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Old 05-22-2022, 03:29 PM
Keebz Keebz is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 784

So there's two types of raids:

1) Semi-scheduled content — Some group of guilds have agreed to rotate access to a raid zone on a weekly/semi-weekly basis. So these raids will mostly be scheduled and easy to attend. Think Plane of Sky, Plane of Fear... basically the Planes and less competitive content.

2) 'Batphone' content — These are highly desirable mobs that get killed as soon as possible after they spawn. Someone from your guild sits around 'tracking' for when they spawn then sends out a guild-wide text or discord message alerting everyone to assemble and try to get the kill. This could be at any time—4am, 4pm, Midnight whenever. This mobs tend to drop the best of the best gear.

Type 1) content is much easier for casuals obviously, but type 2) content is actually pretty achievable as well. Just set healthy limits on when you're willing to respond to a batphone.

As for guilds, generally each guild does a different balance of type 1) and type 2) content. So you should pick your guild based off what type of content you want to experience. A common pattern is to start in a more type 1) heavy guild then swap to a type 2) heavy guild as you get bored with the scheduled content.

All that being said, if we're talking about Green 2.0, you should know there's very few batphonable targets for the first 2 years of a sever. So I highly suggest joining the most competitive guild and just being a casual in it. You will get to experience all the content and get a good shot at decent loot. Moreover, the longer you are in a guild, the more clout (social and DKP) you have which means as new content releases you will have quicker access to the new loot.

Hope this is somewhat informative. Cheers.
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