Thread: Game Mechanics: Knight Hit Rate / DMG PVP
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Old 06-25-2015, 08:48 PM
Technique Technique is offline

Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 451

Yes, that damage bonus code is currently on p99, and it means the fiery defender does a whole 1 point of dmg more than it did prior to 9/19/00!

The other note, aside from the fact it's so vague that I doubt anyone knows the details of it, is irrelevant because it apparently applied to offhand weapons and knights can't dual-wield.

The reason why knights do less dmg with the same weapons is because they currently use a different max dmg function than the pure melee classes (and rangers).

This gets changed in late Velious:
The Knight classes receive some of the biggest benefits from this melee balancing. Our evaluation of knights showed that in many cases they were doing just over half the damage of a similarly equipped warrior. This is simply not enough damage to make them highly desirable in group and raid situations. The changes we are implementing put knights at a bit over three-quarters of the damage potential of a ranger or a warrior. This represents a significant upgrade from their current status, without threatening the desirability of the ranger or warrior classes.
Suck it up until then.
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