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Old 10-01-2015, 05:49 PM
Jeni Jeni is offline

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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 375
Post EMPIRE POWER RANKS - How do you stack up?

Here are the standings based on awarded DKP loot. Sleeper's Tomb Loot and Velious Class Armor are not currently recorded on DKP so I am unable to add them here. For Example Checkraise's total is 10 excluding a full set of class armor. Colgate's total of 8 would exclude his primal, class wrists, class legs and other class loot he also has. For the math 20 items will count as being fully velious geared. Velious has been out for 2 months and will be the time used to calculate totals.

RANK 0. Slave - You have not received a single piece of velious dkp loot since launch.

1 DKP LOOT TOTAL- Serf - Unlike those dumb slaves you have something to show for hard work. It might be trash gear and rots but you can say you have Velious Raid loot. Suck it Friends!
Baxters, Blizze, Vladimir, Acidsmoke, Wark
Kindra, Nerrd, Stigmata, Daymian, Datboom
Savatage, Zuranthium, Bronkus, Dergan, Tyrrael
Quiet, Rushmore, Lunchwagon, Eddard, Milwaukees
Sassa, Shody , Deetz , Gasoline , Gradner
Decibel, Keeski, Myopic, Ezmodz, Mamasan
Fatality, Grimtoad, Parker, Dazed, Gaanon
ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 3.333 years at the current rate of .5 drop per 1 month.

2 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Peasant - You have sowed the land and are starting to reap the benefits of your hard work.
Skelital, Tity, Brony, Croazil, Orochimaru
Saibor, Draga, Grissle, Rockem, Kram
Shnarf, Gludan, Tech, Purse, Gummybear
Erdriick, Tarwin, Reptoyd
ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 2.666 years at the current rate of 1 drop per 1 month.

3 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Villein - As a wealthy commoner you know with a little bit more work you can make it to the big league.
Ashley, Amage, Spun, Weta, Salaryman
Valtiel, Puddems, Fistlin, Yibz, Duvain
Masaka, Rabid, Incognito, Dichotomy, Maal
Stumpkin, Gravee, Katelyn, Flexin, Tyrionn
ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 1.111 years at the current rate of 1.5 drop per 1 month.

4 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Squire - Someone has taken notice of you and is bringing you up in this world.
Muhh, Unbrella, Moderately, Cutter, Bongaholic
Cwall, Jump, Quantized, Imago, Riding
Dava, Nakor, Gream, Little, Kamil
Veemoda, Klepto, Miffli, Crouton/Tamtam, Chiggen
ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.8333 years at the current rate of 2 drop per 1 month.

5 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Knight - Your lord values your strength and rewards your loyaltity.
Warzone, Leluyn, Rudith, Elric, Vanco
Thrilla, Backup, Grannock, Tamiyo, Chuckslaw
Omai, Krewe, Cimarron, Rompar
ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.6667 years at the current rate of 2.5 drop per 1 month.

6 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Merchant - You have made a lot of friends trade goods and showing dependablity. The world is your oyster.
Guttzs, Fourier, Icehouse, Sparkling, Fandango
Isaelie, Warbok, Constantine
ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.5556 years at the current rate of 3 drop per 1 month.

7 DKP LOOTS TOTAL- Thane - As a thane you watch over military from your comfy adminstrative office.

Daps, Bodhisattva, Bush, Cyren, Gongshow
ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.4762 years at the current rate of 3.5 drop per 1 month.

8 DKP LOOTS TOTAL -Marquess - A high standing member of peerage who has good standing among his society. Being brought up in the upper class you shy away from duels and love cats.
ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.416667 years at the current rate of 4 drop per 1 month.

9 DKP LOOTS TOTAL -Bishop - Lowly peasents follow your word giving you great power in the community.
Greybeard, Feen, Gzaz, Checkraise
ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.3703 years at the current rate of 4.5 drop per 1 month.

10 DKP LOOTS TOTAL -King - Everything you want is handed to you regardless if you work for it.
Rygrim, Engelburt
ESTIMATED TIME TO GET FULLY VELIOUS GEARED - 0.333333 years at the current rate of 5 drop per 1 month.

