Thread: Finally Griefed
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Old 11-29-2012, 11:54 AM
HippoNipple HippoNipple is offline

Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 4,095

You guys need to chill out on samwise. Not sure if you are just upset he left and are butthurt about it or if you are just taking cheap shots on someone you had built up anger with for some other reason.

This thread was to expose how lame Supreme is to hold such a pathetic grudge.

As for Samwise flaking out, he is up there with being one of the few that had a significant positive influence on this server.

You damn trolls are worse then Nihilum and you make it hard to join either side. You are either with the basement dwelling PvErs with no standards or a bunch of obnoxious backstabbers full of hate. You call Samwise a flake while you are all changing guilds every other week. The only thing you have going for you is that you is that you are going against a force that everyone dislikes.