Thread: Game Mechanics: mage epic pet
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Old 03-23-2015, 06:12 AM
ElemtalRZ ElemtalRZ is offline

Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 275

Everquest Patches - July 2002 to December 2002

** Pets **
- Pet Resistance Changes : Pets will now use their master's level and resistances when saving against spells cast by NPCs (against PC pets will use their own resistances and level as they always have) - unless the pet has special resistances, in which case it will use that resistance.
- Altered pet summoning spells so that they always summon the most powerful pet possible, instead of pets within a 5 level range.
- /pet report health now uses the same user defined color as spell text.
- /pet report health will now display a list of the effects on the pet.
- Mage fire pets should now cast their damage shields more often.
- Wizard, Druid, and cleric pets and familiars can now be buffed by characters other than their owner.

** PVP **
- Fixed a bug on Tallon and Vallon Zek that made player characters in non-human illusions immune to ranged attacks.
- It is no longer possible for PC's to fear other PC's at all on any server. The same was also done for charm.
- Pets can no longer be affected by charm spells. This should fix the issue that caused charm spells to make pets disappear.
- NPCs who are pets of players and call for help from other NPCs will have their cries fall on deaf ears.

I am just wondering, I play this server to get the classic Everquest experience, not a pick and chose emulator experience. If you are gonna allow my pet to poof like this then you need to allow fear and charm on players. Its only classic. No matter what the justification is, it does not in any were imply that this was a "bug". There is no reasoning behind not being able to fear players and charm players but justify my pet being poofed by a charm.
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