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Old 04-09-2020, 07:42 PM
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for reference of past changes
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Old 04-10-2020, 06:50 AM
Dolalin Dolalin is offline
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I will check the eqbards mailing list to see if they talked about these songs at all.
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Old 04-10-2020, 07:04 AM
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I think these were working, then were broken for awhile, then patched to be working again.

(Edit: and then broken again, lol)

Here are some messages showing it maybe did work for awhile:

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Message ID: 11463
Date: Tue Dec 7 23:12:48 GMT 1999
Author: Talies the Wanderer
Subject: Songs and resists

Okay - I've been digging deep, and this is what I've dredged up:

Crission's Pixie Strike:
A lot of you have noticed that you get resist after resist with Pixie
Strike, until it "takes" - then it suddenly works over and over (ditto with
Charm?) Weeeeeelll - apparently, an "undocumented feature" of those two
songs is a slight magic resistance debuff.

Guardian Rhythms only purpose is in twisting multiple songs in the Rhythms
lines, and ONLY if you are already twisting the other two. It gives the
same AC and MR bonus as Purifying and Elemental, but without anything else.

Psalm of Vitality appears to have a slight disease-removal effect. Purity
seems to remove poison, and

Fufil's Curtailing Chant only does 1/4th the damage of the Discord, but it
DOES have a better MR Debuff.

Psalm of Warmth gives Infravision, Cooling gives Ultravision.

Denon's Dissension is a mana-debuff, but since NPC's don't USE mana, it's
utterly useless.

Tuyen's Chant of Flame/Frost supplements it's weak damage by adding a
Fire/Cold resistance debuff (So theoretically, they'll take more damage if
they resist less? Stick with Denon's.)

Syvelian's is exactly the same as Alenia's as far as the data file is
concerned (except for the material component in Alenia's)

Mystic Shielding seems to have an unknown effect, as well as a DoT
effect. How strange.

Niv's, from the looks of the effects will add a rune-like coat of
protection, as well as healing, AND giving you an HP buff AND a decent STR
buff. Wow!! Nice song (if it works...)

Chord's of Cessation adds a damage effect to it's slow-down, however, it's
slow-down is no more powerful than the Chains. If anything, it's worse
than chains, because while they both slow down attacks, only chains slows

And man - I can't wait for Verses of Victory (level 50) That is one SWEET
song [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

All information comes from the spdat.eff and/or spells.eff files,
reliability subject to Verant's programming abilities.

Talies the Researcher
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Message ID: 14826
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:22:16 GMT 2000
Author: Benjamin Jerrad Segal
Subject: 50 songs (was: RE: Area Songs in Lguk [WAS[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]oes CHR affect Largos?)

On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Ryan Honeyman wrote:

> Speaking from the L50 perspective, you will be playing Victory
> and Clarit and most likely nothing else.

Add to that resistances. I've kept psalm of vitality mem'd in hate
because so many mobs disease (I felt bad having to ask for a cure after
nearly every fight).
This for single mob pulls, and when I start getting
attention I stop attacking for a few rounds. If more than one comes in,
songs go by the wayside.

My biggest peeve with the 50 song is that the message is exactly the same
as Chant of Battle. I usually pick what to weave next from the last
message I see, and this makes it rather difficult.

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Message ID: 14828
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:56:47 GMT 2000
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: Re: 50 songs

> Add to that resistances. I've kept psalm of vitality mem'd in hate
> because so many mobs disease (I felt bad having to ask for a cure after
> nearly every fight). This for single mob pulls, and when I start getting
> attention I stop attacking for a few rounds. If more than one comes in,
> songs go by the wayside.

That's true, I will put in a little +dis or +pois, however I find
resist line spells work well enough. I wish those Psalms had
a dmg shield and a different color tint. For curing in Hate it's
useful, I agree
. But I'm not usually hanging out in hate these

> My biggest peeve with the 50 song is that the message is exactly the same
> as Chant of Battle. I usually pick what to weave next from the last
> message I see, and this makes it rather difficult.

Yep, tough see when to twist chant in, so I just rarely do it.
Maybe we suggest that the message changes, even something generic
like 'You feel victorious.'

Then by March it seems to have stopped working:

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Message ID: 16306
Date: Fri Mar 17 16:15:26 GMT 2000
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: Re: [eqbards] The only good dragon...

> got fear bugged with 90% mana along with 3 or 4 others and a few went LD.
> We had 3 functioning healers that entire battle. Well, we still got Lady
> Vox down to a sliver before our damage output dropped to nothing.

And sure enough, (I have the eqlog.txt to prove it) I had 230 CR,
my all time record high but still got waxxed. It's _very_ hard to
beat 230 cold. In fact it's near impossible to go above 250.

2390 hp.

Vox breath attack one: 0.5 bubbles.
Vox breath attack two: 1.5 bubbles.
Vox breath attack three: 0.25 bubbles.
Vox breath attack four: 1.5 bubbles.
Vox breath attack five: dead. (thats right: 2+ bubbles)

I'll post my eqlog.txt when I get home.... it clearly shows this:

You feel an aura of elemental protection.
Your aura fades.
You are blasted by freezing winds.

wtf? There is a bug with Bard Song Shields and I now have the log
to prove it. And you all dismissed it as lunacy [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

> A little CR, pause for a snack.

We terrorized gfay in the downtime. We had punching duels. (I lost
mine, don't ever duel a ranger in a punching contest even with their
low H2H skill, he was double/dualing 5-9 dmg consistant enough that
my weak dual couldn't keep up. Plus he kicked me a lot, damn cheater.
heh. That's ok, I was playing VoV ;-) Got him to a sliver and died)

There were trolls molesting ogres who in turn were molesting wood elves.
It was actually some of the best times I've had after dying in a while.

> Harmonic came along as a guest this trip, so he got to see both
> the guild at its worst and best [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.].

