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Old 11-23-2022, 03:59 PM
Kich867 Kich867 is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 659

Originally Posted by tadkins [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Don't know how well this would work in actual practice, but I always promised myself that one day if my wizard ever earned the epic + a DD item, that he'd finally go start exploring some dungeons. Having reliable survivability and a manaless nuke would mean I could go cover large areas of places like UGuk and possibly harder dungeons. Not sure how high I'd be able to go with that kind of setup, but it does seem like it would be possible. I would test things out and see how high of a dungeon a raid geared, epic'ed wizard would be able to go solo.
Maybe I'll just start yolo'in this weekend to see what I can do. I don't have a DD robe (skyshrine robe doesn't count that thing is ass), but I probably wouldn't use it anyways.

With barrier up it should be pretty safe to pull 4-6 mobs at a time and just AOE them down. I was pulling 4 spiders in crystal caverns at a time with Manaskin and it was safe, I'm sure with Barrier you can push harder considering how much beefier it is.

Makes camping the entire hallway pretty breezy. It's probably not insane money, but crystalline silk runs about 10p/ea on green, the spiders drop them pretty often and the respawn time isn't that bad.

And sure--you can sell ports, that's just a lot less fun and quite frankly super spikey.
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