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Old 05-21-2016, 03:49 AM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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I have some other things to post still.....about my archerlings and the call of flame....but this couldn't wait!!!

You see, tonight I went to Steamfont mountains to try and find some micro servos....and, of course, practice my archery. Since I had reached 51 the other day, I had learnt how to deal double damage with my bow to distracted targets (non-rooted and non-moving targets take double damage from archery at 51!).

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Things were going pretty well.... the monsters weren't too difficult, and made great target practice. I even found a handful of micro servos!

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But....something was bothering me....I wished I could figure out a way to deal the double damage even when fighting alone....

Whenever I had talked to archers as I was learning, they all told me the double damage was impossible to do alone..... that it was only possible while others had distracted the creature.....

Was it true? Was this really my limit? Were my new abilities useless to me traveling alone?

As I was lost in thought, firing mindlessly at targets around the field....I had forgotten to watch how close the creatures were getting to me. With one coming down upon me just as I fired an arrow. Of course I wasn't in much threat... my arrow killed it....but I also noticed this arrow did far more damage than normal!

The enemy must have been so focused on finally reaching me, it ignored my arrow....

Humm, I wondered if I could do it again....and once more I lured an enemy close to me....shooting just as it got to me....and again, it worked!!

I kept practicing and found the problem was the timing was difficult...and half of the time it didn't work....I had to do better.

Luckily, it didn't take me long to think of an idea....

So I lured out another skeleton to fight....if it was taking them too long to reach me, I would just have to reach THEM first!!!

As I shot my arrow I summoned my elvish speed and raced forward....directly at the skeleton!!! Sprinting even faster than my arrow could travel! Though just barely!

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The skeleton tried to hit me as I ducked under its's focus squarely on me.....

And as the skeleton swung its body around to follow arrow struck the back of its head!!!

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I had discovered it!!! A new technique!!! One that carries great risk....but also great reward for a lone archer!!!

Immediately I began practicing it....mastering it.....

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Now I can do it every time!! Easily!

I call it, the Windstep! An archery technique only for the fastest and bravest archers!!!
Last edited by Ivory; 05-21-2016 at 03:55 AM..
Old 05-21-2016, 10:09 AM
wisenhemier wisenhemier is offline

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this post is solid gold
Old 05-22-2016, 02:52 PM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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It took me a little while...but eventually I learnt that the rogue who had stolen the giant hand of guks ring sold it at the commons marketplace. Apparently there was a gnomish soldier who had come to purchase artifacts for research whom had bought it, but he had already begun his trek back home to Ak'anon.

I had to follow her! Before the gnomes did strange gnome things to the ring!! It looked like I was going to Ak'anon!

It didn't take me too long to get there, as I tend to prefer to ride druids instead of the boat. As I came to the city, I wondered if the gnomes could invent a druid saddle for me.

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Inside I eventually found where the soldier was stationed.

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But when I asked her what she had done with the ring....she said she had already given it to their clockwork King!!

The problem was the King doesn't grant an audience with just any random elf....

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Luckily, I always carry around pie and even clam chowder for such an emergency!!! Everyone knows a gnomes weakness is their stomach.

With such delicious food to tempt the gnomes with, I was soon granted an audience with the king. He might be a clockwork, but the others sure weren't!

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I explained to him the quest I was on ...and offered to buy the ring....but he said the gnomes needed it for their research.

If it was research they were after, they had come to the right elf!! I'd been around the world!! Fought dragons!! And had all sorts of magic treasure!!!

So I offered to let them examine my treasures if they would give me the ring (provided they didn't do weird gnome things to my treasure).

His eye sockets grew a little seemed we had a deal!

So the next few days I stayed in Ak'anon practicing with my bow while the gnomes examined what I had. Overall it wasn't too bad.....just they really could use some longer beds...

With the final piece I was ready to return to Ganelorn!!! Surely with all of the things I had worked so hard to collect he would teach me how to call the flame!!!

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But when I reached him....he said I had one last test to prove myself worthy.....I had to stop the king of the poachers!!! Vance Bearstalker!!!

I'd only heard legends of him!! A poacher mightier than any other!!!! I wouldn't be able to defeat him alone.....or even with another, this was going to take some serious fighting power!!

So, I sent out messages to my closest allies!!! Kadest, of course, was ready to answer the call and came right away!

