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Old 12-31-2022, 06:00 AM
AffEcT AffEcT is offline

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Originally Posted by Tradesonred [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You cant allow training, it will devolve into a shit show it looks like you cant apprehend, im not sure how aware you are of the kind of players that make up part of the population here. To give you an example, when the server launched, a guild took shifts to level a cleric so they could prevent anyone from entering Guk, by training a bunch of mobs to the entrance. This is the lengths to which they will go, at the beginning bracket level.
The decision to not implement a "Play Nice Policy" that allows training in-game has a rich history and is based on past experiences.
While I do not condone training or griefing, I do recognize that training can be a useful tool in certain situations, such as when facing off against a giant zerg.
Also, implementing the "Play Nice Policy" would be quite labor-intensive and would require constant active GM presence, which is not a realistic expectation on the P1999 staff.

In the early days of Red 1999, there were two top guilds who were engaged in fierce competition over content.
This made the server incredibly active and exciting.
However, the era came to an end when one of the guilds was banned for 30 days due to training. As a result, the guild quit the server and the dark ages of Red 1999 began.

To provide an example, let's say guild #1 is raiding in Plane of Fear.
Another guild, guild #2, arrives and engages in PvP with guild #1. Guild #1 emerges victorious but guild #2 decides to train guild #1, effectively wiping out the raid. In retaliation, guild #1 trains guild #2.
At this point, guild #2 contacts staff and the GMs arrive, banning an entire guild for 30 days without knowing the full context of the situation.
This kind of behavior can lead to "LawyerQuesting" and a corrupt server where GMs hold too much power. It is better for the community to handle its own problems rather than having an authority dictate the outcomes of the server.

There are numerous instances of GMs making poor decisions based on ignorance or personal bias.
While there are certainly competent staff members, we must recognize that all humans are flawed and this can be a major issue.

Regarding the example of training at the zone line in Guk, it's worth noting that there are multiple zone lines in Guk and other zones like Guk, providing various tactical options.
While it is possible to spend an excessive amount of time training at a zone line, it is important to remember that boxing is not allowed on Project 1999, so this player probably won't get much else done.
Project 1999 has implemented level checks on certain zones, so it is probably not possible for a low-level cleric, for example, to enter those areas.

Thank you for the feedback, Tradesonred.
We are still in the process of developing these ideas and our primary goal is to facilitate a discussion with the staff to see if we can find a future for the PvP community within this amazing project that nilbog and Rogean created.