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Old 11-10-2009, 02:39 PM
sirgijoe sirgijoe is offline
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Default don't join shades of fury

okay, I wasn't going to post this here, but after the very not so nice response I got from the guild leader, I decided I better post it so that other people aren't mistreated the same way I and a few other members have been mistreated.

I apologize to some of the members of shades of fury for this, because they are good peeps, and I hope they can leave this POS guild and find a better guild that will actually take care of them.

this is what I told the guild after I left them, it was a apology letter, explaining why I left, and basically letting the members know that I had no hard feeling for them, but it was time for me to move on,, then I made a few suggestions to some of the people, because I wanted to see the guild actually do well, and survive in this community, sadly this is no longer the case.

this was my letter

Well as some of you may know, I disbanded the guild today. I really hated to go, but I felt due to certain issues they kept repeating themselves, that it was time to go. I enjoyed my time in guild and got to know some pretty cool people while I was there and I hope they will continue to be friends in the future as we embark on epic things together as a server whole.

In parting, I will not name any names, because it is not my job to call out people on downfalls, But I will offer some advice to those who wish to read this.

The biggest aspect of this game is social respect, without respect of fellow players on the server, or even in your guild atleast, things will become crap in no time.

things that you can do to keep respect up are.

give warnings before you leave guild groups, try to find a replacement also before you go to. to many times I have seen people join a guild group, and leave 30 minutes later with no warning and leave the group basically out to split up or in a tight pinch.

Buff others when you see them if they need, for myself, I always gave free food water and pet weapons to anyone who asked for them, and half the time to people who didn't ask I will still offer them, this is part of the mage class, People need to know that if they have HP buffs, or SoW, or ports, or anything that might help a fellow guild member out, hook them up.

Don't try to make profit off fellow guild members, if you have a item someone needs in the guild that is active, hook them up with it, I don't care if I have a item in my bags that is worth 200pp, if a guild member needs it, and they are active, I would gladly give it to them for free no strings attached, now if need money for spells or something then make sure you are taken care of also, but I see so many people in guild trying to make a profit off other guild members, not even realizing that by helping that person out now, its going to help you out in the long run. hell even if you sold it for a guild discount to people you would still make money for your stuff, but at the same time be helping soandso out.

Learn your class, do some research, I have been in groups to many times where people had no clue on what their basic group role was, and they were lvl 30 +. it takes 2 seconds to read up on a website to find all that out. take the small amount of time to read it so you will have a clue on how to play.

Personally, I would like to see shades of fury grow, and blossom into a nice guild. I feel that in order for that to happen tho, people are gonna need to start paying attention, and contributing to the guild in the way their classes were intended to contribute.

Just my two cents, like I said, I wish you all the best of luck, and may you have many successful hunts as a guild!
and this was the guild leaders 8 year old response to my apology, but before he posted this, he banned me from their forums, probably thinking that I would never see this, and he would look like the big man in the end.

this is Dorafs response

First off, I would like to say I have met more good people in this small community of players than I had in 10 years on live server. I see guildies go out of their way to create guild groups and even hold spots open for guildlies even if it costs them exp or time. I see people constantly giving items way in guild and buffing each other.

I also believe a good percentage of the people I have grouped with know their characters real well. This is not live server buddy. Most these people who are playing here have played many years ago and are playing the class they did back in the day. People are going to be a bit rusty, but for the most part everyone is doing a great job.

As for respect. Suck mu cack bitch. We don't need crybabies like you anyway. Did you ever mention to me or an officer your concerns? Did you provide any evidence in your post? I only real generalizations. Somebody pass by and not cast you a Sow? A guildie had a RL and can't play video game 24hr straight? Remember bro, these are adults with jobs and lives. Sometimes a person can get online for 12hrs straight and maybe only 1hr the next day. We do not hold that against anyone in the guild and if you do, then don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

To the rest of the guild. Don't let a faggot cum guzzling slut bag like that get you down. You are all doing an awesome job!

First off, this kind of post was not only immature, but he must not have even read my first post, because he obviously didn't see that my post was not a negative post at all, and was meant to help them.

with that said, these are the reasons you should not join them, besides the maturity lvl held by the guild leader,

Officers are never online, I never see the guild leader online either, which doesn't matter seeing as how they have all been out levels by the guild anyways.

the guild leader tried to do a raid in runny eye, and didn't even attend it, HIS own friggen raid and he was a no show......

they basically did zerg invites, and invited as many people as they could, level 1 up, so that they could have a big guild, and hey it worked, but you always seem to fill up with the kind of players that you really don't want to fill up with, they suit their guild leader well,,

their are many other reasons I could name, but I think anything past this point is just being petty, I hope people read this, and see what a POS guild this is, and I hope the good members they do have quit and find new better guilds so that they time on here is enjoyable. in fact, in the past 2 days, members have already started leaving, which is probably why he took offense to my post in the first place..

anyways,, I figured you all needed a good read, and like I said, I don't want other people to hate logging on to this awesome server, because of a few immature people in the game, I know its gonna happen from time to time, but I am trying to spare someone from it if it is avoidable.. have a great day project 99! see you online!
Old 11-10-2009, 02:57 PM
Alarti0001 Alarti0001 is offline
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yes apparently we shouldnt have zerg invited trash like you Abra.... Someone forgot to sow you and you complain...Someone's wife gets home and they have to leave the group with little notice? Sorry man really sorry... I'll ask him next time to tell his wife to fuck off !

