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Old 08-13-2023, 02:26 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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Originally Posted by Detoxx [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Yet they changed DN spiders to summon based on one post from Allakhazam 20 years ago. No logs, no Video, no Patch notes. That is cherry picking.
A change which came with the condition that it would be reverted if more evidence was provided to the contrary. That change was however shown to be classic.

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(7/9/01 4:44:28 pm)

Very soon we will start raiding higher level dungeons, etc. How exciting! Thought it might be worthwhile to share some info I found on posts regarding the topic. By no means am I trying to lay out rules here, simply trying to keep the topic in the forefront because soon it will be a big part of what we do.
Here are some rules for raids, if you are not the leader:

1. Show up, on time, prepared (equipment, maps, resist gear, potions, gems for symbols, fish scales, coffins, etc)).
2. Join the group you are assigned.
3. Be helpful: Buff others (but ask them first).
4. Follow instructions.
5. DO NOT EXPLORE or wander. Stay with the group or in your assigned place.
6. Before raid starts, determine the following and make hotkeys:
- primary assist hotkey
- secondary assist hotkey
- "add" assist hotkey
- special raid hotkeys ("Assist Locz on %t", "Snared %t", "Peeling %t", "Parking %t, back off!", "Incoming %t", "%t has been slowed", "Kiting %t", etc).
- determine the raid-only channel for instructions
- determine the "chat" channel
- name of loot leader
- name of enchanter giving haste
- name of enchanter giving clarity
- name of persons giving focus / DMF / aegiolism / etc
7. get buffed in the proper buff order (junk and lesser buffs first)
8. LISTEN to instructions.
19. FOLLOW instructions.
10. Don't harass the raid leader / puller / peeler / assist people with tells. They are too busy.
11. Don't whine about experience. The purpose of a raid is not experience (thats a "grind" group). Groups are specifically arranged to maximize kill effectiveness, not for divvying up experience evenly.
12. Don't loot unless told to.
13. When fighting:
- follow instructions.
- always assist. Never attack unless you assist. (take personal initiative only when assists have died and announce to others your action using a hotkey / you are told otherwise / dire circumstances require it).
- don't sit just before the pull (MOB may aggro you).
- turn off auto-attack if the MOB enrages. (enrage = autoriposte)
- usually best to keep the chanter's alive (it is OK to emergency heal them)
- learn to "push" caster/healer MOBs so that their casting gets interrupted. This means all tanks but rogues fight on the same side and vector, pushing the MOB backwards, and switch sides as told by the main assist. This technique also makes the raid rogues far more effective.
- avoid aggroing secondary MOBs into the fight.
- only the raid leader calls for "clerics camp" if a wipeout seems possible.
- announce specifically important events: key LDs, key deaths, MOB AE cast times, snare in, emergency heal needs (if your clerics are dead).
- casters only nuke within aggro radius, and after the tanks have secured aggro, to avoid "ping ponging"
- don't push the MOB through a wall, or off a bridge, etc.
14. Group leaders announce mana level /preparedness after the fight.
15. NEVER, EVER, train the camp. Die instead.

Hope this summarizes well.

Ok, Vlieke here again. I hope that info was helpful and thought-provoking. As you can see, some groups take a rather militaristic approach to raids, I suppose with good reason. I don't think such a hard-ass approach is inherently necessary, but GOOD ORGANIZATION and PREPARATION is. I would think that pre-raid briefs will be necessary, as well as post-raid debriefs. Sure, they might be boring, but they are a great tool for learning and refining.

For the most part, we've all been either soloing or fighting in smaller (6 or less) guild groups for the duration of our characters' existence(s). Fairly soon this will change, and I have no doubt it will be enjoyable for VF, and our guild will begin to prosper and solidify even more.

Please share your thoughts here. I know Raloth, the High Council and other Officers and members of the guild are interested in getting our raid thang going.

P.S.S. If we need raid leaders, I humbly volunteer.


