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Old 12-31-2020, 11:11 PM
Menden Menden is offline
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Default Serpentine draft

Greetings Norrath!

An idea came up in the UN Discord. A serpentine draft! I asked Jutebox from KWSM to write up a proposal for it. He received a lot of feedback from the the UN members and Senior CSR staff and this is the results

All content listed within this draft is reserved between January 1st at 12:01AM EST and is unlocked 11:59PM EST on January 9th. After that server reverts back to the existing ruleset.
Player or players attempting or killing targets they are not permitted to will be handled accordingly.

Draft picks

Note: A raid entity is defined as a guild or alliance of guilds that can kill Derakor the Vindicator without outside help.

This policy will outline how all the guilds will be given the opportunity to participate in a quarterly serpentine style draft. The proposal will be in effect for one year and reviewed thereafter. Draft days will be on the first Saturday of January, April, July, and October of 2021. CSR has the ability to modify the draft if something isn’t working.

Actual Draft Dates:
January 2nd (with a lockout starting on January 1st at 12:01AM EST)
April 3rd
July 3rd
October 2nd

Starting with January 2nd at Noon EST, a representative from all qualifying raid entities on the server will meet Greater Fay Wizard Spire to start the draft. Participants will draft raid targets until all raid targets are chosen in a snake approach - so A, B, C, D, E, E, D, C, B, A. Two rounds make up one full snake.

At the beginning of the draft and again after every completed snake, entities will /random 0 - 1000 for pick order, with the highest roll selecting first. Teamups must be declared before each roll and teams will count as one entity and be locked together for those two rounds.

Each entity will have 2 minutes to make their pick when their turn comes. If entities have not picked at the end of 2 minutes, they will be asked for the pick. If the entity does not make a selection, CSR will pick for them. We will collaboratively time each other to help move the draft along, without persecuting one another.

All participating guilds will select one representative to participate in the draft. Menden requested that the representative not be the leader of any guild.

Representatives will coordinate with CSR (on any questions about the draft, Jutebox can also help clarify questions), they will roll for your guild, announce team ups before each roll, and make selections for your guild at the draft.

CSR will participate in the draft to make picks for server-wide events that they’d like us all to help run. CSR will roll to determine pick order like all other entities. Loot at server-wide events will be need before greed /random 0 1000 for participating players who must be 46+. CSR may decide to throw in some extra server-event pixels at server-wide events to encourage players from drafting guilds to help lead and participate. All this is subject to change however CSR desires.

Once an entity picks a target, those entities cannot pick that same target for the next two drafts (with Vulak as an exception, see section on Vulak).

New Guilds

If you are leading a guild that is not in the UN and you want to participate in the draft, please join the UN and message CSR to be tagged as such.


All concessions pause till after the draft week. This means that entities can pick targets they’ve conceded on during draft week, and those concessions roll over to the following week. If you are conceded on a target and do not select it during draft week, that does not count toward your concessions. It is as if draft week did not exist.

Time to Slay Picks & Multiple Spawns

Raid entities have the entire week to slay their targets. If a draft pick becomes available (spawns) or unblocked late in the week, raid entities are extended 72 hours to slay their pick.

Thus, if a drafted pick spawns or becomes unblocked on the Friday after the draft, raid entities will have until Monday to slay it.

Question: What happens if there are multiple spawns of my drafted mob in a week (like if there is an Earthquake, or it spawns late and then early in the window, or it is a 3-5 day timer)?

Answer: For mobs with 7 day timers, entities are guaranteed no more than one kill for that target. Subsequent spawns are FFA. Coordinate with the entity that picked that target if you are unsure if they’ve killed theirs yet or consult the spreadsheet. For mobs with 3-5 day timers, entities reserve those targets for the entire draft week. These rules apply unless specified elsewhere (like in how packages are defined, see CT/Fear packages. Draft week ends at 11:59PM EST on the Saturday following draft week.

Blockers & Package Picks

Due to the nature of some encounters, some picks should be package deals where, if selected, entities give up their second pick for the package deal. Thus, an entity could select a package in the first round, skip the second round, and select a package in the third round and skip their fourth pick. Packages can only be selected in odd rounds (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc).