Yes go find a guild that will take care of you... maybe even coddle you .... This guild likes to group together and have fun... This guild also understands teh importance of a real life.

Doraf banned you...because you are gone? Why would we leave you active? And I agree with Doraf if you dont understand those 2 things GTFO!

Poor Poor Abra..... sorry you had to ragequit and post on 3 seperate forums.
Old 11-10-2009, 03:03 PM
sirgijoe sirgijoe is offline
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I had no issues with someones wife coming home, I have said that 4 millions times in tells, real life comes first, this is a video game, my problem was not with shad at all, he is a good dude. get your facts straight before you make a fool out of yourself.

and doraf banned me, because he was a coward, why else would someone post and ban the person they are replying to before that person can even go read it, he banned me before he hit submit message..

second off, I didn't have a problem with a lot of guild members, most I still like, most still like me also, like 4 people in your guild sent me reply from doraf through IM, so I could read it, how else do you think I got it? I am not the only one who thinks your guild is a POS, and I can assure you more members will be leaving shortly.

and I didn't post this on three different forums, only 2, but if your guild leader would have been mature, this would have never left your guild site,

btw the Alarti0001 poster is Blugrog, possibly the worst shaman on this server, he tried to spam me in tells in game to the point I had to ignore him.. and he is about as mature as his guild leader,, they both were made for eachother.
Last edited by sirgijoe; 11-10-2009 at 03:08 PM..
Old 11-10-2009, 03:04 PM
eqravenprince eqravenprince is offline
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This will encourage people to join Shades of Fury, thanks for the promo.
Old 11-10-2009, 03:09 PM
sirgijoe sirgijoe is offline
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encourage them how? lol,, this isn't wow, eq1 was built on community, not assholes that act like they are 8
Old 11-10-2009, 03:14 PM
Alarti0001 Alarti0001 is offline
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LOL please take screenshots of my tells in game and post them...they are very enlightening. You know like why did you leave? you could have talked to me you know? and oh well it doesnt matter any more. Until you got all raged and decided to attack me and the guild....

And yes we deleted your account and yes someone sent u a copy or whatever... Noser did you think we dont know who... we didnt delete hsi account because noser is a cool guy who doesnt QQ for hours on forums...But since he is "probably unknowingly" fueling your fire I will correct this now.

Anyway the point is you didn't fit.... You won't fit so just tuck tail and run... If anyone else wants to leave they can...
But, for some reason I doubt that.....
Anyways time for you to move on.... if you need to vent your outrage or drama do it somewhere else? Maybe constructively.

And yes I agree I am probably the worst shaman on the server.... lol

Bye now
Old 11-10-2009, 03:23 PM
sirgijoe sirgijoe is offline
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noser didn't send me that page, although he is a good guy, and probably would have if I asked him to, but since other people already sent it to me, I didn't need to ask him to. secondly you deleted my account, and then responded, which is cowardly to do, how are you gonna post something like that and not even let the person you are bashing defend themselves?..

oh, and I don't want to fit in your guild, that's why I disbanded. sorry I butt hurt you, but that is life,

and btw I am not going to post your QQ tells you sent to me, I didn't want to read them in the first place, what makes you think anyone else does? lol
Old 11-10-2009, 03:29 PM
Alarti0001 Alarti0001 is offline
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Internet bravery?

If you want to keep talking to me take me off ignore and send me tells. Otherwise go away you pesky runt. You will accomplish nothing by your rant.

All you will do is make yourself look crazy.. Since the guilds rep will be spread by our members actions, and not some crying forum spammer.
This will be last post I make on this super intelligent topic. So i will let you have the last word as it obviously means so much for you...
Make it count!
Old 11-10-2009, 03:32 PM
sirgijoe sirgijoe is offline
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I tried to stop talking to you 45 minutes ago.. lol
Old 11-10-2009, 03:35 PM
doraf doraf is offline

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You left the guild, so I chanaged your status from Full Member to Newbie. That is standard procedure for most guilds. What is said after you disband on the member forum regardless if your name is mentioned or not is our business and not yours. Move on buddy.

Like I said on our public board:
"It sounds like somebody doesn't get enough attention at home, so begs for it in toontown.

I thought I was pretty diplomatic in my post."

Leader of Shades of Fury
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