Had more fun than I have had in a long time. Losing was fun, and
so was winning. I have screenshots, but I didn't know whether you
all wanted them posted or not, so I just put them in my eq resume
folder ;-)

Killed Maestro the other night too, finally got my evensong after
the first one was ninja looted from me months ago. He was dual
wielding, 24 people killed him with 3-4 deaths. Learned a lot
about how to fight him after the first attempt with 32 people
failed miserably. 32 people with his AE lifetap actually made
his hp go up, not down in battle. Scary. Cleared 5-6 static
houses (20-30 mobs) and one thing dropped, EM gloves. That is
another great example of Verant under-rewarding players who've
invested time into _their_ world.

Psalm of Vitality does not cure disease. If anyone wants my eqlog
of that I pulsed it for 1 hour, and Strong Disease was still up
when I returned to the computer. This applies to Psalm of Purity
as well. It does not cure poison (although poison is much shorter

I tested a few other things as well, but I failed to test charm
again. It could have been a fluke in permafrost, but I could
not clear the dmg list of any of the 3 goblins I tried it on.
I'll try it again this weekend, on the mobs I use to powerlevel
people (centaurs).

But there is absolutely something wrong with our magical song shields,
and I encourage others to test this against NPC spell casters. If
I can later today at work during lunch, I'll log something to post
this bug.

Then later on in June there is a patch where it works again (fix was not in patch notes, that's why all the confusion). Bonus quote from Abashi in the body of the message::

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Message ID: 19490
Date: Wed Jun 7 15:48:37 BST 2000
Author: Reeves, Patrick W
Subject: A recap of the 6/6 patch.

Lots of Bard news from yesterday's patch. Of course as usual none of the
changes were listed in the patch message
(Gordon if you read this put a big
yellow post-it note on your computer monitor that reads: 'ANY BARD CHANGES?'
*grin*). Anyway here is the good, bad, and the ugly:

The Good
-Piercing weapon skill cap has been raised to be in-line with our other
weapon skills.
-Psalm of Purity & Psalm of Vitality now cure poison and disease. The
drawback is on a cure pulse you lose the resist bonus. Seems a fair trade

The Bad
-Selo's Consonant Chain was stealth nerfed hard last night. In an effort to
balance Selo's Assonait Strane VI put a hard limit on movement speed debuffs
server side. Unfortunately the hard limit was based of the spell line with
the worst movement speed debuff, the necromancer Darkness line. This nerf
not only affected our three movement debuffs (Chains, Strane, & Largo's
Absonant Binding) it also hit the druid/ranger Snare line. It testing last
night Chains did not stop feared or fleeing (non-feared) mobs till about 25%
health at 52nd level, it used to stop them cold at 50%.

The Ugly
-Gordon posted the following to the Bard Issues thread on the Sony Gameplay
forum, my notes are proceeded by *:
Station Member posted 06-06-2000 06:11 PM

This thread will need to
be closed due to its size soon. When someone reposts the issue, I'd prefer
it if you could remove the items that we've commented on, or at least
indicate its status.I've gotten word on many of the issues from various
members of the team:
Purity and Vitality are fixed in code. It should be live now. If it isn't,
it is on test and will be live at the next client patch.

*This is live, yeah!

Kellin's has been referred to our testing department.
*About time, lets hope they fix lullaby this time.

Lyssa's Concord is confirmed and agreed as bug. The client programmer has it
*This should also fix the problem with Psalm of Warmth & Cooling as well.

Selo's Constant Chain is in testing.
*Grrrrr, lets hope they fix the movement debuff on this fast the testing
referred to is about early breaks.

Angstlich's Appauling Screech: Fear spells do not cause NPCs to stop
casting. Works as intended.

Solidarity of Vision: Works as intended.

Johthan's Provocation: We've reduced the fizzle rate and added the message.
Remainder works as intended. Changes are live.
*These changes did not go live. It still fizzle way too much and has no
added message.

Niv's: Works as intended.

Song of Travel: Opinions requested and placed on the board. I believe the
consensus was to remove the invis component, yes?
*To quote Gordon 'Ack!', a thread has already started to keep Song of Travel
as is.

Largo's: Range has been increased. Changes are live. Still looking into PvP
*No feedback or testing on this yet.

Nillipus': Works as intended currently. We're open to removing the damage
shield component if you wish. Thoughts?
*To quote Gordon again, 'Ack!' This is a specialized song that has some
great uses. I personally hope they leave it alone.

Song of Twilight: Works as intended.

Assonant Strain: fixed as requested.
*Fixed and nerfed

Bombastic Bellow: Fixed and live.

The "Broken Quest Issues" are not broken quests. They are preexisting
stories for future expansion.
*Not sure if this applies to Fabian or not.

"Kunark Armor": Well my list says "fixed" but I don't have what they ment by
that. If any changes have been made they would be live.

That's it for this installment

Ro-kenn Swiftsong - Karana server
52nd lvl Wood Elf Minstrel

EQ Bard Song Analysis
A few more messages that mention curing disease/poison with these songs after this June 2000 patch that I don't feel like quoting:

Edit: Then by June 2001 it was broken again, lol? Verant you morons.

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Message ID: 25022
Date: Wed Jun 13 07:07:03 BST 2001
Author: Kenneth E. Bachman
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Asking for some "quirk" support

Psalm of Vitality, Psalm of Purity. Are they supposed to cure Disease/Poison? And if so, why don't
they? And if they do, why don't they do it better (e.g., why can't I cure Rabies after 30 minutes of
constant play)?
And why don't they scale up with level?

