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Old 11-29-2010, 01:03 PM
dallammarr dallammarr is offline

Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 67

Originally Posted by stormlord [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Your perspective is different because you've tried VG. VG is failing because of those people who HAVEN'T tried it. So no matter what you think VG is or isn't, you're probably missing the point.

When Vanguard released I watched it. I didn't have a computer that could run it, but I kept track of what was going on. To be honest, I think it was a mess. I also regret them removing some of hte things like the EE system for items where you could remove one slot and equip a more powerful item in another. Months turned into years and before long I hardly recognized Vanguard. And it was the same story over and over. People left. The game has always been dying. It doesn't ever seem to get better no matter what it does. It's like that child that gets an illness and no matter how many people pray for it god and his angels still claim its life.

Have you considered that maybe there's no answer? Maybe Vanguard will in fact die? The Matrix did. It's kind of a darn shame too because now I wish I had tried The Matrix. There's just so many MMOs now that it's impossible for me to filter all of them. I get tied up in the one I'm doing and it's like all the others don't exist.
VG is not only dieing because of those who have not tried it, its dieing also becuase SOE doesnt care to promote the game. Granted it didnt have a lot of players due to its shoddy launch, but the game was fairly bustleing for about 2 years after its launch. Then last year Silius dropped the bomb stating that basically after Pantheon, all other plans for more raid zones and content would be shelved (save for Magi Hold which is fun but doesnt take long to complete and really isn't Raid, its mostly solo/group content for post 50). Also in that announcement, Silius stated that they were "considering a server merge." The truth is SOE knew with news like that, most players would end up leaving therefore making it feasable for them to kill off almost all the servers and now the game is simply on life support. 1 of 2 things will most likely happen. 1. SOE will pull the plug on it with in a year or two as it did with Matrix. 2. it will go f2p, which might give it enough life to live to make it to the launch of EQ next, and then depending upon the revenue generated from VG at the time EQ next is launched, they will make a decision on what to do with VG. One thing you can bet on is they are not going to develop anymore content for it, not anytime in the near future atleast so eventually once you have several alts at level 55, theres nothing more to do.