Doubles (Jorl, Lady N)
Lord Koi & Lady M
Vulak (With special rules, see Vulak section below)
CT (includes CT-spawned golems and draco,
All sets of 3-day golems and any non CT Dracolich) The golem races will be postponed a week.
Sleeper's Tomb (All Week)
All of VP
Statue & AoW
Ring War (All Week)
Dozekar & all HoT Minis

Vulak & the Draft:

If a raid entity has drafted and killed Vulak, they must pass future Vulaks until all raid entities have had an opportunity to slay Vulak.

Good Sportsmanship:

The intent of this draft is for all participating guilds and players to have fun! This means that guilds should work together and collaborate when necessary to accommodate each other. The rules of this event should not be construed in such a way that they are used as a weapon, or a tool to coerce or punish. CSR reserves the right to interpret the rules of this event in line with this spirit when necessary.

List of Raid Entities:

Q26: What exactly does the staff consider a Raid mob?
A: Aary, Avatar of War, Cazic_Thule, Cekenar, Dagarn, Dain, Dozekar, Druushk, Eashen, Faydedar, Final_Arbiter, Gorenaire, Gozzrem, Hoshkar, Ikatiar, Innoruuk, Jorlleag, Kelorek_Dar, King_Tormax, Klandicar, Lady_Mirenilla, Lady_Nev, Lady_Vox, Lendiniara, Lord_Feshlak, Lord_Koi`Doken, Lord_Kreizenn, Lord_Nagafen, Lord_Vyemm, Master_of_the_Guard, Nexona, Phara_Dar, Progenitor, Sevalak, Severilous, Silverwing, Sontalak, Statue_of_Rallos_Zek, Talendor, Telk, Trakanon, Tunare, Velketor, Venril_Sathir, Vulak, Wuoshi, Xygoz, Yelinak, Zlandicar, Zlexak, as well as Fright, Dread, Terror, and Draco in Plane of Fear

Added for the sake of the draft: Ring War
Old 12-31-2020, 11:30 PM
tacomagradd tacomagradd is offline

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Awesome way to start out the new year! Thanks to CSR for making it happen. Good luck to all!
Old 12-31-2020, 11:33 PM
Awweshux Awweshux is offline

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Must specify exactly "If a draft pick becomes available (spawns) or unblocked late in the week, raid entities are extended 72 hours to slay their pick." What is "late in the week."
Old 01-01-2021, 12:10 AM
tacomagradd tacomagradd is offline

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Originally Posted by Awweshux [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Must specify exactly "If a draft pick becomes available (spawns) or unblocked late in the week, raid entities are extended 72 hours to slay their pick." What is "late in the week."
Menden will have to answer this question, but I think it is addressed in the rules as written.

The draft is on a Saturday, January 2nd and draft week ends on the following Saturday, January 9th at 11:59PM EST. This question is really focused on mobs with 7-day timers. If a 7-day mob spawned or became unblocked for the first time late in the week (say 6 days after draft day), then the entity that picked it would have 72hrs to slay their pick. In rare cases, it may not be unblocked until blockers become FFA and are killed.

Potential examples:

A guild picks Doze, but it does not spawn until Thursday, January 7th. They have 72hrs after it spawns to kill it, even though that extends a day beyond the end of draft week.


Say a guild picks Vyemm and cannot slay him. Vyemm is locked for them until 12:00AM EST on January 10th, when it becomes FFA. When Vyemm (or any final blocker) is slain, then the guild that picked that Vulak gets 72hrs to kill him.

Basically, everyone who picks a 7-day mob is guaranteed access to kill that target once for all of draft week or 72hrs after it spawns or becomes unblocked, even if that extends beyond draft week. The spawn timers for each pick are listed in the spreadsheet.

One good suggestion could be:

Guilds can "concede" any of their picks, and if they do so the mob will become an open-server raid.

That addition might help prevent stuff from rolling past draft week if guilds give up on a blocker target they picked that they cannot finish off.

