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Old 03-19-2024, 10:06 AM
Rimitto Rimitto is offline

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Posts: 122

Supply and Demand.
I've seen some demand for certain items which allowed me personally to raise their prices a little bit, and likewise, other items that nobody wants or cares about so they plummet or hit rock bottom.

Like an example: the invis to undead wizard spell was highly sought after for a minute so it's price went up.
The shard of the core spell ABSOLUTELY NOBODY wanted, so it hit rock bottom.

more fluent prices just means more money is being passed around, Blue has been at the ultimate end game forever, so I imagine that if you want anything "really good" like a fungi tunic, you'd have to maxout, join a raid guild, and grab it from a dice rather than affording it with money. Lower prices are a good thing, more symbolic of a thriving economy.
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