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Old 09-20-2023, 01:33 PM
7thGate 7thGate is offline

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Posts: 345

Originally Posted by zelld52 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Yah but certain mobs in Hate see through hide. And the mobs that see hide can aggro from port in.

So unless a raid is already broken into Hate, it's very difficult to get the book solo -- and if a raid has broken in: I doubt they'd let you sneak to book on their raid and grab it.

And how would you get out? Leatherfoot cap? Thurg potion? Is this rogue farming the Leatherfoot cap themselves? Or are they buying from another player. If the latter, why not just buy a weapon better than Skean? Pay for a TL box? Seems not very solo to me...

Making thurg pots would also be very tricky SSF. Maybe a lizard blood potion? Either way, my point is that SSF Rogue is ridiculous.
Its not actually that hard to do this, assuming you're ok with getting ports as part of your SSF challenge. There's only a few things that see hide in hate, and nothing sees sneak so you can try to get behind stuff.

I did my own book heist with cap. I did the first epic in ALS, ALS couldn't break into hate yet when I did my epic so I did it via sneaking. So did Gnaryl, who got his a few days after I did.

Honestly one of the most awesome experiences of my EQ career, got the blood pumping big time on that one. Took 3 tries total.

Soloing a cap takes a bit but isn't hard, that isn't a realy bottleneck.

Frozen shard should not be bad with snare poison, just a little tedious. If you don't get bad resists or adds in the DN gorge you should be able to bow kite shardwing; shaped composite darkwood should do like 10 dps, you probably need ~20 minutes of bow kiting to kill it.
Jayya - 60 Rogue, Officer <Auld Lang Syne>

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