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Old 11-13-2022, 09:28 PM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 2,200


Derakor the Vindicator aka DtV . Today is a challenge with 38 people. Compared to last time, there are two more Clerics, and less Attackers. Well, contrary to my expectations, I was able to do it with the first charge. ・Chestplate of Vindication ・Head of the Vindicator is out, Common Drop BP. That's what it's for.

It looks like a black PoG Plate, a blacker version of the
" Phase Spider Carapace ".

It was just barely.
When DtV 's Life is 5% remaining, it's almost destroyed (laughs) In the
DtV battle, everyone is bound at a nearby Safe Point, so they
charge naked as it is, and while the meat wall buys time,
Nuke. I hit it and managed to beat it.
Even though it's a meat wall, it's about 1 second per person (laughs)

Thanks to that, the mountain of corpses...
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