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Old 04-29-2023, 06:11 PM
Selene Selene is offline

Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 131

there are a few players who do like to search and destroy, but the vast majority of players are not in it to ruin someone else' experience. as a new player there i got a lot of help from other people, to the point where i'm geared almost as if i had a high end toon there all along helping out.

pvp isn't for everyone but to me it makes the environment much more dynamic. Otherwise, with limited content up to velious, the green/blue game gets stale quickly and it's the same engagements over and over, whether it's raiding or particular camps. With pvp, you're fighting not only mobs but also any hostile intruders (most I've found want to group than pvp). I enjoy keeping an eye out, not knowing what could happen next.

Bottom line is, it's much more fun when you have other humans to contest with rather than some NPC. And the added complexity to raids or camps from contesting them with other players requires more thinking, preparation, and skills. When you get great gear from those camps, you really feel like you're making your toon more viable and the benefits are more appreciable since you can utilize them in fighting other toons rather than the same old mobs.

Try red out! (Just don't give up early because the newbie levels are where you are more likely to run into people who want to just jump you)
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