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Old 07-12-2015, 11:41 AM
Raev Raev is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 2,290

You were so desperate to deflect from your misunderstanding of hard/soft caps that you spent an hour looking up out of context quotes from my enchanter guide? Immersion level: critical.

Originally Posted by Loraen's Enchanter Guide
I have a slightly more nuanced view of gear at this point. 200 charisma is still definitely your first gear goal: my current [ best guess] for charm durations is that they depend linearly on charisma, and that this effect is softcapped 50% above 200. After this, you have to choose between getting more HP, more mana, or 255 charisma, and I think this depends a lot on what you want to do:
* If you duo with a cleric (or group mostly), you want 255 charisma and then as much mana as you can get. +1100 HP from [[Heroism]] and [[Symbol of Marzin]] will trump any gear you can find.
* If you are soloing 'Master' level content (Howling Stones South, Crypt, Sebilis NG) or duoing with a shaman you want hitpoints. With taps you won't need much mana, and your primary concern is getting bad charm breaks and having to cap out without killing a target with a 10k item. Shamans can't give you hitpoints, but malo helps with resists a lot.
* If you are soloing 'Grandmaster' level content (Howling Stones East, some areas of Velious) you want mana. You'll be casting manahog spells like [[Rapture]] and [[Boltran's Agacerie]] and getting more frequent resists (= recast = more mana). Hitpoints won't be as important because you'll always have Rune and Bedlam up (=1100HP), and 1 mana = 2 HP of Rune, and you can use potions to max charisma when you really want to.
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