Below is the raw data with loot drops.
09/27/15 Baxters Cloak of Venom Ikatiar the Venom
09/27/15 Blizze Mask of the Silver Eyes Dozekar the Cursed
09/27/15 Vladimir Frostreaver Dain Frostreaver
09/23/15 Acidsmoke Shiny Metallic Gloves Lord Kreizenn
09/22/15 Wark Scimitar of the Emerald Dawn Wuoshi
09/16/15 Nerrd Flame Etched Short Sword Lord Kreizenn
09/16/15 Stigmata Boots of the Destroyer Dagarn the Destroyer
09/10/15 Daymian Ancient Wyvern Hide Tunic Ikatiar the Venom
09/07/15 Datboom Ring of Lightning King Tormax
09/07/15 Savatage Iron Scroll of War Statue of Rallos Zek
09/06/15 Zuranthium Bioluminescent Orb Kelorek'Dar
08/31/15 Bronkus Aegis of Ice Dain Frostreaver
08/30/15 Dergan Typhoon, Sword of the Tidalwave Kelorek'Dar
08/27/15 Tyrrael Shield of the Dawn Sevalak
08/23/15 Quiet Hammer of Battle Statue of Rallos Zek
08/17/15 Rushmore Sprinkler of the Spirits Jorlleag
08/17/15 Lunchwagon Shield of the Protector Lady Mirenilla
08/17/15 Eddard Net of the Deep Sea Lord Koi'Doken
08/16/15 Milwaukees Staff of the Silent Star Lord Feshlak
08/16/15 Sassa White Dragonscale Boots King Tormax
08/09/15 Kindra Velium Encrusted Gauntlets King Tormax
08/09/15 Shody Boots of the Vindicator Derakor the Vindicator
08/09/15 Deetz Axe of Resistance Sevalak
08/08/15 Gasoline Nevedaria's Claw Lady Nevedaria
08/08/15 Gradner Melodic Necklace Cekenar
08/06/15 Decibel Boots of the Vindicator Derakor the Vindicator
08/05/15 Keeski Chestplate of Vindication Derakor the Vindicator
08/05/15 Myopic Staff of the Silent Star Lord Feshlak
08/04/15 Ezmodz Shield of Thorns Eashen of the Sky
08/04/15 Mamasan Velium Maul of Superiority Lendiniara the Keeper
08/03/15 Fatality Boots of the Vindicator Derakor the Vindicator
08/02/15 Grimtoad Chestplate of Vindication Derakor the Vindicator
08/01/15 Parker Crescent Blades of Luclin Wuoshi
08/01/15 Dazed Iron Scroll of War Statue of Rallos Zek
08/01/15 Gaanon Cloak of the Falling Stars Statue of Rallos Zek

09/20/15 Skeletal Shield of Fury Lord Koi'Doken
08/12/15 Skelital Cloak of Venom Ikatiar the Venom

09/29/15 Tity Skydarkener Wuoshi
08/09/15 Tity Great Spear of Dawn Sevalak

09/28/15 Brony Medal of Deep Thought Lady Nevedaria
09/03/15 Brony Matchless Dragonhorn Bracers Klandicar

09/27/15 Croazil Mask of the Sky Eashen of the Sky
09/17/15 Croazil Mask of Superiority Lendiniara the Keeper

09/23/15 Orochimaru Thunderstone Lord Feshlak
08/16/15 Orochimaru Cloak of Crystalline Waters Kelorek'Dar

09/20/15 Saibor Shield of the Wurms Lord Koi'Doken
08/26/15 Saibor Matchless Dragonhide Gauntlets Klandicar

09/16/15 Draga Ancient Wurm Hide Greaves Dagarn the Destroyer
08/12/15 Draga Twisted Steel Bastard Sword Eashen of the Sky

09/13/15 Grissle Cloak of Thorns Lady Nevedaria
09/13/15 Grissle Sleeper's Key Klandicar

09/13/15 Rockem Orb of the Crimson Bull Lady Mirenilla
08/16/15 Rockem Ring of Lightning King Tormax

09/10/15 Kram Mask of the Silver Eyes Dozekar the Cursed
08/05/15 Kram Reapers Ring Aaryonar

09/01/15 Shnarf Ring of Superiority Lord Feshlak
08/23/15 Shnarf White Dragonscale Boots King Tormax

09/23/15 Gludan Shield of Thorns Lord Feshlak
09/22/15 Gludan Dragons Tear Earring Lord Yelinak

08/26/15 Tech Silver Girdle of Stability Lendiniara the Keeper
08/24/15 Tech Shield of Thorns Lord Feshlak

08/23/15 Purse Crescent Blades of Luclin Wuoshi
08/11/15 Purse Matchless Dragonhorn Boots Klandicar

08/09/15 Gummybear Frostreaver's Velium Crown Dain Frostreaver
08/09/15 Gummybear Skydarkener Wuoshi

08/09/15 Erdriick Iron Scroll of War Statue of Rallos Zek
08/05/15 Erdriick Worked Dragonleg Breeches Klandicar

08/05/15 Tarwin Skydarkener Wuoshi
08/05/15 Tarwin Shield of the Protector Aaryonar

09/28/15 Reptoyd Cloak of Crystalline Waters Kelorek'Dar
09/27/15 Reptoyd Frostreaver Dain Frostreaver

09/29/15 Ashley Iron Scroll of War Statue of Rallos Zek
09/27/15 Ashley Silver Girdle of Stability Lendiniara the Keeper
09/23/15 Ashley Wurm Claw Pauldrons Dagarn the Destroyer

09/28/15 Amage Silver Chains Jorlleag
09/07/15 Amage Gauntlets of Dragon Slaying Lord Yelinak
08/09/15 Amage White Dragonscale Boots King Tormax

