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Old 04-02-2020, 03:07 PM
SwordNboard SwordNboard is offline
Fire Giant

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Posts: 566
Default P99 Blue Melee DPS Calculator

Hey all,

I've been trying to go by the damage formulae on the P99 wiki for years to estimate what advantage a weapon upgrade might give me, but it was never quite right. Other than knowing that the ratio was just better, I wanted to KNOW the details. My max hits were always higher than what I came up with, etc. I never really dug much deeper than that for a long time.

Well, recently, I came across the CORRECT max hit formula thanks to a thread in the Bug section of the forums. It's even acknowledged by blue posts.

Feeling inspired, I whipped up this little calculator (estimator):

I'll be citing sources on the calculator page and updating the wiki Game Mechanics page soon.

I hope you all get good use of it. Let me know if you find any major discrepancies. Yes, I know it doesn't account for misses, ATK vs AC, etc. Please see the Notes section on the app.

It's hosted on my own VPS for now.

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