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Old 04-20-2021, 10:23 AM
Grumph Grumph is offline

Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 192
Default Platinum Standard

What’s the true underlying cause of toxicity on this server?

Has sharing helped? The draft? Bag limits? Petitions? Punishments?

The true culprit behind all the sad feelings: DKP.

The solution? Plat. Split. Everything.

Tell me if you’ve heard this story before. You see a guild. You join a guild. You see people with dkp. They spend dkp. You start earning dkp. So do more people. You try to get what you want. Prices fluctuate.

What is dkp worth? Are the guild founders skimming off the top? Are guild mates abusing the system?

And these are minor identity threats compared to: that other guild just killed the mob that drops what I want! Now what do I do with all this dkp!

Even greater threat: my guild is starting to loose! Dkp is pilling up with nothing to spend on! Hyperinflation! And if I speak up about it I can be unilaterally guild kicked! Stockholmes syndrome!

Imagine an alternate reality. Guilds bid out items. In platinum. And each participant gets a share of the proceeds.

Calculating idol and hate stone and recharge costs would be easier than all the different dkp calculations already being performed.

Now. When you loose a mob. Your competitors are taking future earnings away from you.

But they’re not devaluing all of your previous work.

That’s a huge difference.

And if anyone cared about toxicity - they’d declare that guilds can no longer create their own personal fiat currencies (dkp) and all must transition to the Platinum Standard.