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Old 08-20-2023, 04:15 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Originally Posted by Troxx [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Regrowth give more hp return for mana than Torpor. It also doesn't snare you. Both spells are excellent and the presence of either doesn't negate the benefit of the other. I try to keep my regrowth up at all times.
It doesn't matter that the HP to Mana ratio on Regrowth is better than Torpor. You are regenerating much slower when compared to Torpor. You cannot compare Torpor and Regrowth. Torpor is an actual healing spell that provides significant mitigation over a short period. Regrowth is a small boost to HP regeneration that gives you the full benefit over a long period.

If a mob deals 1000 damage in 30 seconds, Regrowth would have only saved 75 HP out of that 1000. You are going to need a lot more mitigation. Torpor would mitigate the full 1000, and heal you for an extra 200-500.

You can use Regrowth if you want of course, but you should swap it for a more important buff if you are running into the spell slot limit. Torpor is overshadowing Regrowth by a large margin. Regrowth is only improving your regeneration by 5% when using Torpor.
Last edited by DeathsSilkyMist; 08-20-2023 at 04:44 PM..
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Old 08-20-2023, 04:31 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Originally Posted by Croco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It's self evident. The evidence is all around.
The only thing that is self evident is that you are throwing a temper tantrum because you aren't getting your way.

Posting lies about another user in your signature is proof enough of this.

You are putting a sign on your back saying "I will throw a temper tantrum if I disagree with you". That is not hurting me lol. People will simply stop engaging with you.
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Old 08-20-2023, 05:00 PM
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DSM is the future of kittens, good luck to them
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Old 08-20-2023, 05:01 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Thank you for responding in a conversational manner.

Originally Posted by Croco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Just because you keep saying a thing does not make it true. This is one of the problems with your style of debate. You say these things that are opinion, and you expect all of us to just take them at face value as the word of god and to not even attempt to disagree with you. Yes I know you didn't specifically say that but that is how many of us interpret what and how you say things.

Your opinions are not law. Just because you say something is silly doesn't make it so. People are allowed to compare and debate anything they want. It's not unreasonable to compare Regrowth to Torpor because at a base level they do the exact same thing, regenerate hit points. Your debate and conversation style is the very definition of 'intellectual dishonesty'.
This is projection. Often times other posters (including yourself) do this. You will proclaim what you say is correct, and attack people who disagree with you. The proof is in your signature that you are doing this right now. A sincere person who wants to engage in debate does not stoop to petty nonsense like typing "do not trust X poster" in your signature.

You are conflating what facts and opinions are. If I show the math that Regrowth is only providing a 5% boost to Regeneration when using Torpor, that is a fact. I am not forcing my opinion on you, I am providing you a fact. If I provide video evidence of a fight where extra Regeneration would not have helped win the fight, that is a fact. One that goes beyond theory.

When someone provides a multitude of facts to back up a claim, the proper response is to provide counter evidence if you think my evidence is faulty. Resorting to insults and fallacies is not the solution. When you do this, you simply give the appearance of being unable to admit you may be wrong when confronted with the evidence.

I am not saying you cannot debate things. But it is not good to post objectively incorrect ideas and try to pass them off as objectively correct simply because you like having a debate. If there is a factual answer to the question, it should be provided. Trying to compare Regrowth to Torpor is objectively a bad idea, because they serve two different purposes. Regrowth is there to provide small amounts of HP that add up over time. Torpor is there to heal a large portion of health over a short period of time. People do not compare Complete Heal to Regrowth for the same reason. They have two different purposes, even though functionally they do the same thing; Increase your HP.

Originally Posted by Croco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You pretty constantly take peoples reasonable interpretations and reading between the lines of what you say and throw it back, "I never said that, you're putting words in my mouth", "Show me where I said that". Then you turn around and do the exact same thing back to us by telling us that we have admitted to this or that when we never did so. You can interpret from our words and actions what you think we have said but you can't then come and say "Thank you for admitting..." when we never admitted anything. That might be what has happened in your mind but that's not what has happened in actual real life. If you go back and read through this thread you're the only one with this style of writing/debating where you state something as fact that someone has not said or admitted to. You can read between the lines and correlate many things that someone has said to come up with your own understanding of what you think they are saying beyond the actual written words but it is beyond dishonest to then state that said person has 'admitted' anything outright and you do this CONSTANTLY.
The problem here is you think people are providing "reasonable interpretations". That is very generous.