That left us looking for two more.....but it was so late in the season, finding adventurers was going to be difficult....

It looked like we would need some mercenaries.

So, together we went to Freeport! The perfect place to find mercenaries!!!

After some searching and posting help wanted signs....we eventually came in contact with a strange Iksar named Kiruru. He seemed to have a fetish for bones....but also seemed pretty strong! He would be a great teammate!

Shortly after that a dwarf paladin named Arity said he wanted to join us also! He was a little lower level than me....but still the help was welcome!!!

It looked like we had our band of heroes to defeat the poacher King!! A quick teleport later and we were back in Karana....ready for the hunt!!!

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I got to work tracking the king of the poachers..... finding him nearby on a hillside.... he hadn't seen me...

I let a shot loose towards him and began running away. Sure he would be a bit angry and come after me.....right into our ambush!

A few moments later, the real fight had begun!!!

But this poacher was smart!! Instead of focusing on me or the dwarf....he ran straight for the Iksar first!!! Punching him with great force!! And with that, the Iksar fell over dead.....I guess he wasn't that powerful after all.

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Though, the iksars minion saw what had happened and rushed at the poacher! Cackling as it swung its bony arms!

But the poacher didn't care, he had his eyes on Kadest next!!! I tried to do what I could, shooting my arrows and snaring.... as the dwarf chased behind the poacher swinging his halberd.

Eventually the dwarf distracted the poacher enough and it finally gave up on Kadest.

Suddenly, the Iksar jumped up and began doing his magic!! I guess he got over being I said, he was strange.....I was glad he was alive again at least.

The fight waged on for what seemed like forever!! But we were definitely winning....

It was time to end it though...I took aim....and let loose a powerful shot. Striking Vance straight in the head.

And with that, it was over....

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I began tying a rope around the body to drag back to Ganelorn. He had told me he wanted the poachers head....but I wasn't going to do that!

But as I was tying the knots....the dwarf walked up and chopped off the poachers head with his halberd....

Blood was everywhere!! The horror!!!!

But oh well, it was lighter at least.

I took the head to Ganelorn and at long last, my quest was complete!!

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That night I poured over the scroll studying it and morning, I had mastered it!! Now I too knew how to call the flame!!
Last edited by Ivory; 05-22-2016 at 02:56 PM..
Old 05-23-2016, 02:52 AM
Fabby Fabby is offline

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Brilliant, shall try the Windstep when I reach 51.
- Riot -
Old 05-23-2016, 11:15 AM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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Now that I had learnt new archery techniques and new magic....I was prepared to find out what Innoruuk was up to!

We still had the coin from the dark elf to take to Telin in the Burning Kadest and I began our travels there.

There I discovered a giant wasps hive!!!

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It seemed pretty interesting!!! Perhaps it would be a good place to hunt later.....but for now we had other business to attend to!

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We soon found Telin and he suggested we seek out Arch Druid Althele in Karana.

Luckily getting there was fairly quick with Kadest with me...and before we knew it we were in Karana.

There I tracked her to a fishing village near the river....and also the largest waterfall I had seen!! I'd been in Karana so many times and never seen such a waterfall!! I was surprised!

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I went to Althele and gave her the coin, telling her what happened. She had already been sent word by Telin that Kadest and I was coming to see her....though, how his messages were faster than us I'm not too sure.

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Althele told us that the other druids of the village needed to be present before we could discuss the matters of was time for "the gathering"!

Simple enough!

So I tracked down the other druids and told them to Althele wanted to see them.

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Before long we had all but one druid with us! Humans, elves, half elves, halflings....and whatever Fang was, he never really said too much....just sat there watching in his wolf truly was a gathering like none other!

I tracked down the final member of the druids and the gathering was complete!!

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The ritual began with the druids calling out to Tunare and Karana asking for their help.

Suddenly, Althele turned to me and said Innoruuk's brood was upon us!!! I guess she could feel them nearby!

Kadest and I needed to stop them before they reached the arch druids!!!!!!!

We searched nearby and saw them on a hill. This time wasn't a single dark, it was 3!!!!!!

Kadest caught one of them....but two of the others got past him and were running straight for the gathering!! They were fast!!!!

It was up to me! I raced ahead and began firing at them!! Gaining their attention with a few well placed arrows.