Kenross Cantoforjado, 58 songs, Innoruuk

Stephen McCloskey wrote:

> There are still a few "quirks" (note: not necessarily bugs) that could be
> getting worked out of the bards. I am not talking class balance issues
> here. If you can think of any quirks, annoying or otherwise, add them in
> to the list. Then head to the quality assurance message board (
> ) and let
> Ester know. If enough people post to her, she may make a statement about
> it and hopefully fix it.
> 1) Many months ago Ester told us that the caster animation that bards make
> when using the chants would be fixed. Nothing has been done.
> 2) The sound effects on Shield of song is annoying to most people. Can't
> we get rid of this?
> 3) There is no text message for Shield of Song.
> 4) Though not directly bard related it is a bit. Around the time of the
> DX7 patch the off/low/med/high particle effect settings became broken. Off
> now displays what low used to be. The "new" low is no different from
> medium and high. I bumped a post about this nearly six months ago. Ester
> said they would look in to it. Nothing has been done.
So basically these songs seem to have been working/broken/working/broken again, all in era.
Last edited by Dolalin; 04-10-2020 at 07:20 AM..
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Old 04-10-2020, 02:16 PM
ChooChoo Train ChooChoo Train is offline

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Lol, Abashis comment about fear spells do not stop NPCs casting...
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Old 04-10-2020, 03:10 PM
Dolalin Dolalin is offline
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Webpage from EQSongs, if you check the links for these songs it mentions they cure poison/disease, dropping the buff if it cures on the pulse.

This is from that link in the sig of one of those messages I posted.
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Old 04-10-2020, 03:13 PM
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Also from that site, a copy paste of that Sony boards bard bug list thread with comments by GZ stating how these songs are supposed to work (ie they are meant to have the cure):


GZ Communiqués
An archive of information gleaned from communiqués sent out by Geoffrey Z AKA The Arch-Mage of Norrath AKA the Game Designer at Verant Interactive in charge of the EQ Magic system AKA GZ.

5/22 1:00pm - Gordon responded to a Bard Issues thread on the Sony Gameplay forum, some answers and a promise to forward the information to the Live team:

Topic: Bard Bugs/Not a Whine (v2000.05.22) - long

Station Member posted 05-22-2000 01:29 PM

Abashi/Brad/Gordon, I have compiled a list of all bard bugs to date for your review and comments. Sorry this is so long, but there are a lot of bugs. Would love to see an archmage post addressing topics. Fellow bards, please add your comments and keep this focused (no whining or class-balance just constructive posts).

BROKEN SONG ISSUES (5 of level 50+ songs not well thought out)

* Psalms of Vitality (29) - ArchMage post states "These songs, in addition to protecting from poison and disease, also have chances to remove a poison or disease effect on you. They are a mixture of a cure and a resistance buff in one." - GZ Archmage answers 2.3.00. No bard has ever seen this happen. Action: Look into percentage chance & adjust OR tell bards that ArchMage misspoke.
* Psalms of Purity (37) - ArchMage post states that song has chance to cure disease. No bard has ever seen this happen. Action: Look into percentage chance & adjust OR tell bards that ArchMage misspoke.

* Kellin's Lucid Lullaby (15) - Resist rates so high that song is unusable. Level 50 bards get 50% resist rates on level 1 mobs. Resist rates for many sub 30 bards well over 80%. Resist rates were more reasonable prior to patch that added secondary resist check. Also, the song affects pets on pvp servers. Also, the song is considered higher than enchanter enthrall spell. Action: Look into resist rates on song & adjust.
* Lyssa's Veracious Concord (24) - If player has spell effect to see ultravision prior to this song, the player is reduced to human night-blindness when it wears off. This happens even if the player has natural infravision/ultravision. Action: Look into why song breaks other vision. Fix other songs first though.
* Selo's Constant Chain (23) - Normal duration was 9 seconds prior to patch in Feb. Song now often breaks under 2 seconds or less (often while we are still 'singing' it). Action: Look into time song should last & adjust OR tell bards that song has been nerfed and why. This has been broken for 2 months.
* Angstlich’s Appauling Screech (26) – Fear does not interrupt casting.
* Lyssa’s Solidarity of Vision (34) – Song gets stuck when used on moving targets. If monster moves too far, client forgets where it is, and you can only see the last known position.
* Jonthan’s Provocation (45) – Couple problems. No message displayed when sung (“Player X looks provoked”), song fizzles 25% of the time, does not work on pets, and the damage shield portion of the song causes all other effects to fail.
* Niv’s Melody of Preservation (47) – Spell damage shield causes song to end prematurely.
* Still missing 49 song- thanks for asking for our input. Lots of good suggestions out there.
* Selo’s Song of Travel (51) – Bad combo. Entire song cancels if hit by anything (invis portion breaks whole song). Worst of all, can’t re-apply speed if continuing to get hit. Better off singing level 5 selo song.
* Largo’s Absonant Binding (51) – Intended as an upgrade to chain song (23), but the range is shorter. In pvp, it can be canceled by jboots.
* Nillipus’ March of the Wee (52) – Bad combo. Song ends prematurely due to dmg shield portion of song. Intended to help tanks with AC+AGI, but often cancels in one round of combat.
* Song of Twilight (53) – Bad combo. Upgrade to stun song (28), that stuns and reduces magic resistance. If target is struck, the stun is eliminated as well as the magic resistance.
* Selo’s Assonant Strain (54) – Wrong gem color & particle effect. It is an AE song, but gem is yellow meaning self only. Damage particle effects shown, but song is slowing the mob.
* Brusco’s Bombastic Bellow (55) – Intended to be an upgrade to dd bard song to stun and damage target. Instead it HEALS the target and stuns. Also, it is resisted far more often than the low level song.

* Special Bardic Weapon from Temple of Solusek Ro. Quest for special weapon still not present.
* Fabian (quest from Qeynos) not in game - anywhere. No one has ever seen him - ever. Action: verify Fabian can be found / check spawn rate.
* Metala Highfit (quest from SK) not in game. Is this a broken quest from Vhalen or just color to the game?

* Selo’s Drums of the March & Level 51 speed song. Selo’s drum has no impact, but regular drum increases effect.
* Mask of Songbird - POS item weighs 5.0. Obvious typo. All other POS mask items for other classes weigh 0.5 or less. Action: fix typo.
* Kunark armor- Bards are defined as a plate class, but AC on new armor appears to be chain level (remember bard is like a cleric, lots of AC, no defensive skills). Also, effects to summon food/water very lame compared to what other classes get (and the fact bards have forage skill). Action: please look into values and adjust to levels comparable to paladins & sks not rangers/shaman/rouges. Mistake similar to when bards got Imbrued.
* Small Brass Trumpet - item listed in patch message. No one has ever found item -ever. Action: verify item can be found on live server.
* Practice Lute - item listed in patch message. No one has ever found item - ever. Action: verify item can be found on live server.
* Horns inconsistent – some horns are brass and others are wind even though graphics are the same.

