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Old 04-19-2012, 09:58 AM
taakyn taakyn is offline

Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 200

Originally Posted by Herb9

Poor leadership and immature players on both sides. Never would happen.

During all the major fights with Holo, Nihilum officers never rage logged, however, nearly every time we crushed Holo's entire raid force, instantly Gongshow would be offline, then another half dozen core holo, and the remainder would be left to log naked for the evening wondering wtf? Happened too many times and broke their backs, their members cant respect flakey leaders, no one can.

We all remember the one time Holo and FF did team up in the Nagafen Protection Treaty and zerged Nagy with 45 of their best for 3 straight attempts and still failed. Perfect example of what happens when you 2 team up. Never happened again because by the end of the night FF realized what a pawn they were to Holo and no mutual respect = no real alliance.

The server is won, better, more patient players who's motivations go deeper than seething hatred, have taught you all a lesson on how to play with organization.
Big oddjob shitting on my post. Thought we were pals. Holo has always rage logged when defeated still if pride weren't an issue 30v30 we have the better pvpers hands down. Don't argue that. - Cinda