Thread: Lose Weight
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Old 04-28-2023, 02:15 AM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 8,479

There is no way to do the eat 10,000 burn 10,000 challenge without overtraining

You are going to put your cortisol through the roof. For me, I figured out that my horrible insomnia was from overtraining certain workouts, specifically when I would do all upper body in a 2 hour workout all super-set (no breaks between sets, just moving to a diff muscle). Eventually my joints would start to ache and my body would be sending strange signals, sort of feeling like I was in a car wreck

I’d get myself stuck in this like flight or fight state, I’d have what I call the heebee geebee’s and not only could I not sleep that night, I couldn’t even lay in the same position for more than 10 minutes without having to shift position

There’s no way I could do this challenge without putting myself in that flight or fight overtrained state. Not worth it…I guess it would depend on how much $$ the vid could make you though
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