* Bard bangs on flute when should be playing a drum. Action: add correct animation - low priority.
* Female bards cannot dance.
* Bard 'waddles' when running. Why this animation was changed from the glide effect is odd in light of the fact that instrument animation had bard banging on a flute when running - low priority.

* Item Switching: No other class switches items as much as bards - period. Bards are constantly switching between instruments because of song requirements or increased effects. Why should the interface be such a pain or cause carpal tunnel? A big problem is the pixel gaps between the hotkeys. Fix this with: toggle switch to prevent dropping items (please no confirmation - last thing we want to do is answer a yes/no question in middle of a fight) a simple "/dropitem off" or "/dropitem on" would be fantastic OR eliminate gaps between hotkeys OR add new inventory spots to place instruments with ability to switch using a key instead of mouse movements (like range weapon). Caster classes don't need to switch between 4 different items (+weapons) to cast spells. Ok, make bards switch, but make it easier. Almost impossible to switch with any kind of lag, and dropping valuable items getting old.
* Any possiblility for a /twistsong ####, where # is the gem #? Would make twisting considerably easier than hitting keys twice every 3 seconds.
* Sing emote. Nice for roleplaying.
* Magical bard musical instruments give no indication of their effect on the player (+5% String, +20% Percussion, +10% to Brass, etc). It would be nice to either see this info with a right click or when using the identification song.
* Oversight: Bards are now using mana on 2 songs, but do not get benefits of clarity or mana song. Why are bards the ONLY casting class that do not get mana regeneration benefits? This has become more problematic since the Desperate Dirge song takes nearly all the bard’s mana when sung. UPDATE: Abashi started tread asking for input on Dirge song. Popular opinion seems to be no mana, immediately available after mem, and after sung, have a 15 min affect preventing resinging.

I will continue to monitor this thread and compile the issues and repost the thread from time to time.

Safe Travels,

Station Member posted 05-22-2000 07:51 PM

Ok, I've forwarded this to the tuning and live teams and I hope to get back to address everything in a day or two. There are a couple of issues that I'd like to pull out and comment on now though:
>>>* Angstlich’s Appauling Screech (26) – Fear does not interrupt casting.

Fear (no matter who its cast by) has never interrupted NPCs who are casting spells.

>>>* Still missing 49 song- thanks for asking for our input. Lots of good suggestions out there.

This probably shouldn't be included in a list of "bugs". One day we might put one in, but we don't have anything planned for this slot at present.

>>>* Item Switching: No other class switches items as much as bards - period. Bards are constantly switching between instruments because of song requirements or increased effects. Why should the interface be such a pain or cause carpal tunnel?

We've spoken about several options including a drop confirmation, and a /command that would make you swap out your items in specific inventory slots. I'm not sure when, or if we will something implemented here, but it's on our whishlist.

>>>* Any possiblility for a /twistsong ####, where # is the gem #? Would make twisting considerably easier than hitting keys twice every 3 seconds.

Probably not. We'd really like to see bards actively played, rather than passivly sitting there after typing one command. The more dexterous the person behind the keyboard is the more benefit that a bard can impart to the party. A person who can compose a song of 3 different melodies and change instruments at the same time is a formidable bard indeed

>>>* Sing emote. Nice for roleplaying.

Possible, but it would be low priority.

>>>* Magical bard musical instruments give no indication of their effect on the player (+5% String, +20% Percussion, +10% to Brass, etc). It would be nice to either see this info with a right click or when using the identification song.

The bonus varies on a per song/per instrument basis. I'd doubt that we could come up with a concise representation, and I'm also not sure that we'd want to. There are other held items in the game that increase the effectiveness of spells and do not specify by how much in their description.

>>>Oversight: Bards are now using mana on 2 songs, but do not get benefits of clarity or mana song. Why are bards the ONLY casting class that do not get mana regeneration benefits?

Not an oversight at all. We needed a method to place hard limits on how well, how often, and how long a specific song could be sung. We decided that we didn't want anything to adjust that limit. We have offered to switch DDD to a resing timer (same as a recast timer), but the charm song will remain on mana.


4/10 2:00pm - Not GZ info but important none the less. Brad posted the following on stats, remember this is not a detailed list of what every stat does, but sort of a general overview:
Author Topic: Stats -- A slight policy change
Station Member posted 04-09-2000 07:19 PM

In working with the people doing the strategy guide for Kunark we decided to provide them with general information as to what the stats do.
I'm going to post them here.

This is a change in the sense that we were not going to discuss them or release more info. We changed our minds.

That said, we're not posting any formulas, and it's absolutely true that some stats have considerably more direct impact on gameplay than others.

We're posting this for clarification, and because previous explanations have not been accurate (manual, etc). We will not, however, engage in debate and our stance on how much some stats affect game play is that it's by design to inhibit some aspects of twinking. Are there better attribute systems out there? Yeah, but we're not going to change something as fundamental as a stat system in EQ after the game's been out for more than a year.

Anyway, here you go:

DEX: how quickly you learn weapon skills; how often weapon will proc; how quickly you learn rogue skills; how hard you hit with bows

STR: determines how much you can carry; influences maximum and average damage; influences how quickly you learn many offensive skills

STA: affects how many hit points you have, how long you can hold your breath

INT: directly affects how quickly you can learn most skills; affects the amount of mana for bards and all mages, as well as shadow knights

WIS: affects the amount of mana the priest classes have, also rangers; also affects how quickly you can learn many skills if your wisdom is higher than INT.

CHA: affects amount you will be paid for goods by NPC merchants, and how much they will pay you; affects the saving throw on certain bard and enchanter spells (charms in particular)

AGI: affects how quickly you can learn some defensive skills, how difficult it is to hit you as well as how much damage you take when you are hit


2/4 7:00am - GZ published the Bard edition of The Arch-Magi Answers.