09/27/15 Spun Ancient Wyvern Hide Sleeves Ikatiar the Venom
09/27/15 Spun Velium Maul of Superiority Lendiniara the Keeper
09/13/15 Spun Cloak of Crystalline Waters Kelorek'Dar

09/24/15 Weta Palladius' Axe of Slaughter Vulak'Aerr
09/03/15 Weta Shield of the Wurms Eashen of the Sky
08/30/15 Weta Cloak of Crystalline Waters Kelorek'Dar

09/24/15 Salaryman Great Spear of Dawn Sevalak
09/14/15 Salaryman Skydarkener Wuoshi
08/20/15 Salaryman Shield of Midnight Sevalak

09/23/15 Valtiel Silver Disc Lord Kreizenn
08/31/15 Valtiel Gauntlets of Dragon Slaying Lord Yelinak
08/27/15 Valtiel Chestplate of Vindication Derakor the Vindicator

09/20/15 Puddems Mithril Gauntlets Lady Mirenilla
09/07/15 Puddems Tanglewood Shield Wuoshi
09/06/15 Puddems Silver Chains Jorlleag

09/20/15 Fistlin Barrier of Sound Lord Koi'Doken
09/02/15 Fistlin Zlandicar's Heart Zlandicar
08/23/15 Fistlin Ring of Lightning King Tormax

09/16/15 Yibz Vambraces of Discontent Lord Feshlak
09/07/15 Yibz Chestplate of Vindication Derakor the Vindicator
08/06/15 Yibz Siren Song, Dagger of the Sea Lord Koi'Doken

09/07/15 Duvain Crescent Blades of Luclin Wuoshi
09/03/15 Duvain Poison Soaked Tunic Ikatiar the Venom
09/03/15 Duvain Gauntlets of the Sky Eashen of the Sky

09/06/15 Masaka Silver Chains Jorlleag
08/06/15 Masaka Mithril Gauntlets Lady Mirenilla
08/01/15 Masaka Swiftblade of Zek Statue of Rallos Zek

09/06/15 Rabid Frosted Ice Spike Cekenar
08/12/15 Rabid Living Thunder Earring Derakor the Vindicator
08/09/15 Rabid Shadow Fang Necklace Sevalak

09/03/15 Incognito Mask of Superiority Lendiniara the Keeper
08/26/15 Incognito Living Thunder Earring Derakor the Vindicator
08/01/15 Incognito Crown of the Kromzek Kings King Tormax

09/01/15 Dichotomy Bow of the Destroyer Dagarn the Destroyer
08/27/15 Dichotomy Meljeldin, Bane of Giants Cekenar
08/17/15 Dichotomy Nevedaria's Claw Lady Nevedaria

08/26/15 Maal Shield of Thorns Eashen of the Sky
08/16/15 Maal Scimitar of the Emerald Dawn Wuoshi
08/01/15 Maal Crescent Blades of Luclin Wuoshi

08/23/15 Stumpkin Cloak of Crystalline Waters Kelorek'Dar
08/12/15 Stumpkin Mask of Fall Aaryonar
08/05/15 Stumpkin Shining Metallic Pantaloons Dagarn the Destroyer

08/13/15 Gravee Ayill's Aged Stone Shield Lord Yelinak
08/09/15 Gravee Iron Scroll of War Statue of Rallos Zek
08/01/15 Gravee Emerald Dragonscale Wuoshi

09/27/15 Katelyn Frostreaver's Velium Crown Dain Frostreaver
09/23/15 Katelyn Wurm Claw Pauldrons Dagarn the Destroyer
09/16/15 Katelyn Ring of Winter Dain Frostreaver

08/09/15 Flexin Velium Encrusted Gauntlets King Tormax
08/06/15 Flexin Helm of the Deep Sea Lord Koi'Doken
08/02/15 Flexin Bioluminescent Orb Kelorek'Dar

09/14/15 Tyrionn Velium Encrusted Gauntlets King Tormax
08/31/15 Tyrionn Sleeper's Key Lord Yelinak
08/30/15 Tyrionn Crown of the Kromzek Kings King Tormax

09/28/15 Speeddsz Siren Song, Dagger of the Sea Lord Koi'Doken
09/22/15 Speeddsz Chestplate of Eradication Statue of Rallos Zek
09/22/15 Speeddsz Crown of the Kromzek Kings King Tormax

09/28/15 Muhh Silver Chains Jorlleag
09/03/15 Muhh Sleeper's Key Klandicar
09/03/15 Muhh Gloves of Stability Lendiniara the Keeper
09/01/15 Muhh Thunderstone Lord Feshlak

09/27/15 Unbrella Fist of Lightning Eashen of the Sky
08/26/15 Unbrella Ancient Wyvern Hide Sleeves Ikatiar the Venom
08/20/15 Unbrella Baton of Flame Zlexak
08/04/15 Unbrella Ancient Wyvern Hide Leggings Ikatiar the Venom

