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Old 04-06-2023, 09:55 AM
IzHaN80 IzHaN80 is offline

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Post Rot/Rotting broken?

Hello fellow people. I've recently come across an issue that might impact the leveling efficiency of those that much enjoy the joys of rot/rooting mobs. To test this, you gotta pull a mob and have them root them in place, without having them hit you, casts dots on him, and watch his hp % drop. Then after you've done that test, try again by rooting them in place or if they were in movement, having them hit you before you start doting them or dot+fear, and study their hp, you will see the big difference, it acts as if the game only detects if the mob has stopped moving if they were static previous to the root or if they were moving, you or your pet, or your group mate needs to have the mob hit them to have their position updated.

Share your tests, i have done this already so many times, and is broken, and what's worse, without being able to watch DOT damage, a lot of people might be wasting their time thinking they're doing things right.
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Old 04-06-2023, 11:23 AM
cdfurry cdfurry is offline

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What you are seeing is in fact how it works. I am not sure broken is the right term in this timeline, as I believe this is how it worked until much later when it was fixed.

A feared mob or one in melee with player or pet will take full damage from dots.

A mob chasing a player while dotted will take reduced dot damage.

Rooting the mob still leaves it in the chase state until someone steps into melee or it is feared as you stated.

It does seem like a broken mechanic and it was addressed by patches later out of the timeline p99 is in I believe but I may be wrong. The main way to ensure dots do full damage is to jump in to take a hit after you root it and then back off.
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Old 04-06-2023, 01:22 PM
IzHaN80 IzHaN80 is offline

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Originally Posted by cdfurry [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
What you are seeing is in fact how it works. I am not sure broken is the right term in this timeline, as I believe this is how it worked until much later when it was fixed.

A feared mob or one in melee with player or pet will take full damage from dots.

A mob chasing a player while dotted will take reduced dot damage.

Rooting the mob still leaves it in the chase state until someone steps into melee or it is feared as you stated.

It does seem like a broken mechanic and it was addressed by patches later out of the timeline p99 is in I believe but I may be wrong. The main way to ensure dots do full damage is to jump in to take a hit after you root it and then back off.
if a mob is moving and you root him, is in fact, not moving anymore, and you shouldn't have to get hit or have someone melee the mob to make him take full dot damage. I mean, then what i am using roots then all this time? To prevent taking any damage from the mob.

If you root a stationary mob, he takes full damage, it doesn't make any sense that if you catch a moving mob or if root breaks and you re-root you gonna take damage to make the game update mobs position.

I consider this to be a bug and nothing to do with Classic
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Old 04-06-2023, 01:46 PM
PatChapp PatChapp is offline
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Originally Posted by IzHaN80 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
if a mob is moving and you root him, is in fact, not moving anymore, and you shouldn't have to get hit or have someone melee the mob to make him take full dot damage. I mean, then what i am using roots then all this time? To prevent taking any damage from the mob.

If you root a stationary mob, he takes full damage, it doesn't make any sense that if you catch a moving mob or if root breaks and you re-root you gonna take damage to make the game update mobs position.

I consider this to be a bug and nothing to do with Classic
P99 has shit mechanics,news
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Old 04-08-2023, 03:54 AM
Lich Lich is offline

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It's what we refer to as "ghost root" or "phantom root" and it's a stupid bug. I wish they would bring back chat messages for dot damage for this reason. Immolate was broken for months and was doing zero damage. The not classic argument for dot message is moot at this point.
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Old 04-08-2023, 08:45 AM
IzHaN80 IzHaN80 is offline

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Originally Posted by Lich [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It's what we refer to as "ghost root" or "phantom root" and it's a stupid bug. I wish they would bring back chat messages for dot damage for this reason. Immolate was broken for months and was doing zero damage. The not classic argument for dot message is moot at this point.
Yeah, the not classic argument for this change was awful. I don't think anybody would have complain if we kept up the dot messages, and yeah, only for this sole reason, they should bring them back.
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Old 04-08-2023, 12:32 PM
Crede Crede is offline
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Originally Posted by IzHaN80 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Yeah, the not classic argument for this change was awful. I don't think anybody would have complain if we kept up the dot messages, and yeah, only for this sole reason, they should bring them back.
Yea I’d rather have dot damage then pet windows on blue honestly.
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Old 04-30-2023, 02:52 AM
IzHaN80 IzHaN80 is offline

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Originally Posted by Lich [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It's what we refer to as "ghost root" or "phantom root" and it's a stupid bug. I wish they would bring back chat messages for dot damage for this reason. Immolate was broken for months and was doing zero damage. The not classic argument for dot message is moot at this point.
I didn't play my Druid for a while, it is viable to root/rot on a Druid nowdays?
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Old 04-30-2023, 07:24 AM
Crede Crede is offline
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Originally Posted by IzHaN80 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I didn't play my Druid for a while, it is viable to root/rot on a Druid nowdays?
Its viable with epic but you’re better off charming or quadding
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Old 04-30-2023, 09:47 PM
IzHaN80 IzHaN80 is offline

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Originally Posted by Crede [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Its viable with epic but you’re better off charming or quadding
For me, Charming was always the route with my Druid, i was just wondering if the damage with Inmolate was noticiable, i guess i will test that at some point, just to satisfy my curiosity.
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