1/12 12:15pm Chat log of the Lucid Lullaby test on the Veeshan server.

1/6 2:35pm - Answers from GZ:
Author Topic: That Bard Thread: GZ's Answers...
Station Member posted 01-06-2000 05:28 PM

Hello all,
I took the original post with all the questions about bards and delivered them directy to Geoffrey Zatkin, the Arch-Mage of Norrath. He was kind enough to reply with a very well thought-out response, which is below in it's entirety.


>>>I've noticed that since retail release the Bard seems to be often forgotten when it comes to testing out patches. Things like the accidental Selo's nerf (caused by the mem hacking), the Consonant Chain debacle (Sow'ed creatures could not be chained), and the most recent levitate bug are very obvious to someone who plays a bard. All of these unintended nerfs could have been avoided with less then 5 mins of play testing these changes on a bard. So the question here is beyond compiling the code what kind of play testing of changes to the magic system takes place?

***GZ SAYS***
We have a solid internal testing department. The problem is, due to the sheer scale of EQ, changes can slip through the cracks. We try to fix the ones we miss as soon as we find/hear about them – but in a dynamic world, strange things can happen.

You should see some of the bugs we catch that never make it live – or even to test.

>>>Kelin's Lucid Lullaby, I recently tested this song out vs. a level one human warrior. My Bard was level 37 at the time, using the Lute of the Gypsy Princess and I have charisma of 141. Every round I got the 'so and so head nods' message and every nearly every round the test subject was able to attack me (about 1 in 10 rounds he would not).

***GZ SAYS***
As most high level enchanters from Beta+ can tell you, there are two saving throws that happen with an “Enthrall” style effect (such as Kelin’s Lucid Lullaby) hits a creature. The first saving throw is against the target’s Magic Resistance. The second saving throw only happens with high level monsters – they get a secondary save based on their level. The reason for this is that the Enthrall effect is very, very powerful – it allows a single player to remove a creature from combat. This means that a party that could handle two “X” level mobs might be able to take three, or even four of them on if there is somebody around with the Enthrall effect.

Because of this (read game balance) higher level monsters have a harder time being enthralled. At lower levels, a single player can take out a single opponent of equal level. By mid levels this is much harder, and by high levels it is virtually impossible. Allowing a single player to remove one or more creatures from combat at high levels is sick level powerful – to the point that we designed an entire classes specialty around doing it.

The second saving throw does not send a message the environment – and that is something that is on our list of issues to address. There are, however, no bugs with the Song.

>>>Alenia's Disenchanting Melody, It does now work (9 months after release), but it strips good as well as bad spells from the party, making the song worse then useless. Is this the intended effect?

***GZ SAYS***
Alenia’s Disenchanting Melody works as it was intended to – it follows the design that we had for it from the beginning. It is particularly useful? Depends if your buddy is dying from a nasty DoT. People use Egg Shaped Pumice on themselves all the time on the PvP servers. Is the Disenchanting Melody as generally useful as Cancel Magic? Not really.

>>>Angstlich's Appalling Screech, When used against very large creatures (Giants, Mammoths, Elephants, etc..) You have to be standing directly under or in some cases IN the NPC Avatar for the song to take effect. Otherwise the creature will glow, but no message or effect will be seen.

***GZ SAYS***
Heh. This is due to how the models are built – each has a “center” point, which is what calculates where our servers think the monster actually is. Really big creatures have center points farther away from you – hidden deep within their polygonal body mass. I will bump the radius of the Screech up a bit on the next spell patch and we can see if it works a bit better. Part of the problem is that when I play my Bard, I know exactly how these things work – and exactly where to stand. Sometimes knowing a bit too much about something works against you.

>>>Solon's Song of the Sirens, Often times when using this in a group situation the newly charmed pet will agro on a party member. This could cause a nasty way to get around the PvP switch as the pet is immune to PC attack. The pet needs to ignore any player characters or pets on its hate list when charmed. Also sometimes player pets (party & non-party member pets) will attack the Bard charming a NPC if the pet had been attacking the NPC.

***GZ SAYS***
I’ve had the pet agro on party members too – but it is usually because one of my party members did something to the pet that it didn’t like just after I charmed it – whacking it, for example. I usually have my pet commands hotkeyed, and retarget to something I want my new pet to be attacking as soon as I charm it.

Charm can be dangerous because once you take control of a monster, all of its actions reflect on you. If you charm a monster that is fighting your friend’s pet, and the pet hits the monster after you charm it, your charmed monster will attack back. When that little fight gets broken up, there is a possibility that your friend’s pet will come after you – you were, after all, the controller of the thing it was just fighting. Charming around pets can be done – you just need to be a little more careful.

>>>Crission's Pixie Chase, This song seems to suffer from the same problem that Lullaby does, you get the message that the song has taken effect, but the target completely ignores the fact that it should be mesmerized (similarto the problem with Lucid Lullaby).

***GZ SAYS***
See above.

>>>Fufil's Curtailing Chant and the other Chant songs, The percussion aspect of these songs is broken. Using a drum produces no additional effect (damage or resistance debuff).

***GZ SAYS***
Hmm – don’t use that one much. I’ll check. If so, we’ll get it fixed right up.

>>>Psalm of Cooling, The damage shield portion of this song does not seem to stack as logic would lead me to
believe. I can understand that it would weaken fire based damage shields, but why would it weaken thistle based damage shields? I have not had a chance to see if it stacks with the necro damage shield (which I believe is cold based).

***GZ SAYS***
The Psalm’s Damage Shield will stack with the Druid and Ranger personal Damage Shields – but they will not stack with other damage shields – in the same way that no other Damage Shield stacks with another. You can not, for example, stack Shield of Spikes and Shield of Fire.

>>>Denon's Dissension, The instrument portion of this song seems to be broken. In tests I have run using a horn made no difference in mana drain in PvP combat.

***GZ SAYS***
This was a very tough song to balance. It takes away mana from other casters – the virtual lifeblood of 7 of EverQuest’s 14 classes. The amount taken away is nice, but not great. Using a Horn increases the amount of mana drained. Again, nice, but not great.