I think that is a fringe case though that can be dealt with if/when it happens. The spirit of the law is for everyone to get a good shot at the targets they select.
Old 01-01-2021, 01:30 AM
titanshub titanshub is offline

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Yes, big thanks to csr staff for letting this be a thing! Hopefully we can all have fun and treat it as a little vacation form business as usual.
His Lizardliness, Spacepope the first. - 60 Leezard Grandmaster
~ Proud Former Leader of <Kittens Who Say Meow> ~
Old 01-01-2021, 03:51 AM
MaCtastic MaCtastic is offline

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New Year, New Raid Scene... I hope. Pras this draft and all those involved, last server draft was lots of fun for those involved. May the odds ever be in your favor.
Toons: Dainae, Byee, Berik, Nokio, Cneasaigh, Quom
Guild: Officer of Kittens Who Say Meow
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Old 01-01-2021, 04:17 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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Thanks to everyone working to make this happen.

serpentine (n.)
c. 1400, "plant reputed to contain antivenom," from Old French serpentin name of a precious stone, noun use of adjective meaning "of a snake, snake-like; sly, deceptive," from Late Latin serpentius "of a serpent," from Latin serpentem (nominative serpens) "snake" (see serpent). As the name of a greenish igneous rock consisting mainly of hydrous magnesium silicate, attested from early 15c.
Less toxicity for the new year, maybe.
Old 01-01-2021, 02:02 PM
Chapelle Chapelle is offline

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Originally Posted by Menden [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Q26: What exactly does the staff consider a Raid mob?
A: Aary, Avatar of War, Cazic_Thule, Cekenar, Dagarn, Dain, Dozekar, Druushk, Eashen, Faydedar, Final_Arbiter, Gorenaire, Gozzrem, Hoshkar, Ikatiar, Innoruuk, Jorlleag, Kelorek_Dar, King_Tormax, Klandicar, Lady_Mirenilla, Lady_Nev, Lady_Vox, Lendiniara, Lord_Feshlak, Lord_Koi`Doken, Lord_Kreizenn, Lord_Nagafen, Lord_Vyemm, Master_of_the_Guard, Nexona, Phara_Dar, Progenitor, Sevalak, Severilous, Silverwing, Sontalak, Statue_of_Rallos_Zek, Talendor, Telk, Trakanon, Tunare, Velketor, Venril_Sathir, Vulak, Wuoshi, Xygoz, Yelinak, Zlandicar, Zlexak, as well as Fright, Dread, Terror, and Draco in Plane of Fear
Any reason the Q26 raid mob list you posted above is different than that one on :

Q26: What exactly does the staff consider a Raid mob?
A: Aary, Avatar of War, Cazic_Thule, Cekenar, Dagarn, Dain, Dozekar, Druushk, Eashen, Faydedar, Final_Arbiter, Gorenaire, Gozzrem, Hoshkar, Ikatiar, Innoruuk, Jorlleag, Kelorek_Dar, King_Tormax, Klandicar, Lady_Mirenilla, Lady_Nev, Lady_Vox, Lendiniara, Lord_Feshlak, Lord_Koi`Doken, Lord_Kreizenn, Lord_Nagafen, Lord_Vyemm, Master_of_the_Guard, Nexona, Phara_Dar, Progenitor, Sevalak, Severilous, Silverwing, Sontalak, Statue_of_Rallos_Zek, Talendor, Telk, Trakanon, Tunare, Velketor, Venril_Sathir, Vulak, Wuoshi, Xygoz, Yelinak, Zlandicar, Zlexak, as well as Fright, Dread, Terror, and Draco in Plane of Fear,all named mobs in Plane of Growth, all of Plane of Sky (this does not apply to island 1.5 in Sky (Noble/Gwan)), along with Maestro and mini bosses in Plane of Hate (if a guild is actively clearing hate when a mini boss spawns, they will not be DQ'd from that mini boss).
Old 01-01-2021, 02:55 PM
tacomagradd tacomagradd is offline

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Originally Posted by Chapelle [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Any reason the Q26 raid mob list you posted above is different than that one on :
May be a small oversight, but:

-Tunare is on the list and likely includes all of POG named, in accordance with the existing Tunare agreement.

-Sky is already handled by player agreement for Efreeti "rotation" and designated sky days.

-Innoruuk and all hate minis are a package, listed on the spreadsheet:

Note: this is the first draft ever, so there may be some small oversights or assumptions made that can be cleaned up for next time. Good questions though.
Old 01-01-2021, 04:47 PM
Fabby Fabby is offline

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Because this is intended to remove competition for the week of this event I am curious if we still have to observe all the usual competitive rules. Like if we are killing a triplet in Ntov and another spawns, does the raid entity have to leave Ntov and recoth or can they continue from there?
- Riot -
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