They drew close to me, but I was fairly confident I could handle them.

Little did I know that these two dark elves were shadowknights!!!!!!!!!!! As they neared, they both channeled the power of their evil gods into me!! Harm touching me!!!!!!!!!

It hurt, a lot!! Kadest was busy with his own dark elf, but even he could see I was in trouble....

The problem was, Kadest was also!!!!!! The dark elf he was fighting definitely didn't seem easy....

It looked like I would have to handle things on my own.

So I did as archers do.....and ran!!! While shooting arrows, of course.

I used my magic to heal my wounds and summoned vines to slow down my enemies....but things weren't under control yet. The dark elves saw I was gaining an advantage and began dispelling all of my magic~!!!!

Suddenly I found myself removed from my wolf form!!! Without my wolf speed....they would surely catch me!!!

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I had run towards Kadest though, perhaps if we focused on his elf first we could join together to fight the ones I was battling?

I let loose arrows and magic to help finish off Kadest's enemy....and he was defeated. But both Kadest and I were pretty hurt from the battle, with these two minions of Innoruuk close behind me.

Kadest tried to draw their attention, but regretted it immediately as he learnt of their dispelling magic habits....

Somehow though we managed to get the situation under control. Eventually one of the elves fell.

Though, we were hurt and our energy was almost depleted!

Luckily the final dark elf seemed to have a change of heart and fled into the mountains! We were victorious!!!!!!

We returned to the arch druids victorious. On one of the fallen dark elves we had found a Fleshbound it to the druids to see what they thought of it.

It seemed our quest had only just begun!! Innoruuk was seeding the land with his hatred! He had to be stopped!

Before the druids left for the safety of their sanctuary they gave Kadest and I a note and told us to seek out "she who walks the path of the mother, she who walks the lands in service to her kin".

Humm, it looked like this might take some time.....
Old 05-23-2016, 12:40 PM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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It looked like we had gotten ourselves wrapped up in the business of gods!!!

Perhaps we needed to speak with another god about this.....cazic thule?

I'd heard rumors that morals could go to his plane though a gate just sitting around in the swamps....but that it was dangerous in doing so!

Then again, I'd fought"Humm, how dangerous could it really be?"

Kadest, of course, was willing to go.

We discussed it and decided that this journey would be more dangerous than any we had done before. Perhaps we would need even 4 people in total as when we killed the poacher king?!

Well, we already had 2....and with a little searching we had found another elf to join us. The bard Murri. I'd met Murri before on some of my adventures, so this seemed like a good start.

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After some more searching, we found some others willing to go.

A dwarvish paladin named Evangelos....though he was only as big as me, 51.

A halfling druid named Kolsh....that seemed good, druids were pretty handy.

And we even found an ogre!! A shaman named Teeton!!

Besides Murri and Kadest and myself....that meant we had 6 people!!!! Seemed like we would be extra safe with so many adventurers!

So we began to gather in the swamp...having gotten secret information to where the planar portal was located from gnomes (many gnomes died to get us this information).

Getting to the portal was surprising easy! A couple easily defeated spectres and an erudite were all that was stopping us from entering!!

I prepared my strategy....if we were to get into trouble, I would use my snares and flame licks to gain the enemies attention! I could do that to a couple of monsters as I've done before with giants! I would be a hero, everyone would rejoice!

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After preparing ourselves....we all took deep breaths.....and jumped through!!

As I came through the other side I could barely make out Murri as he ran over the hill we had appeared on.....and chasing him, were monsters! 1...2...3....4.....oh....this wasn't good....this wasn't good at all....

We all rushed down the hill as Murri sang his songs and kept running! Ohhhh mannn, there were far more creatures in here than I had thought!! I froze!! What should I snare?! Should I flame lick?! Who....who do I shoot?!

I backed against the wall....trying to assess the situation....Murri was hurt, I started with him....trying to heal him, but he kept passing by me too quickly!

The two druids stepped in and each charmed one of the gorillas.

Well, at least that was a start!

Then we peeled one of the creatures off of Murri..... ok, ok, this wasn't....too bad....

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As everyone began to get a little more comfortable....we actually began to make some progress against the one we had pulled away from Murri. The two gorillas being mighty warriors in themselves!!

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Then the dwarf paladin jumped in with the gorillas to fight. Ouch, it seemed like he definitely hurt from the creatures bites. I began to get worried again....