>>>McVaxius Berserker Crescendo, I do not have this song yet, but other bards have informed me using a horn only increases the song's Strength effect, leaving the attack speed unchanged.

***GZ SAYS***
The way our song system works, if an instrument effects a song, it effects the entire song. Without specifically hardcoding it, I couldn’t actually make the Crescendo only effect the AC and STR but not the Attack Speed. As I didn’t hardcode it, the Horn should increase the attack speed along with the Strength and AC.

Speaking of which, unless my memory serves me wrong (which it could), you *must* use a Horn to use this song.

As a completely side note, I saw on a certain website that this song increases attack speed by 15 percent. It actually does considerably more then that. I stand by an earlier comment that I still haven’t seen an exceptional spell analysis program yet.

>>>Verses of Victory, Many of the higher level bards I have spoken with are very upset by the recent downgrading of the attack speed component, is there any chance this can be restored to previous levels?

***GZ SAYS***
Nothing has changed on Verses of Victory since I put the song in. Somebody is pulling your leg.

>>>A while back GZ mentioned the meming time for bard songs would be decreased, but it still takes forever to mem songs (due to the lack of a mediate skill). Can this be looked into?

***GZ SAYS***
It is already on our list of things to add in.

>>>Can a switch be set up (similar to the Fast Destroy option) to give players the choice of 1-Always dropping
items, 2-Confirm to drop, 3-No dropping of items. Bards I know have lost everything from Bladed Thulian Claws to Mistmoore Battledrums due to the "cracks" between hotkeys and swapping instruments/weapons.

***GZ SAYS***
Solid suggestion. See what I can do. No promises, but…

>>>Every time an answer is given on when the missing bard songs will be added the answer is very soon. Any chance of a better eta?

***GZ SAYS***
We were initially gong to save them all for the expansion pack. I don’t know if I can wait that long to get at least one of them in (I really want to see how people use it), so maybe a bit earlier.

>>>DoT change a while back lowered the damage of our DoT songs but didn't increase the duration, any chance that this could be balanced in some way?

***GZ SAYS***
Bards are affected by the Kiting changes just like everybody else. Bard’s kiting creatures will get the disadvantage – in all other cases, the songs should work just as before. Minimal combat movement will not lower the damage on a DoT or Bard Song.

Geoffrey Zatkin
Arch-Mage of Norrath
Game Designer @ Verant Interactive


12/23 11:00am- From the Arch Magi Answers page on the official EverQuest site:

Q: How do spell fizzles (and missed notes on songs) work?
A: When you cast a spell, we call a fizzle check. There is always a 5% chance of succeeding (regardless of how low your appropriate skill is) and a 5% chance of failure (regardless of how high your appropriate skill is). What modifies a fizzle check are (a) your appropriate skill (Abjuration, Evocation, Brass, Wind, etc.) (b) your primary statistic (Intelligence for Magi, Wisdom for Priests, Dexterity and Charisma for Bards) (c) the difficulty of the spell and (d) the level of the spell.

When you gain a new rank of spells, any spell that you cast of that rank has a 20% chance of fizzling. This assumes that (a) your appropriate skill (Evocation, for example) is at its maximum value (b) that you have a minimum of 75 in your appropriate statistic (Intelligence, etc.) and (c) that we did not set the difficulty of the spell to less then average (some spells we assign a lower difficulty, making them easier to cast - to date, we have not made any spells with higher difficulty).

If your appropriate statistic is greater then 75 (Intelligence, Wisdom, etc.), we reduce your fizzle percent by 1% for every X points of your statistic above 75.

Each spell assumes that you have a skill equal to (5 * level you go the spell). A Wizard getting Bind Affinity (Wizard gets her 4th rank spells at level 12, so 5 * 12 =60) would have that spell assuming that she had a 60 Alteration skill for purposes of casting. With a 60 skill in Alteration (the appropriate skill) and a 75 intelligence, our wizard would have an 80% chance of successfully casting Bind Affinity. For every skill point that our Wizard has above 60, the percent chance of fizzling goes down by 1%, to a minimum of a 5% chance of fizzling. Thus, three levels (15 skill points) after our Wizard gets Bind Affinity, she will be able to max out her Alteration and have a mere 5% chance of fizzling the spell.

A high intelligence would help her to max out her ability to cast Bind Affinity without fizzling earlier.

12/14 11:00am-
From: "Kinsman"
To: <>
Subject: GZ on lvl 21 song
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 04:41:23 -0500
-begin my suggestion to GZ-
Hi GZ, I was just pondering how the bard teleport song could be very interesting but yet it is not. I suggest trying this on the test server perhaps and seeing how people like it.

If self is targeted: When song is played ONLY the bard will be teleported.

If nothing targeted, or non-group PC targeted: Entire group is teleported

If NPC targeted: NPC is randomly teleported (This gives an offensive shade to this song, make it so it does not effect 'large' creatures such as giants, the dragons, and such. Also make sure it does not target the big boats or the little boats)

Can't do npc's - they get stuck enough as it is. Besides, that would be really easy to exploit - the monster would never, ever hit you again. Just keep porting it while the Wizard blasted it to bits.

If a grouped PC is targeted: Will teleport the PC, the PC MUST be in your group, if they are not then the entire group is teleported as if there was no target.
-end my suggestion to GZ-

I'll take a look - might be able to squeeze some of that in. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Geoffrey C. Zatkin
Arch-Mage of Norrath
__________________________________________________ ______________
Game Designer: Verant Interactive

12/8 9:00am -
Email from the Arch-Mage
by Taolas Litheart
posted 12/7/99 2:06:05 PM

Just to see if I could get a response I sent a message to the Arch-Mage of Norrath. If I had really thought I would get a response I probably would have given the questions more thought. Below, follows my questions and responses.

1. Is Lullaby bugged or has it had its effectiveness reduced? I cant seem to keep low, low greens asleep. I get the head nods message and they continue to attack. From my experience and the posts of other Bards seems like this
song has become almost useless. Is this just something we will have to live with?

