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Old 06-23-2022, 08:36 AM
starkind starkind is offline

Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 6,357

So recursive ya-butts

I actually use dialectics all the time and agree with hegel butt it's usesless for governance because there will always be those ppl that ya-butt indefinately

at some point u just got to draw a hard line in the sand and say 'this is what is functional'

a woman is functionally a female

end of story

--- sure there are a millinon billion ppl on this planet that will ya-butt butt when it comes to actual governance it's not an effective (another dialectical thing) it's not an effective means of governing around what a woman is or may be.

I would say that the majority here matters. And that sorry if u think u are a woman buttyabutt not then u are on ur own always have been always will be just like every other poor sod on this planet that isn't a CEO or megarich oligarch or military elite

--- my dialectic is the state won't fix any problems including gender lawl which really isn't THAT big of a deal except ppl will always be dumb about it and language is made up so best is to work hard and not rely on the state to tell u how to dress and talk and what surgeries u do -- so the ultimate dialectic would be to delete insurance entirely, especially medical insurance so u could have more monies for pp and vaginaplasties

---- again ----

it's complicated just trust me bro

me: no I won't trust u the vast number of u can't even run electrical wiring or plumbing or clean the fucking pubes out of the shower stall or go without a shower for more than 5 minutes without having a mental breakdown

i guess the truth is that the truth is not an effective means of governing idiots and also water is mostly wet unless u are a steam engineer or michellen star cheff than it's also hot steamy and ouchy and most ppl don't think about that when cooking or driving their cars around
Last edited by starkind; 06-23-2022 at 08:45 AM..