09/27/15 Moderately Cloak of the Sky Eashen of the Sky
09/22/15 Moderately Sleeper's Key Lord Yelinak
09/14/15 Moderately White Dragonscale Sash King Tormax
08/31/15 Moderately Ring of Winter Dain Frostreaver

09/27/15 Cutter Silver Mask of the Slayer Dozekar the Cursed
09/10/15 Cutter Shadow Fang Necklace Eashen of the Sky
09/01/15 Cutter Flame Etched Short Sword Lord Kreizenn
08/23/15 Cutter Belt of Dwarf Slaying Dain Frostreaver

09/24/15 Bongaholic Meljeldin, Bane of Giants Cekenar
09/13/15 Bongaholic Bow of the Silver Fang Lord Koi'Doken
08/16/15 Bongaholic Hammer of Battle Statue of Rallos Zek
08/02/15 Bongaholic Cloak of Crystalline Waters Kelorek'Dar

09/23/15 Cwall Beldron's Vambraces of Impiety Lord Feshlak
09/14/15 Cwall Gauntlets of Dragon Slaying Lord Yelinak
09/01/15 Cwall Chestplate of Vindication Derakor the Vindicator
08/16/15 Cwall Melodic Necklace Lord Feshlak

09/22/15 Jump Scimitar of the Emerald Dawn Wuoshi
09/20/15 Jump Ancient Pirate's Eyepatch Lord Koi'Doken
09/14/15 Jump Swiftblade of Zek Statue of Rallos Zek
08/25/15 Jump Girdle of Dark Power Lady Nevedaria

09/22/15 Quantized Ring of Lightning King Tormax09/20/15 Zibby Cloak of Crystalline Waters Kelorek'Dar
09/20/15 Quantized Cloak of Crystalline Waters Kelorek'Dar
09/16/15 Quantized Shining Metallic Pantaloons Dagarn the Destroyer
08/19/15 Quantized Mask of Fall Aaryonar

09/20/15 Imago Crown of Resiliance Jorlleag
09/10/15 Imago Ikatiar's Stinger Ikatiar the Venom
09/08/15 Imago Boots of the Destroyer Dagarn the Destroyer
08/08/15 Imago Nevedaria's Horn Lady Nevedaria

09/20/15 Riding Mithril Gauntlets Lady Mirenilla
09/14/15 Riding Tanglewood Shield Wuoshi
08/16/15 Riding Hammer of Battle Statue of Rallos Zek
08/12/15 Riding Silver Girdle of Stability Lendiniara the Keeper

09/17/15 Dava Hand of the Master Aaryonar
09/03/15 Dava Cloak of the Fire Storm Dozekar the Cursed
08/23/15 Dava Crown of the Kromzek Kings King Tormax
08/19/15 Dava Sleeper's Key Lendiniara the Keeper

09/17/15 Nakor Mask of Superiority Lendiniara the Keeper
09/14/15 Nakor Chestplate of Vindication Derakor the Vindicator
08/12/15 Nakor Rocksmasher Aaryonar
08/09/15 Nakor Crescent Blades of Luclin Wuoshi

09/16/15 Gream Frostreaver's Velium Crown Dain Frostreaver
09/10/15 Gream Ancient Wyvern Hide Boots Ikatiar the Venom
08/26/15 Gream Ikatiar's Stinger Ikatiar the Venom
08/04/15 Gream Claw of Lightning Eashen of the Sky

09/14/15 Little Mask of the Dragon Slayer Lord Yelinak
09/13/15 Little Nevedaria's Left Eye Lady Nevedaria
09/06/15 Little Ebony Headband Lady Mirenilla
08/05/15 Little Boots of the Destroyer Dagarn the Destroyer

09/13/15 Kamil Cloak of Crystalline Waters Kelorek'Dar
09/13/15 Kamil Helm of the Deep Sea Lord Koi'Doken
08/08/15 Kamil Helmet of the Crawler Jorlleag
08/08/15 Kamil Melodic Necklace Cekenar

09/07/15 Veemoda White Dragonscale Boots King Tormax
08/26/15 Veemoda Sleeper's Key Klandicar
08/23/15 Veemoda White Dragonscale Sash King Tormax
08/17/15 Veemoda Orb of the Crimson Bull Lady Mirenilla

08/30/15 Klepto Tanglewood Shield Wuoshi
08/27/15 Klepto Baton of Flame Zlexak
08/12/15 Klepto Ring of Relkententinar Lendiniara the Keeper
08/05/15 Klepto Scimitar of the Emerald Dawn Wuoshi

08/26/15 Miffli Circlet of Summer Aaryonar
08/23/15 Miffli Iron Scroll of War Statue of Rallos Zek
08/23/15 Miffli Frostreaver's Embroidered Cloak Dain Frostreaver
08/02/15 Miffli Ring of Winter Dain Frostreaver

09/27/15 Crouton Silver Mask of the Slayer Dozekar the Cursed
09/17/15 Tamtam Mask of the Silver Eyes Dozekar the Cursed
09/14/15 Tamtam Sleeper's Key Lord Yelinak
08/18/15 Tamtam Shield of Thorns Velious Raid