Originally Posted by Crede [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Exactly! It’s because of people like DSM who just keep spreading bad advice. He will sit here and say 20 int iis useful but regen isn’t, lol.
There is no way you can interpret my posts to think I said something like this. It is a blatant strawman and a lie. There are many more examples of posters doing this sort of nonsense. This is an example of people putting words in my mouth.

I am not saying I am perfect, and always get things correct. If I have put words in your mouth, you can clarify your statement and I will apologize. I will extend that courtesy to you, even though you seem unwilling to do the same.

People do admit to things by saying them plainly:

Originally Posted by Gloomlord [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It is irrelevant my posts here are not about the topic at hand. I came to criticise your lack of integrity. Does this matter?
That is a plain text admission of insulting and trolling someone. It is the definition in fact. Remember that I cannot see your face or hear your tone of voice. If this was supposed to be a joke or something else, there is no way to know with the little text given. Do not blame me for terse responses that have little context.

The difference between myself and the troll posters is I actually provide evidence to back up my claims, instead of insults and fallacies. Please do not assume everybody's opinions are equal when one person has evidence and the other does not. Evidence does not automatically equate to being correct, but it makes for a much stronger case than simply calling another person stupid.
Last edited by DeathsSilkyMist; 08-20-2023 at 05:28 PM..
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Old 08-20-2023, 05:35 PM
Tann Tann is offline
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y'all never going to convince the other that their wrong, doesn't matter what proof or math you provide... This hasn't been about SK's for 10 pages.

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Last edited by Tann; 08-20-2023 at 05:39 PM..
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Old 08-20-2023, 05:36 PM
Duik Duik is offline
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Funny how its an SK racial selection thread amd of the races in question is troll.
Last edited by Duik; 08-20-2023 at 05:40 PM..
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Old 08-20-2023, 05:40 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Originally Posted by Tann [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
y'all never going to convince the other that their wrong, doesn't matter what proof or math you provide.

Narcissism is a helluva drug
It is unfortunate that people cannot admit they are wrong, even when confronted with evidence.

I am not sure why learning more about P99 is a bad thing for some people.

Originally Posted by Duik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Funny how its an SK racial selection thread amd of the races in question is troll.
I see what you did there.
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Old 08-20-2023, 05:54 PM
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Old 08-20-2023, 07:14 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Originally Posted by Croco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Except the difference between when you do it and when others, many times in this very thread, have done it is that our 'advice' is almost always given with a grain of salt and the understanding that we don't purport our claims as 'the word of god' not to be debated and that no amount of counter claims or counter evidence will convince us otherwise. The people who have reasonably engaged with you and tried to debate their points of view leave room for personal choice and don't seem to be interested with solving string theory and nailing down limited use cases and niche's that aren't indicative of the totality of experiences across the player base. This is not how you operate. You very often, almost exclusively, seem to be solely focused on proving yourself right in small sample sizes based on a seemingly random, or sometimes very niche, set of parameters and when someone can't convince you that maybe in other examples or when you take into account many different use cases your hypothesis isn't the only way to get from point a to point z you dismiss them. Two things can be true at the same time. There are often many ways to get to your desired destination depending on which road you think will be easier to get there, and just because something is true doesn't mean it's correct for everyone.
Video games are based on rules and math. You can objectively prove something to be true. You are essentially hiding behind the idea that because multiple possibilities exist, these extra possibilities must matter.

I have no problem with someone saying "I think X is true, but I cannot prove it". I do not argue with people who do that. It becomes a problem when you try to promote your "grain of salt" opinion as a fact, simply because you say so. The troll posters do this often. This is an issue because you are providing a false sense of confidence in bad/unproven ideas.

I am not saying my evidence is ironclad and perfect. But right now it is much better than the "grain of salt" opinions people seem so eager to push to the point of trolling others.