RESPONSE - Nothing has changed - though it does lose some of its effectiveness against higher level creatures.

2. Disenchanting Melody was implemented with the last patch. However, it removes all buffs (positive and negative) from the top down. This makes this song very unpopular as it effects the entire group. Was this an intentional design? If so would it be possible to make it a targeted song so as not to remove every buff on the whole team to assist one individual?

RESPONSE - This is the design of the song. It is made for when you really need bad magic stuff removed, and are not really picky about how it goes away.

Well guys there you have it, according to GZ nothing has changed with Lullaby, (Recon he even has a clue as to how bad this song gets resisted.)
and Disenchanting Melody appears to be just the way they want it. (For the life of me, I wish I could see why the could not have made this a targeted song)

Just thought I would share this info with you.

Taolas Liteheart

12/3 8:15am - From the Official EQ website's Arch Mage Answers page
Q: Why is there no Icon for the Bard Mana Song (Cassindra’s Chorus of Clarity)?
A: There are different types of Bard Songs. Most Bard Songs leave an icon on your character because the song has a duration - usually 5 to 15 seconds. Each time the Bard sings the song she renews the duration - this means that a Bard who continues to sing the song can potentially keep the song effect going indefinitely.
Some Bard songs do not have durations - you receive the effect when the Bard sings it, but will not get another “dose” until she sings it again. Cassindra’s Chorus of Clarity (the mana song) is one of these songs - it does not have an actual duration, so you don’t get an icon on your screen.

11/23 1:00pm
From: Luke Padgett <>
Subject: [EQ-Bards] Small GZ note on the missing songs
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 15:50:52 -0500 (EST)
I read on the EQ Bards Song Analysis webpage a letter from GZ that said
the new songs were being saved for the expansion pack. So I emailed him
asking for clarification on whether or not we would have to buy the
expansion to get the songs, here is the response:

The songs will be in the game - you will NOT need to buy the expansion to get them.

Most should be available before the expansion ships.

Geoffrey C. Zatkin
Arch-Mage of Norrath
__________________________________________________ ______________
Game Designer: Verant Interactive

11/18 7:00am
From: "Geoffrey Z." <>
To: "Rokenn Swiftsong" <>
Subject: Re: Jaxan's Jig o' Vigor
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 18:37:37 -0800
> Greetings Arch Mage,
> I have a question regarding the Bard song Jaxan's Jig o' Vigor.
> I know many Bards and non-Bards the say this song increases mana
> regeneration. I know just as many Bards that say it does not. A while
> a poster named J.M. Capozzi posted to the EQBards OneList mailing list
> he had spoken to someone at Verant that told him it did not increase mana
> regeneration. If you could lay this Urban Myth to rest one way or another
> the Bard community would be very grateful.

Urban Myth - Jig only gives fatigue back.

Geoffrey C. Zatkin
Arch-Mage of Norrath
__________________________________________________ ______________
Game Designer: Verant Interactive
And another post form the Concert Hall Message Board

GZ Speaks - Songs + Resists
by Jx
posted 11/18/99 9:26:43 PM

Taken From Casters Realm:

Bards have two stages to the success of their songs.
Firstly they have to successfully play the song. This is based on:

Their skill in the music type (Singing, Wind, etc).
Their Dexterity.
Their Charisma.
Secondly, if they successfully play the song, the songs chance of being resisted by the target is based on:

The Level of the Bard.
The Level of the target.
The Save Level of the target (Magic Resist, Fire Resist, etc).
The Bards Charisma for spells such as Sleep, Charm, or Lull.

I actually can have the joy of doing the bard song list for caster realm in the near future, but didnt want to compete with the new song list. The advantages of being on Casters Realm would be we would have a direct pipeline to GZ through Baelish. Which I would think would be a wonderful thing.

Jackalx Songweaver
Level 48 (barely, damn them dragons hehe) Tunare

11/16 8:00am
From the Concert Hall Message Board
Reply from GZ on this issue
by Telelf
posted 11/15/99 4:39:27 AM

I have posted this before, but here goes again anyway.
I sent Email to GZ saying the following:
"Any chance that the Selos/MM drum will have its speed restored to pre patch values?"

GZ replied: (I believe he means to say "I cant")

"Its noticeably slower, even though i can seem to find any info anywhere."

The song didn't change - i'll check on the drums. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Geoffrey C. Zatkin
Arch-Mage of Norrath

And another post from the same board
22nd song Disenchant Melody(not a ?, an answer)
by Kaiden Antaris
posted 11/15/99 8:36:58 AM

I sent an e-mail off the GZ asking what the deal was with this song, here is the response.
> Greetings!
> I hope this e-mail finds you well.
> I gotta ask about the above mentioned song.
> Is this song horribly broken? As in, it does absolutely nothing? or
> are bards just missing the subtle effects of this song.
> I have been unable to see any change in behavior while using this song.
> I get a nice little icon and a message about the song but nothing
> happens with it. It doesnt drop NPC damage shields or buffs, it doesnt
> remove roots or bad status spells from me or other PC's in my group.
> Can ya fill me in?
> Thanks for your time!
Good timing - I found the bug in it yesterday - it should be workin next

Geoffrey C. Zatkin
Arch-Mage of Norrath
__________________________________________________ ______________
Game Designer: Verant Interactive

Whoo hoo! Still doesnt say what is will do but at least it will do something : )

11/16 8:00am
From: Greg Gillan <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: OMG! GZ finally replied
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 09:43:43 -0500
Well, after 3 tries, I finally got a reply to the list of questions that we
put together to send to GZ. Don't know if all the answers are exactly what
I might have hoped to hear, but its nice to at least get some info. The
questions may not be exactly what we had originally put together, I revised
this each time I sent it in as some things were corrected already with
patches (lack of bard quests) and some new things came up.

Elwyn Heartstring
Level 50 Bard
Erollisi Marr

GZ: I have gotten really behind on my e-mail - just because of the volume
that I get. I try to answer every one I get, but for the past 2 months this
just hasn't been possible.

