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Old 03-18-2020, 02:10 PM
cd288 cd288 is offline
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Originally Posted by Seducio [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Thanks for the varied responses. Hence the dilemma.

So it seems Wizards and Druids are a def no at firepots. The loss of binding wherever is too large a cost for classes that can already move around Norrath with ease.

Clerics, Necros, Enchanters, Shaman, and Mages can gate and get Teleportation abilities if they bind at firepots. They lose onsite and near dungeon binding. Still these classes stand to gain the most from firepots.

Melee and Tanks firepot viability might come down to the level of the character. A level 1 melee bound at firepots would enhance leveling options greatly. However min/max raiding melee may benefit from VP ent bind rather than firepots at 60.

The only melee able to bind themself on p99 is a Dark Elf SK. All other melee would have to rely on Locket of Escape.

Both Locket and Firepots only are available a few days after launch. Likelihood of Locket being a /list item is not confirmed.

Then Locket no longer drops and Timorous Deep is no longer a zone you can bind in. However everyone that binds at firepots in the few days where this is an option after launch retains their firepot bind location.

With two Lockets a person or group of people could bind any melee on the server who would want to get a Firepot bind before it goes away. This would actually cost 20k, not 10k tho. Buying back two lockets at 10k a piece.

That's what I have so far as far as details on what options there will be.

Still not sure if my melee will be getting a firepot bind yet. He'll likely be 50 at Kunark lanuch.
Keep in mind that in groups in the 50s you will pretty much always have a Cleric since they are the only truly viable class to main heal from 50-60. As such, you will almost always have someone who can rez you if your melee dies. As such, I wouldn't say it matters much where your melee is bound for pure grouping EXP purposes.

There's of course the benefit of being able to be TLed to your bind at firepots and get more quickly to various cities that way, but I wouldn't say it's a huge benefit compared to the time it saves you vs. just getting a port and running.