But we managed to kill one of the creatures after Murri....then another....and finally a 3rd. But as we fought, more creatures saw Murri running around and decided to chase him too.

Even though we were winning....the number of enemies we were facing was growing!

Suddenly everything went wrong!!!!!!

First for some reason monsters that were chasing Murri broke off and killed our dwarf!!! Then the druids died!!!! And the shaman!!!

"Get us out of here!! Teleport!!!"

But it was too late.....there were too many....everything went dark.....

Moments later....we woke in the swamp....stripped of our weapons and armor!! Had we died?! Did Tunare save us?!

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It didn't matter now! We were given a second chance!! .....but, what were we going to do? Without our equipment, invading the plane of fear would be even harder....

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As we came to the planes portal again, we saw another naked adventurer. Qelen the high elf. Had he met the same fate as us? Saved by the gods?! But stripped of his possessions by the thief Cazic?!

It looked like we were in this together....we had found a 7th member.

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We sat around and discussed our strategy to recover our things...this would be hard....harder than ever....I didn't even know if it was possible!

Then Murri stood up and said he would go in first.....alone!!!!!!

He had already let us survive for so long before....and now....he offered to go in first to distract them!!! Not only that, but also find our equipment and bring it near the portal!!! Alone!!!!

"No Murri!! You can't!! Not alone!!!"

"But...I is my duty, as an elf!"

The bravery!!!! I was never so proud to be an elf!!!!!!

The ogre cried many tears as Murri walked into the portal.....and there was we all waited for his signal to enter.....

Things were quiet a little too long though....had he died?! Was he captured?! Kidnapped!???! Forced into cazic thules dungeon and had gnomish things done to him?! Turned into a dark elf?!??!!

As my mind raced with all of the horrible things that had surely happened to Murri....his voice came from the portal "Ok, zone in".

He was alive!!!!!!!!

We raced into the portal also!!! Ready to save him!!

When I got to the other side of the portal though....I saw Murri was pretty hurt....what had happened?! He also wasn't anywhere to be seen....

It looked like this wasn't going to be good....

Still, no monsters had attacked the rest of we raced down the hill again and found our equipment.

Suddenly I could sense Murri died!!!!

It wasn't a good sign....probably....

Then, from over the hill, a group of monsters came rushing at us!!!

"Get us out of here!!"

The druid began to cast his spell as our brave paladin fought the creatures....

Then, it finished casting....we were saved!!!!!!

Moments later though, we appeared.... still in the plane of fear......this time deep in the middle of it.....


"Oh....ohhh.....this isn't good........"

I looked around in every direction and monsters were walking through the forests of fear, still unaware of us.....giant squid soldiers...gorillas....floating eyes.....

"I meant get us out of here to somewhere safe!!!!"

The other druid was way ahead of me though!! He had already begun casting his spell!!! Just as the creatures around us had seen we were there and coming towards us!!!!!

Thankfully the spell finished before they could reach us.......we vanished....

When the magic cleared, we were really safe this time!!! In the commons!!!

But our job wasn't over....... we had to go back!!!!!!!

Though, the paladin was losing strength. With all of this battling becoming too much for him, and thankfully he had his equipment back.

So he bid us farewell.

Luckily we found a new 7th person....the great barbarian shaman Hukas the Mighty Bear!!

I knew his power already! Though even with him here, I'd learnt the plane of fear still wasn't something to be taken lightly!

But, we had another problem....with 7 people someone had to stay outside of the group.....

I volunteered. After all, I'm an archer, I don't get hit! So it was better to have Hukas in the team to be looked after by the cleric!

"Rosen....take this....just in case...."

Hukas handed me a cap. He told me it was magic....and to touch it if there was no other way out. The druids wouldn't be able to help me this time.....

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Old 05-23-2016, 12:46 PM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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After preparing, we again entered the plane of fear..... with most of us having our equipment this time and Hukas here, we managed to charm the gorillas and begin fighting....Murri distracting them as normal.

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Everything was going fairly smoothly this time......we killed a few more creatures, and the gorillas were doing their thing.

Sure some more creatures had joined the fight, but nothing too bad I thought?

As I ran to snare a creature away from the group, I heard a wooshing sound.

Strange.....I turned around towards the group....

