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Old 10-24-2022, 05:58 AM
Renault Renault is offline

Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 58

A well played bard in a group role is always busy, and the bard kit makes it super fun. You can be pull+cc, just cc, support (mana regen, haste, slows, ds), or dps. You can help a group save mana by selective use of snare/fear, charm a caster, etc. Playing on a bard in a group is one of the most fun MMO experiences I have ever had. As noted earlier, a well played bard can also do some very crazy solo stuff - though the lack of any mem blur is the one thing lacking.

...but then you get to a raid setting and you are expected to sit in camp and play mana song. In fact you get yelled at by enchanters if you try to CC. The best case is you get put in a tank or dps group so you are actually expected to position and provide resists.
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