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Old 06-16-2022, 10:49 AM
Tradesonred Tradesonred is offline

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Default Explaining EQ pvp mechanics for a level playing field

What mechanics specific to EQ that you know that people should know if they never played it, or played it a long time ago?

Ill go first with a simple one: You always try to get the best buffs first, then add some less important buffs and then top it off with some shitty buffs. The last buff slot is reserved for something you will click off, so if someone casts a DOT or some other harmful spell on you, it will be the first to go when someone cancel magics you, or you do it yourself. I may not have polished that mechanic to a mirror so someone might want to add some precision to how it works.

Personally i never really played a melee, so i would be interested to know about the jousting mechanics. I have a 44 rogue on red but never did anything past backstabbing mobs in PVE.
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