Rotep of Lanys
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(12/16/01 7:47:45 am)
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mob pushing-what is it?
I never heard of this term before. What does it mean to "push a mob"?
knows that Warriors are Superior
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(12/16/01 8:49:48 am)
Reply Re: mob pushing-what is it?
Some high level mobs cannot be interupted by normal stuns and such, giants in kael are a good example. So to imterpt the complete heals, everyone gets on one side of the mob and "pushes" it. As you hit it, it will move back some and most of the time interupt casting, This also works on ToV mobs and other high level encounters.
Haldainas Eviencar
Aeril Droigheann
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(12/17/01 12:56:59 pm)
Reply Re: mob pushing-what is it?
The biggest importance is just positioning. A lot of AE fights have walls that you can hide the casters behind to prevent them from being hit by it. In these situations, it's important to keep the mob from moving beyond the corner so it's AE doesn't hit the casters. If you don't have enough damage to make up for CH/gate then you probably won't have enough to push reliably for an interrupt.
Aeryl Firebrand, Warlord
Aeril Droigheann, 59 Preserver, Semi-Retired
Aerul Cuinnsear, 48 Rogue, Semi-Retired
Undaunted, Xegony
knows that Warriors are Superior
Posts: 80
(12/18/01 7:05:19 am)
Reply Re: mob pushing-what is it?
Tried some mob pushing in Kael yesterday,didn't interrupt a single spell [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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Solos Stormreaper
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(12/18/01 6:16:46 pm)
Re: mob pushing-what is it?
Regular melee damage pushes. If you notice when you get hit by a mob, it pushes you back. This happens to a mob as well, I think based on how much damage you do. I'm guessing it's based off of damage, since I noticed monks can do a lot of pushing with their melee.

What I like to do is flank. Surround the mob. This keeps the mob from moving around so much. Here's a sample diagram:

/ \

In this above diagram, the mob should move towards the meleer doing the least damage, according to my theory. If players are doing the same melee damage, then the mob shouldn't be moving at all, since all the pushing is getting countered.

P - M - P

In this above diagram, the mob should definitely be moving towards the right. Though, the amount it's being pushed per second would most likely be the same, if all players are doing equal damage, in this diagram below:

> M

I also have rarely interupted a giant in Kael from casting a heal. It's not good pushing it into a wall, despite popular belief... I play a shaman and druid and usually run to a corner to gate away from a train and know that the wall will help me channel through the hits. Been able to escape some trains while pulling old Chardok this way.

The best way i heard to stop a CH is to mana suck them or whatever the PC term is now

Mana sieve or drain it's mana.
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Turom Toesmasher
knows that Warriors are Superior
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(12/20/01 8:44:17 am)
Re: mob pushing-what is it?
To push a mob effectively, you really need to stack on the main tank. The main tank needs to steer the mob, by facing the direction you want the mob pushed.

It's important for everyone to understand stacking though, as their will be times that you need to switch sides to push the mob another way.

Pushing definately does interrupt spells... a long time ago, I recall doing Vox... we had 2 chanters, one died almost instantly. Having only one chanter left usually means death with Vox, but we were able to stack and push her around enough to prevent CHs. Ended up taking her down with 21 because of the good pushing.

knows that Warriors are superior
Posts: 76
(7/16/02 4:34:58 pm)

Re: Western Wastes Dragons
Some of the dragons are deceptively nasty. Mav Sapara, Von, Mraaka, Glati, probably the rest of the Saparas as well.

This is a great place to practice strategies and tactics you'll use in lategame raiding, such as main tanking, pushing gaters, resisting AEs, and the like.

knows that Warriors are superior
Posts: 2
(7/17/02 7:05:46 am)
Reply Re: Western Wastes Dragons
"pushing gaters"

While this works very well for unstunnable mobs mid-game, I really wouldn't suggest it as a great strategy for late-game/end-game mobs. Enchanter sieving works far better, since mobs at that high of a level have such a high channeling skill that they will just regain consentration and continue their casting 99% of the time.

Kael arena, it's been a mixed bag. They regain about 50% of the time from my experiences there. ToV, forget about it. A successful push there has resulted in:

An Ancient Frost Guardian regains consentration and continues it's casting...
An Ancient Frost Guardian gates.

every time
I've ever seen it tried.

Enchanters sieving their mana away is the only sure fire method that I've seen work for preventing gaters, other than fighting close enough to their spawn location that is.

End game mobs are even worse than ToV mobs.

It's a good strategy, and will serve you well for a while... but don't expect to ever see it work late and end game.

It's not a strategy to be "practiced" now "for" late/end game, it's a strategy to be "used" now "until" late/end game comes.
knows that Warriors are superior
Posts: 36
(8/7/02 12:43:11 pm)
Reply Re: Western Wastes Dragons
Gflux dragons aren't bad. Everyone needs an instant click effect item, be it jboots, gobo earring, or whatnot. first buff slot need to be the instant click, then the rest of your buffs, and lev/DMF near the bottom. Refresh your instant click whenever it gets dispelled.

As far as pushing gaters, if you push the far enough I've never seen them channel. There are many mobs you do not want to sieve, due to the fact that they're chumps as long as they try to keep casting.

Be very careful in regards to the mobs you grab, and don't have too much faith in those WW guides. Things have changed recently with regards to the sleeper revamps.

