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Old 06-11-2022, 02:01 PM
Buellen Buellen is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Default West Karana Brigands should have a chance to spawn of any bandit spawn.


Currently on p1999 brigands only spawn at Bandit camp on the hill above bandit farm.

From varous everlore links it obvious these guys had a chance to spawn at any bandit camp.

1) Bandit farm spawn (2 posts described it)

2) same link : "i ran into a Brigand in the Northeast part of WK. There were a few bandits around then a little more up the hill I saw a Brigand, he con white to me at Lvl 14. I didnt pursue him do to the fact i was more worried about getting jumped in an area i was unfamilar with. Im glad i didnt, a few moments later a Treant spawned and I got outta there before it saw me."

3) Guy post about if there bandits brigands can spawn and one guy posting about brigand spawning at the lake rathe bandit camp.

4) guy post about brigands having 2 patrols bandtis with him. this to me sound like the wanderring bandits can spawn as a 3 spawn 1 brigand and 2 escort bandits.

5) "Have run into this Mob 3 times now at Level 20. Every time he conned Blue. So the Level on this Mob is a lot higher than anyone else in the Bandit Camps. So the if you hunting the Bandit camps at lower Levels beware this one does spawn in place of a bandit. Good Hunting"


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Last edited by Buellen; 06-11-2022 at 02:22 PM..
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