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Old 12-07-2024, 02:46 PM
Barlu Barlu is offline
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Default Grand Herbalist & Small Manisi Plant

Did some digging here on the forums without much luck. Anyone that has farmed a few know the spawn % on Grand Herbalist and what a realistic drop % is on the small manisi plant?

Wiki says 20% spawn and 2% drop rate. Trying to get a feel for whether it would be worth camping. 2% drop rate would probably be a no. Thank you!
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Old 12-07-2024, 06:01 PM
Snaggles Snaggles is offline
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No hard facts on it but camped some other spawns. With a two spawn camp (PH or named) and a limited loot list it seems about on par with Overseer’s halfling mask. Which I’ve heard upwards of 40hrs and some lucky people with less. Compared to trying to get a Jeldorin off Battlemaster the odds seem much worse (3 spawn with 2 ultra rare on his table). I have a lot of friends with the herb and halfling mask, less making BM pay off.

I would expect no less than 40 hours. If that is a non-starter maybe not go down that road. Or you can leave the ench there and dabble when it’s free to maybe luck out. Or leave the monk there and hit up the Dok farmers and commission the LR’s. I bet 40-50k would get you one eventually.
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Old 12-07-2024, 10:03 PM
Barlu Barlu is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaggles [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
No hard facts on it but camped some other spawns. With a two spawn camp (PH or named) and a limited loot list it seems about on par with Overseer’s halfling mask. Which I’ve heard upwards of 40hrs and some lucky people with less. Compared to trying to get a Jeldorin off Battlemaster the odds seem much worse (3 spawn with 2 ultra rare on his table). I have a lot of friends with the herb and halfling mask, less making BM pay off.

I would expect no less than 40 hours. If that is a non-starter maybe not go down that road. Or you can leave the ench there and dabble when it’s free to maybe luck out. Or leave the monk there and hit up the Dok farmers and commission the LR’s. I bet 40-50k would get you one eventually.
Appreciate the advice and that’s what I was afraid of. Done the halfling mask before and did not enjoy it. This will probably be worse since the named kill seems a little harder as well. May try a few PHs here and there and hope to get really lucky. Thanks again appreciate the help.
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Old 12-07-2024, 08:34 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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I heard it was quite rare. Haven't camped it myself for that reason.

If it was more common, I'd imagine you would see more people selling loot rights. You see people selling Kennelmaster loot rights fairly often, for example.
Last edited by DeathsSilkyMist; 12-07-2024 at 08:38 PM..
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Old 12-08-2024, 03:21 AM
Snaggles Snaggles is offline
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Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I heard it was quite rare. Haven't camped it myself for that reason.

If it was more common, I'd imagine you would see more people selling loot rights. You see people selling Kennelmaster loot rights fairly often, for example.
One thing to keep in mind is the Grand Herbalist’s token prize is a 200-300p Jade Meditation Hoop. That makes mostly a commissioned or self-hunted target.

I see more people frantically trying to move halfling masks but they prob assumed they would get a cape and move on.

Originally Posted by Barlu [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Appreciate the advice and that’s what I was afraid of. Done the halfling mask before and did not enjoy it. This will probably be worse since the named kill seems a little harder as well. May try a few PHs here and there and hope to get really lucky. Thanks again appreciate the help.
No problem! Mostly hunch with some word of mouth from friends. I could be wrong but would definitely mix in Alch/wiz so it’s less painful. Might end up with a shovel as well [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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Old 12-07-2024, 11:02 PM
bcbrown bcbrown is offline

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I saw it rotting on green the other week.
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Old 12-08-2024, 09:51 AM
PatChapp PatChapp is offline
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Not rare for this to be a 100hr camp. Some people get lucky
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Old 12-09-2024, 04:54 PM
Troxx Troxx is offline
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This is just a clicky to summon bandages of a sort or am I missing something?

If so bandages are cheap … seems like a lot of effort for something so unnecessary.
Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
There is no fail message for FD.

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Old 12-09-2024, 05:00 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Originally Posted by Troxx [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This is just a clicky to summon bandages of a sort or am I missing something?

If so bandages are cheap … seems like a lot of effort for something so unnecessary.
It's generally for when you are in a location that is harder to get in/out of. As a simple example, Monks can't be bound in PoM. If they want to level in Rat Maze, they would need to rely on other players to get them bandages. That or pay 2k for a CoTH every time they run out. They can't use the dagger that summons bandages either.

I agree it's not really necessary anytime you can sneak buy bandages when doing things like killing guards.
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Old 12-10-2024, 05:58 PM
Barlu Barlu is offline
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Originally Posted by Troxx [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This is just a clicky to summon bandages of a sort or am I missing something?

If so bandages are cheap … seems like a lot of effort for something so unnecessary.
You are not missing anything. Pretty niche use case, but good for a soloing Monk with limited bag space that doesn’t want to keep running out from wherever they are exping to buy bandages. Based on how long the camp is, it will never provide a return on your time. I don’t have much time to play anymore, so if I can scrounge 50k I would probably pay for loot rights.

I de leveled my Monk so would be nice to never have to buy a bandage while re leveling. Also, can’t hammer till 50 so makes getting out of some places slightly more time consuming.

To DSM’s point, if you are going to level for a long time at rat maz, my guess is your gonna pay for a locket bind so you can hammer out then get TL’d back.
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