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Old 05-13-2022, 08:43 AM
Gaxx Gaxx is offline

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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Norrath
Posts: 120

PC Gamer is how I first heard about EverQuest back in the day. I remember seeing an article about it and it showed a bunch of people standing around the Gfay spire I think. I was like 12 and had no idea what a MMO was.

Then one day I broke my elbow and had to get a cast and was super bummed out about it because I couldn't ride bikes and skate with my friends so my parents took me to EB games to get a new game and I saw Everquest on the shelf and that was the start of a beautiful addiction. I bought NIN's "The Fragile" on the same day, popped it in my portable Sony CD player and got completely immersed while I ran around Gfay on my naked wood elf druid in this huge new world. I can't listen to the first few tracks of that album without thinking of Greater Faydark. Still one of my favorite albums ever.
Last edited by Gaxx; 05-13-2022 at 08:45 AM..
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