Originally Posted by Croco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
As I said above 2 things can be true at the same time. You have provided statistics to back up the claim that adding regrowth to the mix 'would not have helped win the fight'. However I don't believe anyone made that claim (I'm beyond done with this conversation so I'm not going to go back and double check this). 'Would not have helped win the fight', and 'make the fight easier' can both be true. It's a matter of perspective and comfort. If having extra regen makes someone more comfortable during the fight so as that the extra breathing room, even if only perceived, makes them less likely to panic in situations where the fight might have gone sideways then yes that regrowth helped win the fight. Even if the statistics don't back that up. The sheer placebo effect of knowing you had the buff and it was providing passive regen could 100% help "win the fight".
Multiple posters are claiming Regrowth would have helped in the fight. Multiple claims have been made about improved actions per minute, more spells cast during the same period, shorter fight times, etc. All of these things are factual claims, which can be proven with factual evidence. Thus far, nobody has provided concrete evidence to support their theories. They cannot even use an existing video and do basic math calculations to see if they are correct.

Everybody agrees that something can "help". Getting 0.01 DPS is "killing something faster". However, that doesn't mean it will actually be helpful enough to provide a tangible benefit, such as saving enough time on the fight to get more kills per hour. It is not helpful to provide general statements like "Regrowth will help a Torpor Shaman kill something faster", because the implication there is it will be noticeable. This is misinformation if the facts end up showing otherwise, as they currently seem to.

People are not incorrect when they say "Regrowth may give you a small chance to survive in a fight". That is perfectly reasonable to say. Just do not inflate your opinion to make it seem more than it actually is, unless you can prove it.

Originally Posted by Croco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This is where your fundamental flaw comes in. It is incredibly difficult to present objective truth. You cannot prove that having Regrowth would not 'help win the fight' that you posted a video of just because it didn't help you. As I argued above the comfort and ease on your mind that comes with having a buff that is always helping you can keep you from going into panic mode and making a mistake that will cost you a death. You simply cannot disprove that because it's subjective to each person. So if the type of person who feels regrowth helps them has that buff up just the fact that the buff is in their window can be a measurable help if they don't panic and die. Just because this isn't how your brain works doesn't mean everyone's brain works just like yours. Again I feel like I have to reiterate I know you didn't say everyones brain works like yours I'm making an inference based on the way you speak and debate and how you present evidence. It's not your place to say that comparing Regrowth and Torp is silly or a bad idea. That is just your opinion, which you are free to have, but other people can have a different opinion and are free to debate and compare regrowth to torp to their hearts content. If someone wanted to compare CH to Regrowth I wouldn't stop them. It's their right to make those comparisons and have those debates. You are not the arbitor of what is and isn't correct to compare and debate. *Again* I know you never said you were but again I'm making an inference based on what you've said and how you've said it. (Are you starting to see why people get so frustrated trying to talk to you? I've already had to qualify 3 times that something I'm saying I know you didn't say word for word and I'm sure there will be more times I feel I have to add that qualifier.)
This is the flaw in your reasoning, as I stated above. You have the false assumption that objective truth is simply too difficult to provide. This type of thinking will make you dismiss evidence out of hand, which you and others have done in the past. P99 is really not as difficult of a game to figure out as you think.

It is not your place to troll other people just because they disagree with you, and bloat threads to oblivion.

I am no arbiter of debate. If I show somebody that 2+2=4, that is a fact. It is not me forcing my opinion on you, or shutting down a debate. If you really want to debate something like 2+2=4, you better provide more than opinions to claim 2+2=5.

Originally Posted by Croco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This is pure comedy. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Either other people can do the same thing you do and infer meaning based on a totality of statements or you shouldn't be doing it. In either case it's at the very least not factually accurate to say someone 'admitted' to something they didn't explicitely admit to. That is intelectual dishonesty.
I am not having my cake and eating it too. I do not create strawmen to try and discredit other posters. If I misread something you said, simply clarify it and I will admit I am wrong. You do not provide me this same courtesy, so I am not sure why you think I am the bad guy here. Remember that you attacked me first?

However, when you plainly state the definition of trolling, that is a clear admission. I am not sure how you can accidentally say that. If you can provide a really good reason as to why you typed out the definition of trolling as your reason for posting, we can discuss it. Otherwise you just look like you are trying to backtrack.