Elwyn: Where, oh where are our missings songs?! Several of our songs
(levels 39, 45, 47, 49) don't seem to be in the game. We would like to know
when we can expect these to be implemented. If they are indeed in the game
already(perhaps discovered via quests) please at least let us know that they
exist. We don't need to know how/where to get them, or even what they are,
but we don't want to waste our time questing for something that isn't there.
We've been without these songs (whatever they are) since day one of release,
and its become a point of serious aggrivation for us.

GZ: This missing songs are being saved for the expansion pack. We might
break down and put some of them in sooner, but I really wanted to be able to
add new abilities to Bards as the game contintued.

Elwyn: The level 22 song Alenias Disenchanting Melody currently seems to
have no effect whatsoever. This has been tested repeatedly by many, many
bards. It does not dispel effects on group members (as we thought it
should) nor does it protect in any way from harmful effects. Can you please
confirm whether this song is broken or not? When can we expect a fix?

GZ: I will check this one out. It *should* cast cancel magic on your entire
group - and did at one point of beta. It is high on my list of things to
check out/get fixed.

Elwyn: You've mentioned in the past that the messed up drum graphic (it now
looks like we strum a small twig) will be corrected in an upcoming graphics
patch. We realize a graphics patch is large, and hence cannot be done
regularily, but could we please get an estimate on roughly when we can
expect this glitch to be fixed? In addition, a recent patch made an
equipped mino horn look like we have a small burlap sack embedded in our

GZ: Well, i just fixed the horn. We should have a drum at some time - I
just don't know when. Sorry. I think we will try to sneak it in on our
next graphics patch.

Elwyn: Spellcasters, when they right click on a spell can see what skill the
spell uses. Why doesn't the bard spell book show what instrument skill is
required when you right click on a song?

GZ: Good question. I think I can get that added.

Elwyn: Some of our skills (Hiding, Forage) cap at such low levels, that they
aren't worth using. We don't need to be master of these, but if the caps
were raised such that at least they worked more than 1 out of 20 times, we
might consider putting them back into our hot keys.

GZ: A lot of these skills are 'given' to Bards, even though they won't ever
get good at them. I'll check on the caps with one of the programmers, but I
doubt that will change much.

Elwyn: It has been the case (since release) that playing Selo's when in an
outdoor zone, would 'break' the effects of the root spell. With a recent
patch, this is no longer the case. Was it a bug that it broke root
originally, or is it a bug that now it doesn't? When could we expect a fix
for this if it is a bug?

GZ: Selo's breaking root has been back and forth since Beta 1. We had it
breaking root for a while, but this proved to be just too powerful, since it
is a free song that bards keep mem'd all the time.

Elwyn: It is currently possible to cast SoW, or use Jboots, then enter an
indoor zone and enjoy enhanced speed for the next 30 minutes or so. This
seems to us a little unfair, as our song works only outdoors. Are there any
plans to either A) make Selo's work indoors, or B) to not allow SoW and
Jboots to work indoors?

GZ: Possibly. But remember - Bards are similar to Hybrid spell casters on
their power levels - they are not pure spell casters - their songs won't be
as powerful as a pure caster.

Elwyn: Bards currently don't have the ability to meditate. This is fine, we
don't really need or want it, and we understand that giving us meditate
would reduce the recovery time from the level 43 song. It does however take
us an inordinatly long amount of time to memorize our songs. Quite
literally, memorizing all our songs after a death takes at least ten times
as long as a caster. Is there any possibility of memorization time being
reduced in the future?

GZ: That is something that we will be talking about at our next tuning
meeting - possibly.

Elwyn: The level 28 song, Crisson's Pixie Strike seems to be bugged. When
used, 1 of 3 things may happen. 1, The mob is mezmerized and stands there
for ~12 seconds which is what we'd expect. 2, The mob resists the spell, we
get a resist message and nothing happens. This is also an expected result.
3, The mob is hit with the song, no resist message, and no mezmerize effect
takes place. This happens pretty often. It will often take 5 or 6 hits
with pixie strike (with no message) before a mob is truly mezmerized, after
which its relatively simple to keep the mez in place by repeatedly pixie
striking them. What is up with this lack of resist message yet no effect
taking place. This can easily be demonstrated by striking yourself. You'll
get the message to the effect that you've been struck, yet you can still
move about fine.

GZ: I'll check on that one - not sure.

GZ: Hope that helps a bit. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Geoffrey C. Zatkin
Arch-Mage of Norrath
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
Game Designer: Verant Interactive


Maintained by Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
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Revised: January 25, 2001 08:27 AM .
Last edited by Dolalin; 04-10-2020 at 03:25 PM..
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Old 04-10-2020, 03:59 PM
Dolalin Dolalin is offline
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They were still fixing this in October 2000 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

* Psalms of Vitality (29) - Song was updated to do cure on pulse, but does not seem to do so reliably. Many bards have seen message “Your affliction has been cured by a magical enchantment” but the disease/poison icon still present OR continue to lose hit points.
[Wrinn, Gordon] -- Todd tested this. The song works fine, but the success message is being sent no matter what. The message is what's broken, not the song.

* Psalms of Cooling (33) – Same issues as level 25 song, except due to ultravision.
[Wrinn, Gordon] -- Fixed in next client.

* Psalms of Purity (37) – Same issues as level 29 song.
[Wrinn, Gordon] -- Fixed in next client.
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Old 10-13-2020, 11:01 PM
Zipity Zipity is offline

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Old 10-13-2020, 11:31 PM
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This isn't a simple fix because the timelines are unclear, please summarize the date ranges you believe the songs were working.
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Old 10-14-2020, 09:01 AM
Dolalin Dolalin is offline
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Were you talking to Zipity, Telin?

I'll run another search in my web archive and see if I can nail down when it broke again.

So far the timeline is like:

Launch -> Early 2000 (worked)
Early 2000 -> June 2000 (broken)
June 2000 -> ? (worked)
? (no later than June 2001) (broken again) -> sometime in 2002?
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