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Old 03-02-2015, 10:35 AM
Scikala Scikala is offline

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Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 238
Default 46 Shaman LFGuild

My average play time during the week ranges from 5:30ish EST to 11ish - Depending on boredom/other games to play. Weekend during the winter I'm usually in. Spring/Summer - give or take(I mostly just hike and then sit on the patio with some bourbon and a cigar)

Have no problem with batphone to a degree. IE 3am during the week, pass.

Definitely no PvP pro - played blue on Live and blue on P99 before last year. Think the only PvP server I ever played on was WoW for years.

Addendum I also have a 49 Monk/52 Rogue - but they are both naked ATM - last year I quit and gave the stuff to some friends, so started my shaman and plan to gear them up at some point again.