Originally Posted by Croco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You provide evidence but you disregard other people's evidence when it doesn't line up with your perception of what is important in any given situation. There are many ways to get from A to Z. The vast majority of the time, at least at the outset when they aren't yet frustrated by talking to you, people present their counter view/claim with caveats. It happens often that you disregard those caveats or the fact that someone might think differently or see the problem from a different perspective or that some claims can't be presented with numbers and facts and just because of that doesn't make them invalid claims.

I would be willing to bet a large amount of platinum that the perception of almost everyone you deem to be just an 'insulting troll' is that your mindset is too rigid and doesn't allow for any other path to get to the desired outcome except A-B-C-D-E-F.... etc. Everquest is not solvable. No more than a game like Magic the Gathering is solvable. The mind, skills, goals, dreams, and desires will alter what is the correct path to take for everyone to get to Z. You debate and speak like there is no wiggle room and every debate and argument you enter is a zero sum game and that's just not true. One size does not fit all.
People do not provide evidence. They provide opinions they claim as evidence, and then get mad when I point out it is an opinion. Did anybody else provide videos, logs, etc., to back up their claims? I didn't see it. If so, please show me. Again, you have a misunderstanding of P99's complexity, and use it as an excuse to dismiss evidence.

You seem to think posting some text with an opinion is equally valid evidence to a video showing an actual fight in P99.

I would be willing to bet a large amount of platinum that most people perceive you as a troll, because you actually troll lol. You purposely come into a thread and attack posters for no reason other than you don't like them. I am willing to engage in debate, and provide evidence. I only defend myself when you attack me. I do not come into other threads and start attacking people. It is honestly amazing that you cannot do any self reflection.
Last edited by DeathsSilkyMist; 08-20-2023 at 07:29 PM..
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Old 08-20-2023, 07:41 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Originally Posted by Croco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Your mindset and debate style make it impossible to engage with you honestly. I would suggest for your own sake, as you seem to really enjoy having these debates and discussions, to try and alter your style.

Almost every single person who tries to engage you in conversation/debate gets frustrated with you in ways that they do not get frustrated with each other. This is a theme that follows you ever where you go on these forums. Now I will fully admit that there are a LOT of trolls on these forums. I am 100% guilty of this at times, but if everywhere you look you see assholes and trolls maybe, just maybe, and please don't dismiss this outright or offhand, maybe you are the asshole.

I will address one thing you said before being done with this thread.
Thank you for admitting you do troll at times. I appreciate the honesty. I really mean that, I am not trying to be sarcastic or anything.

If you are being sincere, I appreciate you trying to give people advice about how to improve themselves.

When you discredit yourself by trolling, it becomes impossible to tell when you are being sincere. This is especially true when multiple known trolls gang up on a single poster. It is very easy to look at that situation and assume you are just piling on to troll.

The trolls need to fix their problems first. I can bet you a lot of platinum that most issues will go away if the trolls actually improve their behavior. People will no longer need to defend themselves from trolling, which means people can start trusting what the trolls say again.

Then you can provide real feedback that people will listen to. You can start by removing that nonsensical signature. I doubt you will, but it will show some sincerity. Otherwise you are painting yourself as a troll as long as you keep it on. You are simply telling people that you will try to troll them when they disagree with you. You can choose to believe I am asking you to remove it because it offends me, but that isn't the case. I just don't want you to further sink your credibility if you do want to be serious on these forums.

Originally Posted by Croco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It is nowhere near as easy to figure out as you think. You constantly underrate the complexity going on in a game like Ever Quest.
I disagree. The core systems of Everquest are quite simple, and based on simple formulas. You can do an average DPS calculation to figure out how many kills per hour you can get, and this will be true over a long enough period of time. While RNG can sometimes give you good streaks and bad streaks, it will average out in the end. You aren't going to magically get 100 extra kills per hour because you added one DPS. I am not saying you said that, but I can tell you that with 100% certainty, because the rules and math are clearly defined.
Last edited by DeathsSilkyMist; 08-20-2023 at 07:51 PM..
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