Thread: ME/CFS
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Old 03-14-2021, 07:24 PM
Raev Raev is offline
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Originally Posted by magnataress
I have done like everything right to try to heal / cure my own damn self and nothing really improves ... I'm not psycho and the fucking doctors are assholes probably because I am trans, not super fucking rich.
Modern doctors are assholes because their treatments do not work, so the ones that aren't sadists quit.

Regardless, if you can choose to fix yourself (and you can) that means, ipso facto that it was your own choices that got you into this mess. Accepting this is was very difficult for me. I remember waving off a psychologist: "I'm only depressed because I'm tired and sick". I can only say now that it just doesn't work that way. Remember Napoleon: the moral is to the physical as three to one!

CFS itself is the buildup of 'hanging' biological crises. In short, when we encounter stressful situations our body tends to help us with short term, stressful adaptations. If we never resolve the stressful situation, the adaptation can persist for years. When enough of these stressful adaptations are running in parallel, there is no energy left to do anything else. The worst part is that resolving them requires both physical energy and the mental courage to face your worst fears, and so it's easy to get stuck in a vortex of low physical energy and depression: CFS.

In fact there are programs for CFS that are purely psychological, like the Gupta method. Resolve the emotional problems and the physical will follow. You can also try reading eastern literature like the Light of Asia or Bhagavad Gita. I very much doubt a modern shrink will do much good, but hey. Sarah Myhill has some good work on the chemical basis for CFS. Buteyko Breathing might be interesting, although I'm still experimenting with it.

Good luck!