09/29/15 Chiggen Cloak of the Falling Stars Statue of Rallos Zek
09/16/15 Chiggen Belt of Dwarf Slaying Dain Frostreaver
09/10/15 Chiggen Fist of Lightning Eashen of the Sky
09/06/15 Chiggen Ancient Pirate's Eyepatch Lord Koi'Doken

09/29/15 Gaping Velium Encrusted Gauntlets King Tormax
09/17/15 Gaping Cloak of the Fire Storm Dozekar the Cursed
09/07/15 Gaping Sleeper's Key Lord Yelinak
08/09/15 Gaping Dragonspine Rapier Zlexak

08/08/15 Warzone Helmet of the Crawler Jorlleag
08/08/15 Warzone Boots of the Vindicator Derakor the Vindicator
08/04/15 Warzone Twisted Steel Gauntlets Eashen of the Sky
08/02/15 Warzone Matchless Dragonleg Breeches Klandicar
08/02/15 Warzone Living Thunder Earring Derakor the Vindicator

09/08/15 Leluyn Thunderstone Lord Feshlak
08/30/15 Leluyn Chestplate of Vindication Derakor the Vindicator
08/27/15 Leluyn Axe of Resistance Sevalak
08/23/15 Leluyn Bioluminescent Orb Kelorek'Dar
08/13/15 Leluyn Gauntlets of Dragon Slaying Lord Yelinak

09/17/15 Rudith Sleeper's Key Lendiniara the Keeper
08/30/15 Rudith White Dragonscale Boots King Tormax
08/25/15 Rudith Onyx Chain Leggings Jorlleag
08/12/15 Rudith Circlet of Summer Aaryonar
08/12/15 Rudith Mask of the Silver Eyes Dozekar the Cursed

09/17/15 Elric Gloves of Stability Lendiniara the Keeper
09/07/15 Elric Soul Defiler Lord Yelinak
09/06/15 Elric Great Spear of Dawn Sevalak
09/01/15 Elric Chestplate of Fiery Might Lord Feshlak
08/24/15 Elric Ancient Pirate's Eyepatch Lord Koi'Doken

09/17/15 Vanco Mask of the Sky Eashen of the Sky
08/26/15 Vanco Sleeper's Key Lendiniara the Keeper
08/24/15 Vanco Silver Disc Lord Kreizenn
08/09/15 Vanco Crown of the Kromzek Kings King Tormax
08/04/15 Vanco Silver Bracelet of Speed Dozekar the Cursed

09/23/15 Thrilla Boots of the Dead Dream Lord Feshlak
09/16/15 Thrilla Shiny Metallic Gloves Lord Kreizenn
09/14/15 Thrilla Ring of Lightning King Tormax
09/01/15 Thrilla Shining Metallic Pantaloons Dagarn the Destroyer
08/19/15 Thrilla Mask of Fall Aaryonar

09/27/15 Backup Mask of the Silver Eyes Dozekar the Cursed
09/13/15 Backup Sprinkler of the Spirits Jorlleag
09/02/15 Backup Frakadar's Talisman Zlandicar
08/30/15 Backup Scimitar of the Emerald Dawn Wuoshi
08/25/15 Backup Shield of Thorns Jorlleag

09/28/15 Grannock Matchless Dragonhorn Boots Klandicar
09/10/15 Grannock Claw of Lightning Eashen of the Sky
09/02/15 Grannock Sleeper's Key Zlandicar
09/01/15 Grannock Shadow Fang Necklace Lord Feshlak
08/04/15 Grannock Cloak of the Fire Storm Dozekar the Cursed

09/28/15 Tamiyo Shawl of Perception Lady Mirenilla
09/08/15 Tamiyo Belt of Dwarf Slaying Dain Frostreaver
08/26/15 Tamiyo Barrier of Sound Eashen of the Sky
08/16/15 Tamiyo Ring of Lightning King Tormax
08/05/15 Tamiyo Boots of the Dead Dream Lord Feshlak

09/28/15 Chuckslaw Mithril Gauntlets Lady Mirenilla
09/10/15 Chuckslaw Pauldrons of the Deep Flame Dozekar the Cursed
09/03/15 Chuckslaw Sleeper's Key Lendiniara the Keeper
09/01/15 Chuckslaw Kreizenn's Flame Lord Kreizenn
08/17/15 Chuckslaw Mithril Boots Lady Mirenilla

09/22/15 Omai White Dragonscale Boots King Tormax
09/07/15 Omai Ring of Lightning King Tormax
08/16/15 Omai Shiny Metallic Sleeves Lord Kreizenn
08/05/15 Omai Shiny Metallic Gloves Lord Kreizenn
08/02/15 Omai Zlandicar's Heart Zlandicar

09/29/15 Krewe Ring of Lightning King Tormax
09/20/15 Krewe Bracelet of the Deep Sea Lord Koi'Doken
09/16/15 Krewe Frostreaver's Embroidered Cloak Dain Frostreaver
09/10/15 Krewe Mask of Fall Aaryonar
09/08/15 Krewe Ring of Winter Dain Frostreaver

