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Old 06-23-2021, 05:28 PM
starkind starkind is offline

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Originally Posted by Gustoo [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Doesn't matter because it isn't a choice.

We have to start by being willing to vote for losers. So democrats vote green and republicans vote libertarian and start from there. As the votes stop coming in for the democrats and republicans they will get the picture.

The fearmongering is part of encouraging people to vote strategically "I wouldn't vote for biden, but my God if trump won because of my non strategic vote, I would really kick myself"

Just gotta let that go and don't take the piece of shit vs giant douche option they try to force on you.
We could literally let anyone call them selves president vote for whoever we wanted as long as 70% of us just didn't do or follow the orders of whatever idiot got elected for dumb reasons.

We would ultimately win then.

But we couldn't rely on the police or military for a decade. We shouldn't be really relying on them now either.

I'm totally willing to take one for the team if Gustoo's kids can walk freely and proudly one day. Idk how to convince others, but I'm working on it.

Sorry for being an angry dumb partisan for the last decade.