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Old 10-02-2021, 03:44 PM
Ooloo Ooloo is offline

Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 2,670

Even if they had enough food, which they didn't, capitalism provides far more abundance. I mean, the poorest people in our country are *overweight*. Even during the pandemic, there were fears of food shortages. Never happened. One or two places had temporary regional distribution issues for like a week, but the actual production of food never waned and nobody starved to death.

It's just not even remotely a valid comparison. Communism depends on human nature not being what it is. People with power will always, always go tyrant given the opportunity. The US system of checks and balances keeps human nature in check better than any other system yet devised. We are all proof of that, or we wouldn't have the luxury of arguing about this on an everquest forum.