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Old 06-07-2023, 07:21 PM
Ooloo Ooloo is offline

Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 2,670
Default The general current events discussion thread

This is a thread to discuss and debate current events which might not warrant their own dedicated threads.

The topic at hand may shift organically with the daily news. This stimulates conversation and interest. If you're responding to a specific post please quote the relevant sections to preserve context.

Be respectful to each other. We are adults using words to discuss ideas, but blatant insults and vulgarity don't move any conversation forward. Please don't call everyone who might disagree with you a "groomer" or a "nazi". Instead, try to persuade them! Changing minds is hard but not impossible.

We should be able to have interesting and civil conversations about any topic in here, and I think we can!