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Old 03-01-2023, 12:16 AM
Selene Selene is offline

Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 131
Default Fungi vs. haste item for monk?

I'm pretty poor as I have my money and time split amongst several alts, but I have a choice to make for my 52 human monk (no, i will never go iksar): should I farm some more and then spend all my plat on blue for a fungi or just spend what i have on a spiked seahorse hide belt (34% haste)? I have the silver chitin hand wraps and no epic.

I use my mage to drop transfer 10 slot weightless bags of bandages, throwing knives, dispel sticks, ultravision necklace, food/water, etc. It's a really nice way to solo thus far from 1-52. I feel like a fungi wouldn't really change the capabilities on my monk, given that bind wound gets me up to 75% hp really quick. But an upgraded haste from 22% to 34% might just change what i can solo without an epic. It would be a big investment of all my plat so thought i'd ask. Thank you all
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