09/29/15 Cimarron Sleeper's Tomb Key Lord Yelinak
09/29/15 Cimarron White Dragonscale Boots King Tormax
09/06/15 Cimarron Mask of Terror Lady Nevedaria
08/30/15 Cimarron White Dragonscale Sash King Tormax
08/19/15 Cimarron Peerless Dragonhide Breastplate Klandicar

09/29/15 Rompar Gauntlets of Dragon Slaying Lord Yelinak
09/01/15 Rompar Staff of the Silent Star Lord Feshlak
08/31/15 Rompar Belt of Dwarf Slaying Dain Frostreaver
08/24/15 Rompar Orb of the Crimson Bull Lady Mirenilla
08/08/15 Rompar Barrier of Sound Cekenar

08/26/15 Guttzs Rocksmasher Aaryonar
08/24/15 Guttzs Dagarn's Tail Dagarn the Destroyer
08/17/15 Guttzs Cekanar's Claw Cekenar
08/17/15 Guttzs Helm of the Deep Sea Lord Koi'Doken
08/06/15 Guttzs Silver Bracelet of Rage Lord Vyemm
08/01/15 Guttzs Axe of the Kromzek Kings King Tormax

09/13/15 Fourier Reinforced Dragonhorn Bracers Klandicar
08/31/15 Fourier Ring of Winter Dain Frostreaver
08/24/15 Fourier Skywatchers Monocle Lord Feshlak
08/23/15 Fourier Frostreaver's Embroidered Cloak Dain Frostreaver
08/04/15 Fourier Truesight Helmet Lendiniara the Keeper
08/02/15 Fourier Belt of Dwarf Slaying Dain Frostreaver

09/22/15 Icehouse Boots of the Vindicator Derakor the Vindicator
09/20/15 Icehouse Sleeper's Key Klandicar
09/13/15 Icehouse Mask of Terror Lady Nevedaria
09/03/15 Icehouse Circlet of Summer Aaryonar
08/18/15 Icehouse Shield of the Wurms Velious Raid
08/16/15 Icehouse Chestplate of Vindication Derakor the Vindicator

09/23/15 Sparkling Vyemm's Right Eye Lord Vyemm
08/31/15 Sparkling Dragon's Eye Sage Ring Lord Yelinak
08/19/15 Sparkling Cloak of the Sky Eashen of the Sky
08/16/15 Sparkling Skywatchers Monocle Lord Feshlak
08/13/15 Sparkling Sleeper's Key Lord Yelinak
08/02/15 Sparkling Peerless Dragonhide Breastplate Klandicar

09/24/15 Fandango Dragonspine Rapier Zlexak
09/20/15 Fandango Silver Chains Jorlleag
09/13/15 Fandango Mithril Boots Lady Mirenilla
08/30/15 Fandango Hammer of Battle Statue of Rallos Zek
08/23/15 Fandango Typhoon, Sword of the Tidalwave Kelorek'Dar
08/05/15 Fandango Flame Etched Short Sword Lord Kreizenn

09/27/15 Isaelie Silver Girdle of Stability Lendiniara the Keeper
09/16/15 Isaelie Staff of the Silent Star Lord Feshlak
09/08/15 Isaelie Shining Metallic Pantaloons Dagarn the Destroyer
08/25/15 Isaelie Medal of Deep Thought Lady Nevedaria
08/24/15 Isaelie Shiny Metallic Gloves Lord Kreizenn
08/04/15 Isaelie Mask of the Silver Eyes Dozekar the Cursed

09/28/15 Warbok Ebony Headband Lady Mirenilla
09/27/15 Warbok Ancient Wyvern Hide Leggings Ikatiar the Venom
09/14/15 Warbok Cloak of the Falling Stars Statue of Rallos Zek
09/03/15 Warbok Ancient Wyvern Hide Sleeves Ikatiar the Venom
08/25/15 Warbok Facesmasher Jorlleag
08/19/15 Warbok Ancient Wyvern Hide Tunic Ikatiar the Venom

09/24/15 Constantine Yakatizma's Shield of Crafting Vulak'Aerr
09/17/15 Constantine Reapers Ring Aaryonar
09/03/15 Constantine Silver Charm of Tranquility Dozekar the Cursed
08/17/15 Constantine Mask of Terror Lady Nevedaria
08/05/15 Constantine Sleeper's Key Klandicar
08/01/15 Constantine White Dragonscale Boots King Tormax

09/13/15 Daps Orb of the Deep Sea Lord Koi'Doken
09/10/15 Daps Breastplate of Superiority Lendiniara the Keeper
09/08/15 Daps Dawncaller, Blade of Morning Lord Kreizenn
08/24/15 Daps Mithril Helm Lady Mirenilla
08/19/15 Daps Truesight Hammer Lendiniara the Keeper
08/16/15 Daps Ancient Fire Etched Flamberge Lord Kreizenn
08/16/15 Daps Cloak of Crystalline Waters Kelorek'Dar

