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Old 10-03-2022, 10:59 PM
Jorgam Jorgam is offline

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Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 365

There is a perfectly safe spot in North that you can camp in and out and med at and will provide better xp than basement with less work than west. Just get a north key and then head in and over the drop off. On that next ramp down, you can sit 3 or 4 floor tiles up from the bottom and on the right hand side as you face down it. If no one comes a long and trains you, you could retire there.

Caution about the fake rug at the bottom on the left though. That will drop you through to the basement hallways and usually mean death. Nice thing about it though is that if you are going to die, you could fall down there and die and technically have an easier CR since you would not need a new key to get to your body.

I did north up to a bit into 59 on my Enc after cutting my teeth a bit in CoM and HS basement until about 55.

Best of luck!
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