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Old 07-10-2023, 03:51 PM
Valik1016 Valik1016 is offline

Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 37
Default I'd play with you

Hello, good druid. I have been on and off p99 over the years. I have found it difficult to find a few steady groupmates to level with, much less a helpful guild to group with. Groupmates seem to come and go. Many of the players in guilds are very nice to chat with, but they seem to all be at the maximum level and more interested in their raids and such to be concerned with people at lower levels. It is pretty much expected that you will level up to their level on your own, before they'll let you join in their reindeer games. It can be frustrating. But your post here has reached a sympathetic ear. I know you wrote this in May, and it is now July, and I haven't been on the game in a year at least so I don't know what characters I have, but I had many so I'm sure I could play with you in the evenings on some character. You are probably no longer level 22 either, but we can figure something out. Even though I haven't been on p99, I have been on TAKP and EQ live, including TLP servers, and I have a god knowledge of the game generally, so I may be able to be helpful to you. Let me know if you're interested...

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