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Old 04-06-2023, 12:05 AM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

Join Date: Aug 2015
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At work today, had a mom request for her adult daughter who is psychotic, staring into space, paranoid that electronics are monitoring her, hearing voices, doing bizarre things like apologizing for raping her (very confused) mother

Daughter comes out and she looks kinda like death. Pale, dark rings under her eyes, but super anxious and appearing frightened. She is extremely reluctant to speak unless in my work vehicle (can’t allow unless doing a transport). She can’t follow a conversation, but at one point she mentions that she is being poisoned by radiation, and points to various electronics. She said she feels sick

So I check back in with the mom about physical symptoms. The mom is like “none that I saw but her anxiety has been through the roof. She has been pounding Benadryl, she’ll go through a 200 quantity bottle in like 2 days. Anyway, she can’t stay here, she needs to go somewhere, she’s frightening me”

Me: “Yes she needs to go to an ER right now” (Benadryl being one of the few OTC drugs that can kill you). Then to myself thinking the radiation was a delusion, but no wonder she looked like death and said she felt sick, girl’s poisoning herself with benadryl and is too psychotic to realize it

Got her to an ER, they were saying it’s surprising she wasn’t seizing. Glad to help out! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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