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Old 03-18-2023, 08:51 AM
Fammaden Fammaden is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 1,463

The only reason anyone likes EQ PvP is for griefing. These need-new-red spammers will deny that til they're blue in the face and make up a million false justifications for why a PvP server is somehow "better".

But the real reason they like it is they want a built in mechanic for pissing off other players and starting drama in ooc with the lowest effort possible. That's it, that's the only reason they want a restart so bad. For fresh victims. They know it will end up dead again in three months and would waste all of the dev and staff's time and they don't give a fuck.

In reality, the real most effective and most sustainable form of griefing other players is by taking all of a bluebie's raid loots. Seal Team owned everyone harder than any red player could ever dream of, but that requires organization, interpersonal skills, intelligence, and patience.....qualities every red player severely lacks.

So instead they take the lowest common denominator approach and just spam the forums with "can I has killz other player pls rogon, lolz". Idiots.
Last edited by Fammaden; 03-18-2023 at 08:53 AM..
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