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Old 11-22-2022, 12:25 PM
azxten azxten is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: May 2010
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Originally Posted by Twil [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Having trouble on the forum (I forgot my password and haven't been able to reset it), so I'll post my thoughts here. I have a level 30 dwarf shaman.

-Mana goes to 100% after you level, HP doesn't. Wasn't expecting it, but I know if I'm close to leveling I can go all out and I won't have to med after.
-At some point your gear stays with your body when you die, not sure what level that starts happening.
-Some of my spells seem to be more powerful than the Wiki suggests. Healing heals for 175 HP, when the wiki says it should heal for 100. My level 5 Frost Rift says it should hit for max 15 on the wiki, but I think it was hitting for something close to 75. Made going through the lower levels really fast.
-Some of my spells seem to cost more mana than the wiki says. See Envenomed Breath for an example (level 24). This is based off watching my mana, and trying to cast the spell when I have just over the amount of mana the spell says it takes.
-You get a few new spells each level, for the next spell level coming up. Was weird at first but I've gotten used to it. Some spells you get are labeled as "Cannot Use", so I just file those away at the end of my spell book.
-Why no SOW?? Was sad to see that was one of the cannot use spells.
-I haven't been able to test out any PVP mechanics because no one else has ever been on when I have been on. There was a GM on once, but they wouldn't talk to me.
Thanks. There is a setting to turn off HP at 100% when you level but it doesn't include mana I guess. I think P99 had the same issue they had to fix. Gear staying on you is supposed to be a low level mechanic below level 10 I think I'll have to look into that. The spell stuff is expected I have to import the P99 spells still. Getting a few spells each level is because the scrolls likely use the newer spell levels where the game was changed to work this way but I also have the min expansion set to classic so it probably won't let you use those spells until the usual 4/5 levels. I'll have to adjust the scribe level of the spells too. SoW gets glitched when it is scribed you should be able to buy the normal SoW spell from a vendor and scribe/use that instead. There are multiple versions of the SoW spell and the one that gets auto scribed is a weird version no one can use.

You probably won't see anyone on for awhile I'm not promoting the server at all. I've taken this detour into getting classic mechanics functioning first.
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