!
[Fri Oct 22 17:57:30 2021] You hit Papercuts for 124 points of damage.

sk bow vs a rog
Again, not many hits to go off of here, but the minimum is 111.

Rogues in many different contexts use the OT hammer and don't bother with normal melee, backstabbing, or using any other type of tactical ingenuity to kill people.

The strong vocal outcry is because there's a bastardization effect happening on the normal modes of PvP, and it's making the majority of classes AND races broadly ineffective. Even the very well geared casters can't compete against a "Walmart" Ogre, Troll, or Barbarian SK or warrior.
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Old 11-04-2023, 09:12 PM
Botten Botten is offline
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You mentioned it is a HP race. HP is very valuable in PvP and PvE. It makes sense to be the go to stat.

Two separate tangents to the Bowquest in Red p99 I find intriguing.

1. Shadow Knights and Paladins have a max Archery skill of 75. Do skills affect miss rate in PvP? If I were to wager I don't think they do.

In short in PvE only weapon skill affects chance to hit.

Weapon skill contributes to ATK so it's often conflated, but ATK is what's used vs the opponent's AC to calculate damage, not chance to hit.

Here's where everybody ends up being right: in EQ, if damage is mitigated to 0, it displays as miss. Even though you actually hit the enemy, it was just reduced to 0.

So anything that affects ATK (i.e. weapon skill, offense skill, and STR) will impact how frequently you see a miss on screen due to "false" misses from damage output vs mitigation.

But only weapon skill impacts a true miss.

2. For Red server there is an entry that eludes that AGI affect hit rating.
Here -

On Red server Dexterity affects PVP hit rate. It does this by comparing your dexterity to your opponent's agility. There is no evidence that Dexterity affects hit rate in PVE.

How is this compared?
For Example:

Attacking player has 70 Dex they roll a random number 1-70 ; They get a 67
Defending player has 200 Agi they roll a random number 1-200 ; They get a 59

Does the attacker hit the defending player?

Is it that simple?

I don't expect p99 developers to release this information nor to reprogram the system to make it more accurate.

I just find it interesting.
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Old 11-04-2023, 11:03 PM
bellhop bellhop is offline
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Originally Posted by Botten [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You mentioned it is a HP race. HP is very valuable in PvP and PvE. It makes sense to be the go to stat.

Two separate tangents to the Bowquest in Red p99 I find intriguing.

1. Shadow Knights and Paladins have a max Archery skill of 75. Do skills affect miss rate in PvP? If I were to wager I don't think they do.

In short in PvE only weapon skill affects chance to hit.

Weapon skill contributes to ATK so it's often conflated, but ATK is what's used vs the opponent's AC to calculate damage, not chance to hit.

Here's where everybody ends up being right: in EQ, if damage is mitigated to 0, it displays as miss. Even though you actually hit the enemy, it was just reduced to 0.

So anything that affects ATK (i.e. weapon skill, offense skill, and STR) will impact how frequently you see a miss on screen due to "false" misses from damage output vs mitigation.

But only weapon skill impacts a true miss.

2. For Red server there is an entry that eludes that AGI affect hit rating.
Here -

On Red server Dexterity affects PVP hit rate. It does this by comparing your dexterity to your opponent's agility. There is no evidence that Dexterity affects hit rate in PVE.

How is this compared?
For Example:

Attacking player has 70 Dex they roll a random number 1-70 ; They get a 67
Defending player has 200 Agi they roll a random number 1-200 ; They get a 59

Does the attacker hit the defending player?

Is it that simple?

I don't expect p99 developers to release this information nor to reprogram the system to make it more accurate.

I just find it interesting.

I’m not certain anyone disputes that fact. The agility versus dexterity was the case prior to this bug, and plenty of people have grievances about that topic (hit rates). It’s also helpful to keep in mind that with the era we’re in, dexterity is a far, far more common stat than agility, even at the very high end. Agility gets its heyday in Luclin for the most part. People aren’t missing hits very much.

That point aside, it’s a mutually exclusive point from this bug. This bug is doing two versions of damage simultaneously, once from the bonus damage of a main hand weapon, and then again with the actual bow.

Priceless Velium Reinforced Bow was valuable prior to this bug on the server. That is not the bow of choice anymore, despite being the superior bow in almost every respect.

The bows most sought after are the ones that can shoot arrows the fastest. Players want those bows because the MINIMUM hit is so huge from things like the weighted axe that the damage on bows isn’t a real consideration. Players only consider delays. Whatever bow that can pump out 111 points of damage the fastest.

The Sarnak War Bow is one, at 25 delay. It’s very clearly not as good on its face as a Priceless or Primal bow. The second is a Bow of The Destroyer - at 17 delay. Also not as good as Priceless or Primal by any objective standard.

Sidenote: Most people are choosing fatty warriors because of the precision discipline with bows. That discipline essentially erases the dexterity versus agility consideration. It’s nearly putting your arrows at a 100% hit rate. Again, not the point - but it does have an indirect relationship with this bug. It works in concert with the obscene minimum damages coming from any bow user.

I’d just keep in mind that Backstab is meant to be one of the strongest, if not the strongest, special abilities in the game, and it’s got a minimum hit of 120 damage, BARELY above a 350 range arrow attack. Call me crazy, but that seems imbalanced.

Don’t get me wrong, when this bug was found out, the entire server took notice, rerolled, and switched tactics. So in that respect it’s not this disparity where one single person or guild has access to anything over another. It’s much more asymmetrical at a fundamental level. It’s also not something that was in the patch notes at any point, right? There shouldn’t be a defense for something that wasn’t supposed to be here in the first place.
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Old 11-07-2023, 07:29 PM
Awsten_Tx Awsten_Tx is offline

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The primary hand damage bonus is a bug exclusive to p99. It wasnt that way on live nor is it replicated on any other server.
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