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They.....were ....gone.....

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How could this happen?!?!?!?!?!??!?? !!

The cowards!!!!!

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Then I remembered the cap!!!! Was it too late?!

I closed my eyes and stuffed my hand into my backpack and frantically felt around as the creatures attacked me!!!

Then I felt it....a sharp sting....

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When I opened my eyes .....the creatures were gone.... and all around me I saw dead people staring into the distance......

Was I alive?!? What....where......

Was this a vision?!?! What was to come if we didn't stop Innoruuk?!?!?!?!

Noooo!! I couldn't let it happen!!!!!!!

I closed my eyes again and when I opened them I was in the commonlands, with normal dead bodies all around. Whew.

It looked like I had made it out alive!!! But just barely!!!!!


We decided to try again!!! One last time!!!

Again, Murri distracted the creatures ....though I noticed there were far less of them this time....

After a bit of fighting....we actually reached a point where we had killed everything after Murri.

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Had we done it?! Had we....broken into the plane of fear?!?!

Yes!!! We had done it!!

We had achieved something great that night!!! Entered the plane of the gods and defeated their minions!!!!!

But it was getting late and we were weary from so much adventuring.

Perhaps trying to speak with Cazic Thule about Innoruuk wasn't the best idea.....I think I might just try to find that druid instead.....
Old 05-24-2016, 01:36 PM
Vilkata Vilkata is offline
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WTB the film rights.
Old 06-01-2016, 11:16 PM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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The next day when I woke up in the swamp, I noticed a lot of people rushing past me.

It was pretty unusual seeing so many in such a place like this!!! I wondered what they were up began following them.

I was shocked when I saw them enter the secret tunnels towards the Plane of Fears portal!!...and before I could even catch up to them, they had jumped through the portal! Without even preparing!!

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I knew what I had to do....I had to save them....

I prepared myself for another trip into the plane of fear, knowing how dangerous it was....and jumped through the portal after them!

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When I appeared on the other side though, I saw they had quite the force assembled! Still, I knew this place probably better than all of them....having been to plane of fear the day before.....they would surely need my arrows to keep safe.

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So I took a position overseeing the group on a small hill nearby, helping to fall the enemies that noticed us!

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They sure had a strange group though....I even met a dark elf shaman!!! ...

I'd never seen a dark elf shaman, though dark elves are tricky....and pretty savage, so it doesn't surprise me too much I guess.

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Things were going fairly well....we were killing the monsters without too much trouble. So in preparation for the next ones, I began making more arrows....

But, things got quiet.....a little too quiet....

When I looked around to see what was going on, I noticed half of the party had left us to sit on a nearby hill!!

They had formed some type of ball.....a bait ball?! What...what kind of monsters had I joined?! There were high elves and wood elves in that ball!!! The elfmanity!!

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But before I could protest the army of cazic thules minions rushed out of the forest towards them!!!

It was too late!! The bait ball was too tempting!!!!!!!

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Little did I know it was a trap! They were all mages! And joined together their magic to create a giant explosion that killed all of the minions!! They had simply moved away from the rest of us to avoid catching us in their blast!

Then...from the forest....a rumble came.....

"My minions!!"

It was Cazic Thule himself!!! Angered by the sudden death of so many of his followers!!!!

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It looked like he wasn't in the mood to talk.... we were going to have to defend ourselves. I was sure it was going to be a long fight....but luckily I always keep bags of arrows on me!

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We fought for what seemed like forever....and as the battle waged on, I was starting to get a little nervous. My arrows were vanishing quickly from my bags... well, I guess not vanishing, just they decided to use Cazic Thules back as their new quiver.

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I reached into my quiver for another arrow....but I was out!!!.....

Though I wouldn't be stopped so easily! As every good archer knows, you always keep a back up quiver of special arrows!!!

So I pulled them out and kept firing, this time even stronger than before!!
Old 06-01-2016, 11:17 PM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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It did the trick....and cazic fell....

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But at what cost?! In his death, he managed to take one last adventurer with him....falling and crushing an ogre!!!!

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In the end the mission was successful!! The brave adventurers were safe! Surely they would have been overcome by the plane of fears dangers without an elvish archer backing them up.

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Now it was final, I definitely wasn't ever going to get to talk to Cazic Thule about Innoruuk ...oh well.
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