09/20/15 Bodhisattva Nevedaria's Left Eye Lady Nevedaria
09/06/15 Bodhisattva Ebony Headband Lady Mirenilla
09/03/15 Bodhisattva Silver Mask of the Slayer Dozekar the Cursed
08/24/15 Bodhisattva Boots of the Destroyer Dagarn the Destroyer
08/19/15 Bodhisattva Ancient Wyvern Hide Sleeves Ikatiar the Venom
08/08/15 Bodhisattva Wurmscale Fistwraps Cekenar
08/02/15 Bodhisattva Frakadar's Talisman Zlandicar

09/28/15 Bush Sleeper's Tomb Key Klandicar
08/30/15 Bush Crown of the Kromzek Kings King Tormax
08/23/15 Bush Boots of the Vindicator Derakor the Vindicator
08/19/15 Bush Mask of Superiority Lendiniara the Keeper
08/17/15 Bush Helmet of the Crawler Jorlleag
08/11/15 Bush Chestplate of Vindication Derakor the Vindicator
08/04/15 Bush Twisted Steel Bastard Sword Eashen of the Sky

09/14/15 Cyren White Dragonscale Boots King Tormax
09/08/15 Cyren Shiny Metallic Sleeves Lord Kreizenn
08/26/15 Cyren Silver Charm of Tranquility Dozekar the Cursed
08/18/15 Cyren Barrier of Sound Velious Raid
08/05/15 Cyren Staff of the Silent Star Lord Feshlak
08/04/15 Cyren Ancient Wyvern Hide Leggings Ikatiar the Venom
08/04/15 Cyren Sleeper's Key Lendiniara the Keeper

09/28/15 Gongshow Facesmasher Jorlleag
09/28/15 Gongshow Bioluminescent Orb Kelorek'Dar
09/06/15 Gongshow Nevedaria's Left Eye Lady Nevedaria
08/19/15 Gongshow Pauldrons of the Deep Flame Dozekar the Cursed
08/11/15 Gongshow Valtron`s Necklace of Wonder Vulak'Aerr
08/09/15 Gongshow Tri-Plated Golden Hackle Hammer Dain Frostreaver
08/02/15 Gongshow Sleeper's Key Klandicar

09/27/15 Colgate Belt of Dwarf Slaying Dain Frostreaver
09/06/15 Colgate Bioluminescent Orb Kelorek'Dar
08/25/15 Colgate Facesmasher Jorlleag
08/12/15 Colgate Ancient Wyvern Hide Leggings Ikatiar the Venom
08/12/15 Colgate Silver Mask of the Slayer Dozekar the Cursed
08/05/15 Colgate Hand of the Master Aaryonar
08/02/15 Colgate Sleeper's Key Zlandicar
08/02/15 Colgate Tri-Plated Golden Hackle Hammer Dain Frostreaver

09/23/15 Greybeard Dawncaller, Blade of Morning Lord Kreizenn
09/20/15 Greybeard Mithril Helm Lady Mirenilla
09/17/15 Greybeard Mask of the Sky Eashen of the Sky
09/13/15 Greybeard Silver Chains Jorlleag
09/10/15 Greybeard Sleeper's Key Lendiniara the Keeper
08/20/15 Greybeard Great Spear of Dawn Sevalak
08/19/15 Greybeard Breastplate of Superiority Lendiniara the Keeper
08/09/15 Greybeard Frostreaver Dain Frostreaver
08/06/15 Greybeard Sledge of Smashing Lord Vyemm

09/27/15 Feen Sleeper's Key Lendiniara the Keeper
09/22/15 Feen Chestplate of Eradication Statue of Rallos Zek
09/20/15 Feen Cloak of Thorns Lady Nevedaria
09/10/15 Feen Gloves of Stability Lendiniara the Keeper
09/06/15 Feen Orb of the Deep Sea Lord Koi'Doken
08/26/15 Feen Whitestone Shield Aaryonar
08/24/15 Feen Ancient Wurm Hide Greaves Dagarn the Destroyer
08/19/15 Feen Twisted Steel Bastard Sword Eashen of the Sky
08/12/15 Feen Silver Mask of the Slayer Dozekar the Cursed

09/29/15 Gzaz Chestplate of Vindication Derakor the Vindicator
09/28/15 Gzaz Nevederia's Right Eye Lady Nevedaria
09/22/15 Gzaz Gauntlets of Dragon Slaying Lord Yelinak
09/03/15 Gzaz Circlet of Summer Aaryonar
09/01/15 Gzaz Shield of the Wurms Lord Feshlak
08/24/15 Gzaz Skywatchers Monocle Lord Feshlak
08/19/15 Gzaz Sleeper's Key Klandicar
08/09/15 Gzaz Belt of Dwarf Slaying Dain Frostreaver
08/04/15 Gzaz Boots of the Vindicator Derakor the Vindicator

