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Old 06-19-2017, 12:30 PM
Loke Loke is offline
Fire Giant

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I made this same suggestion in unbrella's PC building thread, but if you can find a decently priced Antec P280 case you should definitely grab one. Far and away the best case I've ever found. Built in dust filters, plenty of room (2 SSD bays + 5 or 6 regular HDD bays), and it doesn't look like something you'd find in a 14 year old gamer's bedroom.

Aside from that, unless you plan to run an SLI set up I doubt you need a 1000w power supply. People tend to overestimate how large a PSU they need. Definitely add up the power draw for the parts you decide on yourself to be sure, but might be able to save a few bucks there. I only have a 700w supply for my OC'd 2500k 970gtx set up, which is obviously less power than your set up at face value, but with the OC and hard drives (2 ssd, 8 mechanical) it probably isnt that far off.

Also, would definitely echo the need for a bigger SSD. I had a 250gb SSD only for my OS and games, but ended up buying a second because games are huge these days. My GTA V folder is 70gb alone. Thats one game taking up over 25% of the SSD. The great thing about hard drives is you can upgrade over time. Get the small NVME drive for your OS and games/programs that you use a lot, then later get a second, maybe cheaper SATA ssd, to store all your other games/programs.