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Old 02-15-2023, 10:50 AM
Encroaching Death Encroaching Death is offline

Join Date: Sep 2022
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Originally Posted by WizardEQ [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Been on server for 12 years. I've seen this happen millions of times. Some tool trying to KS your items for ridiculous discounts. If they are really a douche just /ignore.

As always, stick to your guns in EC. If your price is within an acceptable range (say 90-110%) it WILL sell depending upon how desperate or patient a buyer is. Remember, you are the seller. Sometimes with very high end items you just have to be patient. If you are selling an item that has a range of 800-1000pp, you can most certain ask for 1100. If someone needs it THAT DAY, they will buy it. If you are just trying to move and item, say OBO and let it go for the moderate discount (for me it's at most 10% off).
I'm convinced that a great majority of the people in the tunnel are just shark-like item flippers.

Which I understand and I'm not knocking the hustle, but if you want to flip items - don't treat people like shit and gaslight them into thinking they're asking too much for an item.
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