Thread: lol
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Old 09-23-2022, 11:27 AM
cd288 cd288 is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Apr 2018
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But are there always? I mean yeah it's not an uncommon spawn and there are Druids who kite there in general, but there are also those who go there and quad just to get a spawn up.

Overall, Sinny sounds like a whiney baby here. Who cares if someone is quad kiting unless they're trying to like kite more than 4 mobs because they have some massive mana pool. Half the people who I've ever seen complain about quad kiting also have a Wizard or Druid and have quad kited themselves before.

To go "I'm not gonna help you with a quick fight for your epic that's like ten yards away because you've been quadding and making my EXP slightly less efficient" is such a whiney, loser thing to say. Fucking help people out.
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