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Old 10-30-2021, 03:30 PM
Worry Worry is offline

Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 295

Originally Posted by Zenren [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I just want to add, that Luclin came out in 2001. How is that not still classic? Classic is based on age, not some subjective quantification of what's cool according to a small class of people able to define it. Literally Shadows of Luclin is as classic as any of the other expansions on P1999, the only reason most people don't like it is because it's not as "hardcore" yo! Really? It's not as hardcore, but it's definitely not WOW or any other MMOs out there. I guess what I ask is, am I really a masochist, or would I rather spend my time doing what I want, rather than running an hour to find out that the dungeon I went to is already camped by the same people who camped it every other night this week.
I fully agree that Luclin is just as classic as the other two expansions that preceded it, but most find Bazaar and Nexus as a deal breaker.

After 7 years of EC though, I have no clue why anyone would think Bazaar was a bad addition lol. Insanity. And Nexus is only barely better than boats.

Ultimately it doesn't matter though, because the admins on this server HATE Luclin (at least one of them) and used to openly mock "moon cats". So we'll never get it on P99. Even if all the players unanimously voted to add it in, this is a private project and they will not do it.

What I find ridiculous is the small portion of the community who claim TAKP is the easy choice if you want Luclin, as if that server is even close to the quality of P99. Not to even mention the boxing.

Really hoping for some of the classic-world zones added in later expansions like Jaggedpine Forest and Veksar though, and I do think we have a good shot at those on Blue at some point. Fingers crossed!