Anyhow, what the other guys said, stay the hell away from anything with more than one name; they'll rock you harder than front row tickets at a White Lion concert.
Last edited by Ennewi; 08-13-2023 at 02:32 AM..
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Old 08-13-2023, 05:34 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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Barrin Soulburner
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(2/4/01 1:42:43 am)

Re: Question about Vox Stunning
If all the tanks face the front of Vox and push her backwards, that will interrupt CH most of the time (if you have enough tanks beating on her). Most reliable way to prevent CH is mana sieve. Magic based spells have a 0.001% chance of hitting (/wave stun) and bash will not interrupt like it would a normal mob.
Barrin Soulburner

Woland Grauensturm
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(6/15/02 2:51:58 pm)
Re: Ridiculous amounts of gating

Two days in a row now did we have to abort our planned Telkorenar kill due to several wipeout from gating mobs. I have never seen anything like this. Not even when we started doing west ToV some 9 months ago was it this bad. We don't have any bards since we're evil team on Vallon but we do push etc, everything by the book. It seems that pushing a mob half across the zone doesn't have the slightest impact anymore.

I just can't believe that 10+ gating mobs on two raids is a coincidence. I'm positive something has changed here.
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Old 08-13-2023, 08:19 PM
long.liam long.liam is offline

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Originally Posted by Detoxx [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Yet they changed DN spiders to summon based on one post from Allakhazam 20 years ago. No logs, no Video, no Patch notes. That is cherry picking.

Mobs were able to be pushed. I could find plenty more evidence but the evidence above by me and others is enough. And again, the evidence they used to take away push was based on a completely different coded source. Alkabor had to be recoded from the bottom up to get it on macs.

There are other reasons they wont change it.
What the P99 dev's will do vs what is actually a good way to establish what the truth is, are two completely different things. I acknowledge that the P99 developers have made some design choices that I don't understand and in some cases I don't agree with, but in either case it's not my server, so I have no control of what happens.
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Old 08-13-2023, 08:33 PM
long.liam long.liam is offline

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Originally Posted by Ennewi [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I'm not trying be rude, but perhaps instead of spamming the bug forums with boat loads of anecdotal information, you should instead try to find official patch notes or eq developer posts that back up your claims. Even verified unedited log files would be better than spamming random stories from the deep web. The plural of anecdote is not data. Just, because you have found a bunch of random people stating they saw such and such thing, does not make it true. There a tons of people that swear that they have seen ghosts, aliens, and other such things. That does not make those things real.
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Old 08-13-2023, 11:40 PM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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Originally Posted by long.liam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I'm not trying be rude, but perhaps instead of spamming the bug forums with boat loads of anecdotal information, you should instead try to find official patch notes or eq developer posts that back up your claims.
Firsthand accounts from various links have been cited on numerous occasions, by players and staff members alike, sometimes with those being the only source of information used. There simply aren't enough details in three years of patch notes or developer posts for both to be the only trusted sources.

Originally Posted by long.liam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Even verified unedited log files would be better than spamming random stories from the deep web.
The more good information is shown, the farther from imperfect it becomes. In the absence of what is ideal, there is what is available, Titanium client included.

Originally Posted by long.liam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The plural of anecdote is not data.

April 06, 2011
The plural of anecdote is data, after all
I've used the quotation "The plural of anecdote is not data" in various talks over the years, never knowing the original source. I searched the usual places (though clearly not hard enough!), but never figured out whom it should be attributed to. So I was pleased to learn that John Myles White had discovered the source: Raymond Wolfinger (presumably the political scientist from Berkeley). This attribution comes in this 2004 email from Fred Shapiro, editor of the Yale Dictionary of Quotations:

I [Shapiro] e-mailed Wolfinger last year and got the following response from him:

"I said 'The plural of anecdote is data' some time in the 1969-70 academic year while teaching a graduate seminar at Stanford. The occasion was a student's dismissal of a simple factual statement -- by another student or me -- as a mere anecdote. The quotation was my rejoinder. Since then I have missed few opportunities to quote myself. The only appearance in print that I can remember is Nelson Polsby's accurate quotation and attribution in an article in PS: Political Science and Politics in 1993; I believe it was in the first issue of the year."

So I've been using the quotation wrong all this time! I think I'm going to stick with "The plural of anecdote is not data", though: the word "anecdote" to me suggests information surrendered, not collected, and it's the implication of reporting bias that makes the quote so apposite for statisticians.

Linguist List: Re: "Plural of anecdote is data" (Ray Wolfinger)

Originally Posted by long.liam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Just, because you have found a bunch of random people stating they saw such and such thing, does not make it true.
Circumstantial evidence is admissible in (elf) court.

All of that aside, instead of posting direct replies in these threads, just fire away a private message.

Old 10-01-2011, 10:23 AM
nilbog nilbog is offline
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With the new round of beta testing, this is highly relevant.

Please make sure to include all the information you can about an issue.

I'm wasting a lot of time reading posts with no research or links.

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Old 08-05-2024, 07:03 PM
Croco Croco is offline
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