09/29/15 Checkraise Dragons Blood Earring Lord Yelinak
09/10/15 Checkraise Whitestone Shield Aaryonar
09/06/15 Checkraise Spinning Orb of Confusion Zlexak
09/03/15 Checkraise Mask of the Sky Eashen of the Sky
08/26/15 Checkraise Twisted Steel Bastard Sword Eashen of the Sky
08/23/15 Checkraise Velium Encrusted Gauntlets King Tormax
08/16/15 Checkraise Vambraces of Discontent Lord Feshlak
08/13/15 Checkraise Boots of the Vindicator Derakor the Vindicator
08/11/15 Checkraise Jaelen's Katana Vulak'Aerr

09/28/15 Rygrim Trident of the Deep Sea Lord Koi'Doken
09/22/15 Rygrim Chestplate of Eradication Statue of Rallos Zek
09/08/15 Rygrim Vambraces of Discontent Lord Feshlak
09/03/15 Rygrim Mask of the Sky Eashen of the Sky
08/26/15 Rygrim Truesight Helmet Lendiniara the Keeper
08/24/15 Rygrim Thunderstone Lord Feshlak
08/16/15 Rygrim Dagarn's Tail Dagarn the Destroyer
08/12/15 Rygrim Sleeper's Key Lendiniara the Keeper
08/06/15 Rygrim Mithril Gauntlets Lady Mirenilla
08/01/15 Rygrim Chestplate of Vindication Derakor the Vindicator

09/23/15 Engelburt Onyx Gauntlets Lord Vyemm
09/08/15 Engelburt Vambraces of Discontent Lord Feshlak
08/30/15 Engelburt Chestplate of Eradication Statue of Rallos Zek
08/26/15 Engelburt Mask of the Sky Eashen of the Sky
08/24/15 Engelburt Orb of the Deep Sea Lord Koi'Doken
08/19/15 Engelburt Silver Bracelet of Speed Dozekar the Cursed
08/16/15 Engelburt Wurm Claw Pauldrons Dagarn the Destroyer
08/12/15 Engelburt Twisted Steel Bastard Sword Eashen of the Sky
08/11/15 Engelburt Sleeper's Key Klandicar
08/01/15 Engelburt Boots of the Storm King Tormax

Thanks for reading and I hope you like my work!
Originally Posted by Heartbrand, former main tank for Empire
Tried to get immersed in Velious but quickly got burnt out by there being no challenge, the intensive raid schedule and pressure to be 100% or close to it with RA. In Nihilum, having 70% RA + meant you were a neckbeard, in Empire, 70% was the equivalent of being inactive status.
Old 10-01-2015, 05:54 PM
krazyGlue krazyGlue is offline

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go outside.
Old 10-01-2015, 05:54 PM
fiegi 8.0 fiegi 8.0 is offline
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09/28/15 Chuckslaw Mithril Gauntlets Lady Mirenilla
09/10/15 Chuckslaw Pauldrons of the Deep Flame Dozekar the Cursed
09/03/15 Chuckslaw Sleeper's Key Lendiniara the Keeper
09/01/15 Chuckslaw Kreizenn's Flame Lord Kreizenn
08/17/15 Chuckslaw Mithril Boots Lady Mirenilla

Just another happy customer.
Old 10-01-2015, 05:56 PM
quido quido is offline
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love my loots thanks Empire
Jack <Yael Graduates> - Server First Erudite
Bush <Toxic>
Jeremy <TMO> - Patron Saint of Blue
Old 10-01-2015, 05:58 PM
letsjoe letsjoe is offline

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09/13/15 Grissle Cloak of Thorns Lady Nevedaria
09/13/15 Grissle Sleeper's Key Klandicar

do you know how much time i put into this game, i gotta get into aimchat somehow
Old 10-01-2015, 05:59 PM
fiegi 8.0 fiegi 8.0 is offline
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Originally Posted by Blue_Defector [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Thanks for pointing this out.

Everyone should reflect on this and think, "Do I really want to waste all that time under a pasty, unhealthy BMI measured, subterrestrial man-child...or join <Friends> and make Velious a better place?"
or join friends and contest binds during primetime and schedule kunark raids at 5am
Old 10-01-2015, 06:01 PM
Heebo Heebo is offline
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Excellent thread. Happy to be a cog in the Empire machine.
Old 10-01-2015, 06:03 PM
Ragnaros Ragnaros is offline
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raiding with 130
Old 10-01-2015, 06:06 PM
Troubled Troubled is offline

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Right in the middle. Perfect.
Old 10-01-2015, 06:07 PM
Jeni Jeni is offline

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For the record it took more time to look up medieval hierarchy then it did to parse those logs.
Originally Posted by Heartbrand, former main tank for Empire
Tried to get immersed in Velious but quickly got burnt out by there being no challenge, the intensive raid schedule and pressure to be 100% or close to it with RA. In Nihilum, having 70% RA + meant you were a neckbeard, in Empire, 70% was the equivalent of being inactive status.
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